Part 1. North-west russian forests and forestry


Слайд 3

Rotation age

Rotation age

Слайд 4

Logging of mature and over mature stands*

Types of cuttings of mature

Logging of mature and over mature stands* Types of cuttings of mature
and over mature stands

Selection cuttings

Clear cuttings

Clear cuttings
With natural regeneration

Clear cuttings with artificial regeneration

Gradual cuttings

Selective cuttings (shelterwood cuttings)

Evenly-Selective cuttings

Group-Selective cuttings

Regular-Gradual cuttings

Groups-Gradual cuttings

Strip-Gradual cuttings

Long term Gradual cuttings

*according to the Forest Code and the Rules of forest use

Слайд 5

Clear cuttings

Clear cuttings

Слайд 6

1) Narrow cutting area fellings - continuous felling, felling areas conducted a

1) Narrow cutting area fellings - continuous felling, felling areas conducted a
small area and width, providing a minimum for major cuts to the environmental impact and providing a favorable environment for regeneration. The width of cutting area does not exceed 100 m;
2) Medium cutting area fellings - solid felling conducted felling areas 101-250 m wide;
3) Wide cutting area fellings - continuous felling conducted felling areas 251-500 m wide;
4) Concentrated fellings (now banned) - continuous felling carried out over a large area, strongly affecting the environment. To the concentrated are clearcut conducted felling areas of 50 hectares and more

Слайд 7

Organizational and technical parameters

The rules of selection trees for cuttings;
Size and

Organizational and technical parameters The rules of selection trees for cuttings; Size
shape of the cutting area;

Слайд 8

Maximum 50 ha

1- forest road; 2 – loading area; 3 – main

Maximum 50 ha 1- forest road; 2 – loading area; 3 –
strip road 4 – secondary strip road

Слайд 9

Organizational and technical parameters

The rules of selection trees for cuttings;
Size and

Organizational and technical parameters The rules of selection trees for cuttings; Size
shape of the cutting area;
length of the cutting area;
Width of the cutting area;

Слайд 10

Usually doubled hight of the frontier stands, from which regeneration expected (maximum

Usually doubled hight of the frontier stands, from which regeneration expected (maximum
500 m)

Restricted by lenght of forest compartment

Слайд 11

Organizational and technical parameters

The rules of selection trees for cuttings;
Size and

Organizational and technical parameters The rules of selection trees for cuttings; Size
shape of the cutting area;
Width of the cutting area;
length of the cutting area;
Cutting area direction;
Cutting direction;

Слайд 12

Cutting direction

Wind direction

Cutting area direction
In taiga region of NW Russia recommended to

Cutting direction Wind direction Cutting area direction In taiga region of NW
oriented from north to south since it more heat required for seed germination and needs to increase evaporation of excess moisture

Слайд 13

Organizational and technical parameters

The rules of selection trees for cuttings;
Size and

Organizational and technical parameters The rules of selection trees for cuttings; Size
shape of the cutting area;
Width of the cutting area;
length of the cutting area;
Cutting area direction;
Cutting direction;
The period between cuttings on adjacent area;
The patterns of way junction harvest area;

The ”Golden rule”:do not cut the adjacent area before finishing regeneration.

Слайд 14

а – direct joining,
б – intermingled joining,
в – rocker joining,

а – direct joining, б – intermingled joining, в – rocker joining, г – chess joining

г – chess joining

Слайд 15

Organizational and technical parameters

The rules of selection trees for cuttings;
Size and

Organizational and technical parameters The rules of selection trees for cuttings; Size
shape of the cutting area;
Width of the cutting area;
length of the cutting area;
Cutting area direction;
Cutting direction;
The period between cuttings on adjacent area;
The patterns of way junction harvest area;
Number of cutting rounds;
Technology of logging operations;

Слайд 16

Traditional method

1- forest road; 2 – loading area; 3 – main strip

Traditional method 1- forest road; 2 – loading area; 3 – main
road; 4 – secondary strip road





