Prevention of waste


Слайд 2

Oklahoma City Gusher

Oklahoma City Gusher

Слайд 3

Prevention of waste
Conservation of the resource
Environmental protection

Regulatory premises

Prevention of waste Conservation of the resource Environmental protection Regulatory premises

Слайд 4

Water (saline or fresh)
Other gases (H2S, He)
(characteristics controlled by geologic settings)


Oil Gas Water (saline or fresh) Nitrogen Other gases (H2S, He) (characteristics

Слайд 5

Environmental Issues

Site access

Produced water
Hydrogen sulfide
Casinghead gas venting
Oil spills
Migratory birds

Area of

Environmental Issues EXPLORATION Site access Seismic PRODUCTION Produced water Hydrogen sulfide Casinghead
land use
Drilling fluids
Protection of ground water
Protection of aqueous environments

Plugging depleted wells
Salt dissolution

Слайд 6

Issues and Answers


Seismic None Invasive Non-Invasive
Endangered species None Modified operating International
Land withdrawal None Private minerals International
Antiquities None Mitigation International




Issues and Answers EXPLORATION Seismic None Invasive Non-Invasive Endangered species None Modified

Слайд 7

The Old: 1920’s El Dorado Field, KS

The Old: 1920’s El Dorado Field, KS

Слайд 8



Слайд 9

For Sensitive Areas,
Helicopter Operations

For Sensitive Areas, Helicopter Operations

Слайд 10

Even the Drillers Wear Suits

Even the Drillers Wear Suits

Слайд 11

Small impacts on land

Small impacts on land

Слайд 12

Tarr Farm, PA, 1862

Tarr Farm, PA, 1862

Слайд 13

But Nature Heals: Tarr Farm, 1991, same view

But Nature Heals: Tarr Farm, 1991, same view

Слайд 14

Drilling has changed, from the turn of the century,

Drilling has changed, from the turn of the century,

Слайд 15

To the 1970’s,

To the 1970’s,

Слайд 16

To Fully Diapered Rigs

To Fully Diapered Rigs

Слайд 17


To Advanced Drilling Systems...

Слайд 18

Issues and Answers


Produced water Surface flowed Injected Re-used
Oil spills Natural Soil removal Microbial
H2S Vented Vapor & sulfur
Casinghead gas Vented Flared Re-injected
Migratory birds None Nets Eliminate





Plugging Non, “dump

Issues and Answers PRODUCTION Produced water Surface flowed Injected Re-used Oil spills
stuff” Set plugs Reduce
Salt dissolution Not a problem Better design M.I. test
Site reclamation None Moderate Total

Слайд 19

This Was The Old, and it Met the Standards of its Time…...

This Was The Old, and it Met the Standards of its Time…...

Слайд 20

Modern Production Facilities Meet the Standards of Their Time...

Modern Production Facilities Meet the Standards of Their Time...

Слайд 21

Whether in the Rockies or the Great Plains…..

Whether in the Rockies or the Great Plains…..

Слайд 22

Or Arctic North Slope

Or Arctic North Slope

Слайд 23



Слайд 24

Issues and Answers





Слайд 25

And nature is a willing
helper for solving
old problems

Pioneer & Funkville, Pennsylvania



And nature is a willing helper for solving old problems Pioneer & Funkville, Pennsylvania 1867 1984

Слайд 26

Note: The sources of the original data:
Black line - HadCRUT4 from

Note: The sources of the original data: Black line - HadCRUT4 from
the UK Met Office Hadley Centre and University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit, baseline period 1850-1899 (Morice et al. 2012) with the grey area representing the 95% confidence range,
2) Red line – MLOST from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Climatic Data Centre, baseline period 1880-1899 (Smith et al., 2008), and
3) Blue line - GISSTemp from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Institute for Space Studies, baseline period 1880-1899 (Hansen et al., 2010).
Upper graph shows anomalies and lower graph shows decadal average anomalies for the same datasets. Europe is defined as the area between 35° to 70° North and -25° to 30° East, plus Turkey (35° to 40° North and 30° to 45° East).

Слайд 27

Projected global energy demand to 2050

Projected global energy demand to 2050

Слайд 28

Role of Oil and Gas

Total world electricity generated by fuel, 2009.

Role of Oil and Gas Total world electricity generated by fuel, 2009.

