Слайд 2The word “culture” comes from the Latin verb colere that means “to

cultivate soil” (почва). In the Middle Ages this word denoted (указывать) a progressive method of cultivation the grain (зерно), so there appeared a term of “agriculture” or art of farming (земледелия).
Слайд 3But from the XVIII-XIX centuries culture began to be used in relation

to people, therefore, if a person is distinguished by elegance (изящество) of style and erudition, he was considered as “cultural” person.
Слайд 4Then this term is applied mainly to aristocracy to distinguish them from

the “uncultured” ordinary people. A German word “Kultur” also meant a high level of civilization.
Слайд 5In our modern life the word of “culture” is still associated with

the opera house, fine literature, good education.
Слайд 6Modern scientific definition of culture thrown (отбросило) aristocratic nuances of this concept.

It symbolizes beliefs, values and means (used in art and literature), which are common to any group; they serve to organize experience and to regulate the behavior of the members of this group.
Слайд 7Beliefs and attitudes are often called subculture. Culture is created, culture studies.

Since it is not acquired (приобретаема) by biological way, each generation reproduces and transmits it to the next generation. This process is the basis for socialization.
Слайд 8If socialization process has stopped on a massive scale, it would lead

to the destruction of culture.
Слайд 9In a broad sense (в широком смысле), culture is a combination of

statement (проявление) of life, achievements and creativity of individuals, nations and all humanity.
Слайд 10Interpretation of culture as a system of values limits culture from nature

and at the same time allows us to identify it with society. With this approach, culture is understood as a specific aspect of society.
Слайд 11So, Neo-Kantians, widely used concept of value, treated (трактовали) culture as something

over historical and not subject for scientific analysis and explanation.
Слайд 12Dialectical materialist understanding of values, in contrast, doesn’t oppose research and evaluative

approaches to society and culture, linking culture with all human activities, with work as a source of culture and its results.
Слайд 13Therefore, culture is a measure (мера) of the human in individual, characterization

of man as a social being.