Слайд 17

Scandinavian method

1- forest road; 2 – loading area; 3 – main strip

Scandinavian method 1- forest road; 2 – loading area; 3 – main
road; 4 – secondary strip road




Слайд 19

Organizational and technical parameters

The rules of selection trees for cuttings;
Size and

Organizational and technical parameters The rules of selection trees for cuttings; Size
shape of the cutting area;
Width of the cutting area;
length of the cutting area;
Cutting area direction;
Cutting direction;
The period between cuttings on adjacent area;
The patterns of way junction harvest area;
Number of cutting rounds;
Technology of logging operations;
The way of cleaning from forest residues;

Слайд 20

a) collecting forest residues in piles (bulk) for later use as fuel

a) collecting forest residues in piles (bulk) for later use as fuel
or processing;
b) piling on portages (strip roads);
c) gathering forest residues in piles (bulk), followed by burning them;
d) crushing and scattered forest residues around the cutted area

Areas with sandy-loam soils
Spruce, or pine stands on wet, swampy areas
Areas with normal drained loam soils
Pine stands on dry sandy, or stony plots

Слайд 21



Scandinavia Russia

Слайд 22

Organizational and technical parameters

The rules of selection trees for cuttings;
Size and

Organizational and technical parameters The rules of selection trees for cuttings; Size
shape of the cutting area;
Width of the cutting area;
length of the cutting area;
Cutting area direction;
Cutting direction;
The period between cuttings on adjacent area;
The patterns of way junction harvest area;
Number of cutting rounds;
Technology of logging operations;
The way of cleaning from forest residues;
Regenerations method.

Слайд 23

* Depending on types of forests

Natural regeneration
2) Artificial regeneration:

* Depending on types of forests Natural regeneration 2) Artificial regeneration:

Слайд 24



Слайд 25

Classification of thinnings

Brightening (“osvetlenie”)
Thinning (“prorezhivanie”)
(“prohodnaya rubka”)

up to 10 years

Classification of thinnings Brightening (“osvetlenie”) Cleaning (“prochistka”) Thinning (“prorezhivanie”) Through-cutting (“prohodnaya rubka”)
≥41 (≥ 31)

Commercial thinnings

Precommercial thinnigs

Слайд 26


Программа коммерческих рубок ухода, разработанная СпбНИИЛХ для ельников подзоны южной тайги Псковской,

Russia Программа коммерческих рубок ухода, разработанная СпбНИИЛХ для ельников подзоны южной тайги
Ленинградской и Новгородской областей 1 класса бонитета. Нижняя красная линия показывает минимальные значения сумм площадей поперечного сечения до которых возможно разреживание в данном возрасте. Заштрихованная область – область рентабельной рубки.

Слайд 28

Comparative analysis of the Swedish and Finnish programs with Russian one

* Ericson,

Comparative analysis of the Swedish and Finnish programs with Russian one *
** Sennov, 2002

Слайд 29

Features of Russian thinning programs in comparison with Scandinavian one

Longer rotation
Thinning operations

Features of Russian thinning programs in comparison with Scandinavian one Longer rotation
is not depending on technical parameters (dominant height, basal area) but depending on age of the stand
Thinning programs focus to get a certain assortments to final cutting.
In case of thinning regimes combined with fertilization, intervals between fertilizer is longer (but the same guidelines in amount) and associated with the timing of thinnings

Слайд 30

General similarities

1. Thinning from below is the most often used type of

General similarities 1. Thinning from below is the most often used type
Thinning from above is recommended only in rare cases, during the thinning in young stands in order to remove “wolves” trees
2. The intensity of the thinning in spruce and pine stands go down with age class increasing.
3. In case of fertilize, recommended amount of nitrogen fertilizers at the same level

Слайд 31

Part II Local features of Russian Forest Policy

Part II Local features of Russian Forest Policy

Слайд 32

1.1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction

Слайд 33

Countries with largest forest area

Forest area Share of
(Mill. ha) Land Area

Countries with largest forest area Forest area Share of (Mill. ha) Land
Russian Federation 878 44,7
Brazil 478 57,2
Canada 310 33,6
USA 303 33,1
China 197 21,2
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010

