Mergers and Acquisitions 1


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Why are we discussing this:

Business cycles have become shorter World has become

Why are we discussing this: Business cycles have become shorter World has

Larger Corporate have become larger and are keen to explore inorganic growth strategy
Consolidation in the industry has become a norm Size matters
MNCs into India and vice versa is now a norm

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What all will be discussed:

Acquisition Joint Ventures
Distribution Agreement
Technical Collaboration Franchising

What all will be discussed: Mergers Acquisition Joint Ventures Distribution Agreement Technical Collaboration Franchising

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What is Merger:
Strategic tools in the hands of management to achieve greater

What is Merger: Strategic tools in the hands of management to achieve
efficiency by exploiting synergies.
Arrangement where by two or more existing companies combine in to one company.
Shareholders of the transferor company receive shares in the merged company in exchange for the shares held by them in the transferor company as per the agreed exchange ratio.

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Different Types of Mergers:

A horizontal merger - This kind of merger exists between two

companies who

Different Types of Mergers: A horizontal merger - This kind of merger
compete in the same industry segment.

A vertical merger - Vertical merger is a kind in which two or

more companies in the same industry but in different fields

combine together in business.

Co-generic mergers - Co-generic merger is a kind in which two

or more companies in association are some way or the other

related to the production processes, business markets, or basic

required technologies.

Conglomerate Mergers - Conglomerate merger is a kind of

venture in which two or more companies belonging to different

industrial sectors combine their operations.

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Advantages of Merger:
Does not require cash
Accomplished tax-free for both parties.
Lets the target realize the appreciation potential of the merged entity,

Advantages of Merger: Does not require cash Accomplished tax-free for both parties.
instead of being limited to sales proceeds.
Allows shareholders of smaller entities to own a smaller piece of a larger pie, increasing their overall net worth.
Merger of a privately held company into a publicly held company allows the target company shareholders to receive a public company's stock.
Allows the acquirer to avoid many of the costly and time- consuming aspects of asset purchases, such as the assignment of leases and bulk-sales notification

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Reasons for merger

Entry Strategy

Mutual benefits

Maximizing profits

Expansion of business

Economy of

Increase market share

Cost optimization


Reasons for merger Entry Strategy Mutual benefits Maximizing profits Expansion of business
of risk


Product improvemen t

Reasons for Merger

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What is Acquisition

Acquisition essentially means ‘to acquire’ or ‘to takeover’. Here a

What is Acquisition Acquisition essentially means ‘to acquire’ or ‘to takeover’. Here
bigger company will take over the shares and assets of the smaller company.

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Different Types of acquisitions

Friendly acquisition - Both the companies
approve of the acquisition

Different Types of acquisitions Friendly acquisition - Both the companies approve of
under friendly terms.
Reverse acquisition - A private company takes over a public company.
Back flip acquisition- A very rare case of acquisition in which, the purchasing company becomes a subsidiary of the purchased company.
Hostile acquisition - Here, as the name suggests, the entire process is done by force.

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Reason for Acquisition

Industry Consolidation
Tactical move that enables a company to reposition itself

Reason for Acquisition Industry Consolidation Tactical move that enables a company to
(with a merger partner) into a stronger operational and competitive industry position.
Improve Competitive Position
Reduces competition, and allows the combined firm to use its resources more effectively.
Defensive Move
Attractive tactical move in any economic environment - particularly in a cyclical down-turn where a merger can be a strong defensive move.
Allowing two companies to work more efficiently together than either would separately.
Market / Business / Product Line Issues
Whether the market is a new product, a business line, or a geographical region, market entry or expansion is a powerful reason for a merger.
Acquire Resources and Skills
To obtain access to the resources of another company or to combine the resources of the two companies

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Merger And Acquisition Process

Preliminary Assessment or Business Valuation- In this process of

Merger And Acquisition Process Preliminary Assessment or Business Valuation- In this process
assessment not only the current financial performance of the company is examined but also the estimated future market value is considered

Phase of Proposal- After complete analysis and review of the target firm's market performance, in the

second step, the proposal for merger or acquisition is
given to multiple suitors

Exit Plan- When a owners decide to exit the target firm the structure is decided and proposed to the potential suitors

Structured Marketing- After finalizing the Exit Plan, the target firm gets involves in the marketing process and tries to achieve highest selling price.
Stage of Integration- In this final stage, the two firms
are integrated through Merger or Acquisition.

Preliminary Assessment or Business Valuation

Phase of Proposal

Exit Plan

Structured Marketing

Stage of Integration

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Motives for Mergers & Acquisitions

Greater Value Generation
Mergers and acquisitions generally succeed in

Motives for Mergers & Acquisitions Greater Value Generation Mergers and acquisitions generally
generating cost efficiency through the implementation of economies of scale. It

is expected that the shareholder value of a firm after mergers or acquisitions.

Gaining Cost Efficiency
When two companies come together by merger or acquisition, the joint company benefits in terms of cost efficiency. As the two firms form a new and bigger company, the production is done on a much larger scale.

Increase in market share
An increase in market share is one of the plausible benefits of
mergers and acquisitions.

Gain higher competitiveness
The new firm is usually more cost-efficient and competitive as compared to its financially weak parent organization.

Economies of large scale business

Elimination of

Desire to enjoy monopoly power

Adoption of modern technology

Lack of technical and managerial talent

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Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions impact the employees or the

Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions Employees: Mergers and acquisitions impact the employees
workers the most. It is a well known fact that whenever there is a merger or an acquisition, there are bound to be lay offs.
Impact of mergers and acquisitions on top level management
Impact of mergers and acquisitions on top level management may actually involve a "clash of the egos". There might be variations in the cultures of the two organizations.
Shareholders of the acquired firm:
The shareholders of the acquired company benefit the most. The reason being, it is seen in majority of the cases that the acquiring company usually pays a little excess than it what should.
Shareholders of the acquiring firm: They are most affected. If we measure the benefits enjoyed by the shareholders of the acquired company in degrees, the degree to which they were benefited, by the same degree, these shareholders are harmed

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Joint Ventures

Both Companies have something to offer to the JV Both are

Joint Ventures Both Companies have something to offer to the JV Both
usually equal partners
When Corporate entering into new market Specifically for a country or a market
Have detailed roles and responsibilities of each party defined in the agreement
Research indicates that two out of five JV arrangements last less than four years, and are dissolved in acrimony.

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Cross Border Investments/Joint Ventures (Important Points)





Business Structure

Identifying JV Partner

Market Research

Regulatory Approvals



Financial Committme



Cross Border Investments/Joint Ventures (Important Points) JV Agreement Due Diligence Business Structure

Closure of

Understandi ng Different Cultures



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Distribution Arrangement

When the manufacturer not keen to set up local manufacturing The

Distribution Arrangement When the manufacturer not keen to set up local manufacturing
distributor either works on commission or as a reseller Local partner provides after-sales and marketing support Often exclusive
Comes with an expiry date

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Technical Collaboration

Intellectual property remains of the Technology provider
May be a pure technology

Technical Collaboration Intellectual property remains of the Technology provider May be a
transfer agreement or with 100% buy back Royalty needs to be paid to the provider
May or may not be exclusive Comes with an expiry date

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Variant of Technical Collaboration
More relevant in apparel retail, QSR, F&B, Healthcare
Commission linked

Franchising Variant of Technical Collaboration More relevant in apparel retail, QSR, F&B,
to sales, fee for opening new stores and one time sign up fee are part
From Principal’s perspective best way to enter new markets Country master franchisee and sub franchisee network created
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