- 3. App market competitors
- 4. App market competitors
- 5. App market competitors
- 6. App market summary Price range There are free and ad-free options, $5, $10, $12/month. $11/month is
- 7. Web market competitors
- 8. Web market competitors
- 9. Web market summary Price range Prices on web services are as diverse as in the app
- 10. TARGET CUSTOMERS The three core types 1
- 11. Exhausted product manager Alex Swabb “In my job I need to generate ideas, I talk to
- 12. Yoga master and enthusiast Dana Wetton “I have been a yoga fan for 8 years now
- 13. Programmer who keeps fit Curtis McNewton “I go out on a run three days a week.
- 14. Cost and profit analysis We calculated Revenue less variable costs with regard to 15TB monthly server
- 15. VALUE PROPOSITION of Weditation 1
- 16. 1. Customers value in meditation apps Perfect streaming experience in meditation apps; Many customers value certain
- 17. Customers do not like Chunky and unintuitive interface; Glitching during streaming; There has to be enough
- 18. 2. Performance benefit we provide Get into the state quickly Being at workplace environment does not
- 19. Unique problems addressed by our app (our delighters) Scowl glances Colleagues glance at your side when
- 20. Weditation value proposition Weditation is a mobile app which allows people busy at work take a
- 21. Weditation value proposition Weditation provides both free and premium membership. Free account provides 10 minutes a
- 22. Weditation value proposition User has statistics on how many hours he or she meditated, with people
- 23. Marketplace cost analysis Server capacity: 3TB Web Space 15TB Monthly Bandwidth 16GB Dedicated RAM With shy
- 24. 4Ps Marketing strategy 1
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