Слайд 35

Forested Area per capita

Forested area in different regions
0.2 ha/person in Asia

Forested Area per capita Forested area in different regions 0.2 ha/person in

5.8 ha/person in Russian Federation
2.6 Latin American countries
0.3 ha/person in Europe
0.14 ha/person in Germany
3.46 ha/person in Sweden

Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010

Слайд 36

Contribution of forest sector to GDP

0,8%* - 0,7%**

*State of Europes’s Forests 2015


Contribution of forest sector to GDP 0,8%* - 0,7%** *State of Europes’s
Распоряжением Правительства РФ от 06.10.2021 N 2816-р "Прогноз долгосрочного социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года»

Слайд 37

1.2. The Forest Fund of Russian Federation

Forest governance and legislation in Russia

1.2. The Forest Fund of Russian Federation Forest governance and legislation in Russia

Слайд 38

The definition of woodland
(Термин государственного учета лесного фонда)

…area of at least 0.50

The definition of woodland (Термин государственного учета лесного фонда) …area of at
ha, covered under stands of trees with a canopy cover of at least 0,3 (0,4 for young stands), consisting of trees that reach a height of at least 5 meters, including integral open space, and including felled areas that are awaiting restocking. Rows of trees of artificial or natural origin, the width of which is more than 20 metres

Слайд 39

The first term You will face studying Russian forest management system is

The first term You will face studying Russian forest management system is
so-called Forest Fund. Originally it just meant all forest and related lands under governmental jurisdiction.

Слайд 40

The dominant part of the Forest Fund is under management of

The dominant part of the Forest Fund is under management of Russian
Russian Federal Forest Service (Rosleskhoz).
However, some parts of the Forest Fund are managed by other structures and agencies.

Слайд 41

The Forest Lands also are divided in two categories :
- “Lands

The Forest Lands also are divided in two categories : - “Lands
Covered by Forest” (or “Stoked Lands”) and
- “Lands Non-Covered by Forest” (or “Unstoked Lands”) (but they are still Forest Lands).

Слайд 42

Forest area in Russia (1000 ha)

Forest area in Russia (1000 ha)

Слайд 43

Distribution of forest area by species and age groups

Distribution of forest area by species and age groups

Слайд 44

Rotation age

Rotation age

Слайд 45

Forest governance and legislation in Russia

1.3. Background of policy making

Forest governance and legislation in Russia 1.3. Background of policy making

Слайд 46

The fact

… now forestry is unprofitable for the state!
Valery Roshupkin
Head of the

The fact … now forestry is unprofitable for the state! 11.12.2004 Valery
Russian State Forest Service

Forest Service has received from the federal budget 4,5 billion rubles in 2003…
Forest sector have earned 1.5 billion rub at the end of 2003!

Слайд 47

1.4. Forest legislation and structure of forest sector since 2007

Forest governance and

1.4. Forest legislation and structure of forest sector since 2007 Forest governance and legislation in Russia
legislation in Russia

Слайд 48

New Forest code

Political decision

The conceptual framework adopted by the new Forest Code

New Forest code Political decision The conceptual framework adopted by the new
- No private ownership on forestland
- Lease holders – must be the main operators in forest – “Lease out as much as possible”
- State forest enterprises have only control function
- Forest ownership, public policy and regulations and the disposal of forest finance retain for the Russian Federation, but at the same time responsibility for what happens in the forests on a regions.