Слайд 29

Activities in the Petroleum Industry

Land & Aerial surveys, Satellite Images
Gravitational, Magnetic

Activities in the Petroleum Industry Upstream Exploration Land & Aerial surveys, Satellite
& Seismic Surveys
Exploration Drilling (“Wildcat”)
Formation Evaluation
Drilling Appraisal/production wells
Production Facilities
Gathering Systems

Слайд 30

Occurrence of Oil & Gas

On land
Continental Shelves
Deep sea
Mountainous areas
Arctic Region

Technological &

Occurrence of Oil & Gas On land Offshore Continental Shelves Deep sea
Environmental challenges change with location type

Слайд 31

Environmental issues for the Oil & Gas Sector

The Oil & Gas Sector

Environmental issues for the Oil & Gas Sector The Oil & Gas
has a variety of impacts on the environment. These impacts depends upon the stage of the process, the size and complexity of the project, the nature and sensitivity of the surrounding environment and the effectiveness of planning, pollution prevention, mitigation and control techniques.
The major areas of environmental concern includes :
Atmospheric Impacts
Aquatic Impacts
Terrestrial Impacts
Ecosystem Impacts
Potential Emergencies

Слайд 32

Environmental Impact

Atmospheric impacts
flaring, venting and purging gases
combustion processes such as diesel engines

Environmental Impact Atmospheric impacts flaring, venting and purging gases combustion processes such
and gas turbines
fugitive gases from loading operations and losses from process equipment
airborne particulates from soil disturbance during construction and from vehicle traffic
The principal emission gases include
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, volatile organic carbons and nitrogen oxides

Слайд 33

Environmental Impact (Contd.)

Aquatic impacts
produced water
drilling fluids, cuttings and well treatment chemicals
process, wash

Environmental Impact (Contd.) Aquatic impacts produced water drilling fluids, cuttings and well
and drainage water
sewerage, sanitary and domestic wastes
spills and leakage

Potential impact on aquatic life, irrigation, drinking water, etc.

Слайд 34

Environmental Impact (Contd.)

Terrestrial impacts
physical disturbance as a result of construction
contamination resulting from

Environmental Impact (Contd.) Terrestrial impacts physical disturbance as a result of construction
spillage and leakage
solid waste disposal
indirect impact arising from opening access and social change

Potential impact on forests, vegetation, agriculture, human and animal life

Слайд 35


Vibration Truck
Air Gun
Marine Vessels
Disturbance to human/wildlife/marine life
Low Impact/Transient

Exploration Noise/Vibration Dynamite Vibration Truck Air Gun Marine Vessels Disturbance to human/wildlife/marine life Low Impact/Transient

Слайд 36

Drilling (wildcats, appraisal, development)

Drilling Fluid (Mud)
Water/Oil/Synthetic based
Recycle, treatment, disposal by injection
Drill Cuttings

Drilling (wildcats, appraisal, development) Drilling Fluid (Mud) Water/Oil/Synthetic based Recycle, treatment, disposal
farming, burial, bio-remediation, injection
Site preparing
Camps-waste generation
Long lasting Impact

Слайд 37


Produced water
Oil content
Camp waste
Engine exhaust

Production Produced water Salinity Chemicals Oil content Treatment Re-injection Camp waste Leakage/spillage Flare Noise/vibration Engine exhaust

Слайд 38


land affected by construction
accidents – pipeline explosion, oil spill

Transportation land affected by construction leakage/spillage accidents – pipeline explosion, oil spill
from tankers, etc.

Oil tanker

LNG tanker

Pipeline under construction

Слайд 39

Waste Steam of Concern

Drilling Fluid
Drill Cuttings
Work-over and completion waste
Produced Water
Bottom Waste

Waste Steam of Concern Drilling Fluid Drill Cuttings Work-over and completion waste
and Sweetening Waste
Camp Waste
Radioactive Material

3R Principle for waste management:
Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

Слайд 40

Potential Emergencies

Spillage of fuel, oil, gas, chemicals and hazardous materials
Oil or

Potential Emergencies Spillage of fuel, oil, gas, chemicals and hazardous materials Oil
gas well blowout
Explosions and Fires (facility and surrounds)
Natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, lightning
War and sabotage

Oil rig on fire

Oil spill from a tanker

Слайд 41

Potential Emergencies (Spill)

The spill may include crude oil, or refined products such

Potential Emergencies (Spill) The spill may include crude oil, or refined products
as gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.
Spills take months or even years to clean up.
Oil is also released into the environment from natural geologic seeps on the sea floor
Cleanup methods:
Bioremediation: use of microorganisms to break down or remove oil
Controlled burning: can reduce the amount of oil in water, but it can cause air pollution.
Dispersants: act as detergents, clustering around oil globules and allowing them to be carried away in the water.
Dredging: for oils dispersed with detergents
Skimming: Requires calm waters
Exxon Valdez accident, occurred in Alaska, on March 24, 1989. The vessel spilled about 40 million litres of crude oil into the sea, and the oil eventually covered 28,000,000 sq. km of ocean.

Слайд 42

Potential Emergencies (Cont.)

