Слайд 2We'll go on the air.
The most interesting possibility offered to save the
We'll go on the air.
The most interesting possibility offered to save the

French. Peugeot-Citroen Group has developed a new design of a hybrid setup, which is cheaper and more environmentally friendly in production compared to the electric motors and batteries. A pneumatic hybrid Hybrid Air.
Слайд 4Its design seems too simple, like all brilliant. Hybrid Air design includes
Its design seems too simple, like all brilliant. Hybrid Air design includes

two motors, one of which - is a 1.2-liter three-cylinder unit Vti, well, the second - the air motor, where labor - compressed air. During the movement of the kinetic energy of the car allows pumping the tanks underneath the compressed air. The car has no capricious batteries or expensive motors and rolls only through the transformation of high pressure air into kinetic energy.
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