Слайд 49

Multi-level politics in Russia

Russian Federation
General norms for forestr management
Prices for timber
Framework for

Multi-level politics in Russia Russian Federation General norms for forestr management Prices
leasing contracts…
Subjects of the Russian Federation
Development of regional forest plans
Leasing contracts
Forest use and protection
Forest control
Local structures

Jaroschenko 2009, modified

Слайд 50

3- stars system of government



Department (public service)

Concept of “vertical power”

3- stars system of government Ministry Agency Department (public service) Concept of “vertical power”

Слайд 51

Rosleshoz subordination

Ministry of Agriculture

Federal Forestry Agency


Federal Forestry Agency



Federal Forestry Agency

Ministry of Nature

Rosleshoz subordination Ministry of Agriculture Federal Forestry Agency Government Federal Forestry Agency


Federal Forestry Agency

Ministry of Nature resources





Слайд 52

Normative levels in general

Russian constitution
Presidential and governmental decrees
Federal decrees (Forest code, land

Normative levels in general Russian constitution Presidential and governmental decrees Federal decrees
code, etc)
Laws of Subjects of the Federation
Other normative acts

Слайд 53

Forest Code



Non-wood recourses

Fire protection, sanitary



Structure of sub normative acts

Forest Code Regulations Logging, thinning Non-wood recourses Fire protection, sanitary Regeneration Turpentining

Слайд 54

Management regulations levels

Forest code
Forest plan (up to 10 years)
Forestry regulations of forest

Management regulations levels Forest code Forest plan (up to 10 years) Forestry
districts (up to 10 years)
Projects of forest management

Слайд 55

Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleshoz)

Regional forestry agency, or ministry

Forest Districts and Forest parks

Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleshoz) Regional forestry agency, or ministry Forest Districts and
and Lesoparks)

Timber enterprises

National Parks and protected areas

Ministry of Nature Resources and Ecology

Service on supervision in sphere of wildlife management

Forest units
(Uchastkovoe lesnichestvo)


Structure of governance (2015)

Air forest protection,
Forest Protection,
Russian Institute of Continuous Education in Forestry,

Federal Districts Departments

Слайд 56

Republic of Tatarstan

Republic of Tatarstan

Слайд 57

Area – 68000 km2
Population – 3776 mln.
0,31 ha of forest land per

Area – 68000 km2 Population – 3776 mln. 0,31 ha of forest
capita (sparsely wooded region)
Forest fund – 1,3 mln. ha
Forest covered area - 17,4 % from total region area
Main functions of forests – water protection, conservation, recreation
Total amount of foresters and forest workers – 8300 (156 ha/person)
Total forest area leased out – 16,8%
System of forest use and control:
- 30 Management Units
30 Control units
Average area of forest district – 43 000 ha

Слайд 58

Leningrad region

Leningrad region

Слайд 59

Area – 83908 km2
Population – 1774 mln.
3,38 ha of forest land per

Area – 83908 km2 Population – 1774 mln. 3,38 ha of forest
capita (forest rich region)
Forest fund – 6 mln. ha
Forest covered area - 55,5 % from the total region area
Main functions of forests – timber production, recreation, conservation
Total amount of foresters and forest workers – 14400 (415 ha/person)
Total forest area leased out – more than 92 %
System of forest use and control:
18 Control units
1 Management Unit (2 subdivisions)
Average area of forest district – 330 000 ha

Слайд 60

A basic territorial managerial units in the field of forest
exploitation, conservation, protection

A basic territorial managerial units in the field of forest exploitation, conservation,
and reforestation are forest districts (лесничества) and forest-parks (лесопарки).
The forest fund lands shall consist of forest districts and forests-parks.
Forest districts and forests-parks shall be likewise located on
1) intended for ensuring defence and security where there are forests;
2) of settlements where municipal forests are located;
3) of specially protected natural territories where there are

Слайд 61

Forest Code

The object of forest relations – forest block (лесной участок)
“The location,

Forest Code The object of forest relations – forest block (лесной участок)
boundaries and area of forest blocks shall be determined in accordance with compartments and (or) subcompartments, their boundaries and area”
Article 69 (2) of FC

Слайд 63



Слайд 65

forest blocks
(лесной участок)

forest blocks (лесной участок)

Слайд 66

Ownership of Forest Blocks
“Forest blocks within the composition of the forest fund

Ownership of Forest Blocks “Forest blocks within the composition of the forest
land shall be under federal ownership”
Article 8 (1) of FC

Слайд 67

Long-term use Short-term use
Leasing contract sale-and-purchase contract
10-49 years 1 year and

