Слайд 2I wake up at 7:00 o’clock and immediately run to Maryam to

wake her up.
Слайд 3I love sleeping, but every morning Liza wakes me up at 7:10

Слайд 5After that we put on our clothes and quickly have a substantial

Слайд 6…and run to the institute
(On the way, we always complain about our

Слайд 7We attend our seminars and lectures

Слайд 8And can't wait till the end of the day

Слайд 9After that we go to the hostel and lift the mood there

Слайд 10We come to our room and have our usual supper…

Слайд 11… we do our homework and go to bed at about 2:00

o'clock in the night