Слайд 3How is price made?
In competitive market

Слайд 4How is market demand measured?

Слайд 6What changes price?
Shifts in demand curve
Shifts in supply curve

Слайд 7Market adjustment to changes in Demand and Supply

Слайд 8What increases demand?
Consumers’ incomes
Consumers preferences
Prices of other goods

Слайд 9Higher income shifts Demand.

Слайд 10On the same demand curve:
Prices of other goods: fixed.
Income: fixed.
Price of clothing

Слайд 11What increases supply?
Input supply conditions

Слайд 12How a company set the price in competitive market?

Слайд 15Cost curves and structure of industry

Слайд 16A lower input price shifts cost curves downward

Слайд 18Consumer Price Index
Year 1: I = PB1 B1+PZ1 Z1 =Σ P1 Q1

2: I’ = PB2 B1+PZ2 Z1 =Σ P2 Q1
Price Index P*
P* = I’/I = Σ P2 Q1/Σ P1 Q1
Слайд 19How a company set price in a market, with no competitor?

Слайд 20Question* – taxi service in city
Bus drivers go on strike.
Bus fares increase

after a strike by bus drivers.
Taxi drivers must pass a competency test, and a third fail.
Gasoline prices increase.
Half the downtown parking lots are converted to office buildings.
The population of the city increases.
Слайд 21Question**
Some economists get angry by the comment bellow:
Education is expensive, but nothing

is more valuable.
Ukraine needs more energy.
Social Security should cover our basic needs in retirement.
Слайд 22Question***
Car seat-belt
Before seatbelt was not required by law, it was available as

an option.
The drivers knew that seatbelts reduced the injuries from accidents.
But, the drivers did not buy them.
Are the drivers irrational?
Слайд 24Homework *
A consumer must pay $10 per unit of good X for

the first 5 units, but only $5 per unit for each unit in excess of 5 units. How does the budget line look like?