Long-term use Short-term use Leasing contract sale-and-purchase contract 10-49 years 1 year and less

Слайд 68

Maximum duration of any Exploitation rights
49 years

Maximum duration of any Exploitation rights 49 years

Слайд 69

Types of Forest Exploitation

1) logging;
2) preparing turpentine;
3) procuring and collecting non-wood forest

Types of Forest Exploitation 1) logging; 2) preparing turpentine; 3) procuring and
4) storing up food forest resources and gathering of medicinal herbs;
5) game husbandry and hunting;
6) farming;
7) scientific research and educational activities;
8) recreational activities;
9) creating man-made forests (forest plantations) and their exploitation;
10) cultivation of fruit woods, berry plants, decorative plants and medicinal plants;
Article 25 (1) of FC

Слайд 70

11) carrying out works aimed at geological exploration of subsurface resources, development

11) carrying out works aimed at geological exploration of subsurface resources, development
of mineral deposits;
12) construction and operation of water reservoirs and other artificial water bodies, as well as of hydro-engineering structures and specialized ports;
construction, re-construction and operation of power transmission lines, communication lines, roads, pipelines and other linear facilities;
14) processing of wood and other forest resources;
15) exercising religious activities;
Article 25 (1) of FC

Слайд 72

Subdivision of Forests According to Their Designation Purpose

protective forests
Merchantable (exploitation) forests
reserved forests

Subdivision of Forests According to Their Designation Purpose protective forests Merchantable (exploitation)
10 (1) of FC

Слайд 73

Steps of forest renting
Preparation of technical
documentation for forest block
Participation on forest

Steps of forest renting Preparation of technical documentation for forest block Participation
Make a project of forest management
Make a forest declaration (every year)

Слайд 74

Forest governance and legislation in Russia

1.5. Timber transportation and export

Forest governance and legislation in Russia 1.5. Timber transportation and export

Слайд 75

Federal low № 415 from 28.12.2013

Timber transportation since 2014

Obligatory registration of

Federal low № 415 from 28.12.2013 Timber transportation since 2014 Obligatory registration
the timber transported from the forest
Timber transportation requires additional accompanying document (information about the owner, customer, transported company, timber volume, species and assortment composition, place of origin and destination…)
Each log of valuable species (oak, beech, ash ) must be marked individually.
Severe punishment for violation of low – high penalty and transport confiscation.

Слайд 76

Forest governance and legislation in Russia

1.6. Punishment for illegal activities with

Forest governance and legislation in Russia 1.6. Punishment for illegal activities with forest recourses
forest recourses

Слайд 77

Punishment for illegal activities with forest recourses

Damage estimated less than 5000

Punishment for illegal activities with forest recourses Damage estimated less than 5000

Damage estimated more than 5000 rub

Administrative Code

Criminal Code

Слайд 78

The Code of Administrative Violations:

Article 8.28 Of The Administrative Code. Illegal logging,

The Code of Administrative Violations: Article 8.28 Of The Administrative Code. Illegal
damage to forest plantations or unauthorized excavation in the forests of trees, shrubs, lianas.

… administrative fine on citizens at the rate from 3000 to 4000 rubles;
on officials - from 20000 to 40000 rubles;
on legal entities - from 100000 to 300000 rubles…

Illegal logging, damage to forest plantations or unauthorized excavation in the forests of trees, shrubs, lianas.

Слайд 79


Illegal logging … if committed in substantial

CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Illegal logging … if committed in
scale* –
shall be punished by a fine of up to 500000 rubles …
or imprisonment for the 1 year

Illegal logging … if committed in large scale** –
shall be punished by a fine from 500000 up to 1000000 rubles …
or imprisonment for the 4 years

Illegal logging … if committed in extra large scale*** or by an organized group –
shall be punished by a fine from 1000000 up to 3000000 rubles …
or imprisonment for the 7 years

* - more than 5000 RUB
** - more than 250000 RUB
*** - more than 1000000 RUB

Article 260 of Criminal Code

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