Multilayer model in optics. New analitic results.

Слайд 2

Planar multilayer waveguide

Planar multilayer waveguide

Слайд 3

For ТЕ-waves propagating along Oz axis this is a boundary-value problem for

For ТЕ-waves propagating along Oz axis this is a boundary-value problem for the equation
the equation

Слайд 4

Reduced variables

Reduced variables

Слайд 5

First example. 7 layers. The number of ТЕ-modes: K=6.

First example. 7 layers. The number of ТЕ-modes: K=6.

Слайд 6

Traditional dispersion equations –equations for the eigenvalues of the propagation constant


Traditional dispersion equations –equations for the eigenvalues of the propagation constant Type
1 – equation, is obtained by equating to zero of the determinant of homogenius linear system due to boundary conditions.
Type 2 ― equation, obtained by the known method of characteristic matrices
This equations have too many terms if the number of layers is more then 4.
Investigation of waveguides with many layers is now actual.

Слайд 7

The properties of the dispersion equations

Th.1. Type 1 equation has roots, coinsiding

The properties of the dispersion equations Th.1. Type 1 equation has roots,
with the refraction indexes of the inner layers of the waveguide. This roots may not be the eigenvalues of propagation constant.
Th.2. The set of roots of type 2 equation is exactly the set of the eigenvalues of propagation constant.
We propose a new one form of the dispersion equation. This equation in some known cases have no parasitic roots, and moreover it may be treated geometrically.

Слайд 8

Multilayer equation

Multilayer equation

Слайд 9

Homogenius variables,vectors

Homogenius variables,vectors

Слайд 11

Theorem 3. Vectors
rotate counter-clockwise when
is decreasing.
Theorem 4. If
then the directions

Theorem 3. Vectors rotate counter-clockwise when is decreasing. Theorem 4. If then
of this vectors are converging to the direction of Ox axis.

Слайд 12

The multilayer equation in vector form

The multilayer equation in vector form

Слайд 13

The formulae for the number of TE-modes.

The formulae for the number of TE-modes.

Слайд 14



Слайд 15

The second example, K=7.

The difference from the first example is only

The second example, K=7. The difference from the first example is only
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