Слайд 2How is price made?
Why it is changed?
In competitive market

Слайд 3How is production cost calculated?

Слайд 4How is market demand measured?

Слайд 6How a company set the price in competitive market?

Слайд 7How a company set price in a market, with no competitor?

Слайд 8How does government set tax price ($) on various market product?

Слайд 10Why does food price inside country increase when it is exported to

the other country?
Слайд 12Why does government need to regulate monopoly?

Слайд 13How government regulate agriculture

Слайд 15Homework
The supply and demand for apples
What is the market equilibrium price and

Слайд 16Homework 2
Translate the following words to Ukrainian:
Market demand
Consumer choice
Cost, marginal cost
Price equilibrium

price index, production price index
Competitive market, competitive industry
Monopoly, oligopoly
Excise tax, excise subsidy