Explosion and Fire: The Piper Alpha oil production platform operated

Potential Emergencies (Cont.) Explosion and Fire: The Piper Alpha oil production platform
by Occidental Petroleum in the North Sea. An explosion and resulting fire destroyed it on July 6, 1988, killing 167 persons. Total insured loss was about US$ 3.4 billion.
Indonesia Mud Volcano: It is in East Java, Indonesia that has been discharging mud since May 2006. Approximately 2,500 m³ of mud is expelled per day. It is expected that the flow will continue for the next 30 years. As of November 2008, the mud flow is contained by levees, but further breakouts are possible. It is not conclusively decided whether it started due to drilling activity or by a local earthquake

Слайд 43

Potential GHG abatement projects in Upstream Oil & Gas Sector

Facilities for reduction

Potential GHG abatement projects in Upstream Oil & Gas Sector Facilities for
of gas flaring through ejectors/compressors/separators/pipeline etc.
Waste heat recovery at oil production facilities.
Energy efficiency improvement in gas processing plant
Power factor improvement at oil installations
Reduction in gas pipe leaks
Fuel switch from fossil fuels to other cleaner fuels like natural gas
Captive power generation by utilizing natural gas
Oil tank head vapor recovery system

Слайд 44


Global & Local energy scenario will be dominated by oil and gas.

Summary Global & Local energy scenario will be dominated by oil and

The quest for oil and gas will therefore continue, which has a price in terms of environmental impact.
The petroleum industry takes many steps to keep the impacts to limits which are often set by regulatory bodies.
New technology and procedures are developed to meet environmental regulations and operate economically.

Слайд 45

Sustainability and offshore oil and gas exploration and production

Sustainability and offshore oil and gas exploration and production

Слайд 46

Key topics

Importance of sustainability to the oil and gas industry
Importance of sustainability

Key topics Importance of sustainability to the oil and gas industry Importance
to environmental regulators
Sustainability challenges facing the exploration and production industry
Key responses to these challenges
Future exploration and production sustainability challenges – methane hydrates

Слайд 47


How to produce energy so as to sustain over many generations our

Sustainability How to produce energy so as to sustain over many generations
society, environment and the economy.
Sustain: “to keep going”
Oxford English Dictionary

Слайд 48

Sustainability Drivers

Increased population
Increased competition
Civil strife
Global climate change
Stakeholder and shareholder expectations

Sustainability Drivers Increased population Increased competition Civil strife Global climate change Stakeholder and shareholder expectations

Слайд 49

Population Projections

Population Projections

Слайд 50

Importance of sustainability to the oil and gas E& P industry

A way

Importance of sustainability to the oil and gas E& P industry A
to live one’s values
An approach to maximize environmental social and financial performance
An approach to have multi-generational impact
An approach to secure the “license to operate”

Слайд 51

The importance of sustainability to environmental regulators

Environmental performance has improved because responsibility

The importance of sustainability to environmental regulators Environmental performance has improved because
and accountability is dispersed throughout the company
The CEO, CFO, senior VP for corporate affairs, senior VP for environment health safety and sustainability all have a stake sustainability
Everyone in a corporation has a stake in sustainability
Sustainability is the link between environmental and social impact: environmental justice

Слайд 52

Challenges: exploration and production
Historic and present challenges:
Flaring and venting
Decommissioning of oil

Challenges: exploration and production Historic and present challenges: Flaring and venting Decommissioning
and gas installations
Brent spar oil storage tank disposal
Management of drill cuttings
Produced waters
Drilling muds and fluids
System for estimating and validating greenhouse gas emissions
enhanced profitability

Слайд 53

Sustainability E&P responses

Venting and flaring: piping of gas to coastal facilities; use

Sustainability E&P responses Venting and flaring: piping of gas to coastal facilities;
of gas as as an on platform source of energy
Use of solar and wind power generation on offshore production facilities
Spill prevention
Less harmful drilling muds and fluids
Safety improvements
New techniques to estimate and manage GHG emissions

Слайд 54

Responses: the role of technology

Identify and development discovered reserves less intrusively
Faster elimination

Responses: the role of technology Identify and development discovered reserves less intrusively
of non-prospective areas do more efficient basin modeling
Better subsurface imaging and interpretation using gravity and 4-D seismic data thereby decreasing the number unsuccessful wells
More efficient off take from smarter wells, requiring fewer wells per unit of production
Less environmentally intrusive handling of drill cuttings
Decreased venting and flaring
--Dr. John H. Barwis, Shell UK exploration and production

Слайд 55

Sustainability reporting

Global reporting initiative
United Nations environment programs oil sector report
International Petroleum Industry

Sustainability reporting Global reporting initiative United Nations environment programs oil sector report
Environmental Conservation Association and American Petroleum Institute joint corporate reporting project

Слайд 56

Performance measures

Present Measures:
Emissions to air
Discharged water
Health and safety
Resource management
Regulatory sanctions
Contractor performance

Performance measures Present Measures: Emissions to air Discharged water Waste Health and
systems – ISO 14001

Слайд 57

Performance measures

Future measures
Environmental impact of products
Health impact of processes in products

Performance measures Future measures Environmental impact of products Health impact of processes
to sensitive areas
Land-use and habitat restoration
Climate change – GHG. trading
Stakeholder consultation
Strategic EHS risk management

Слайд 58


Marine Mammals
Human Health Impact
Climate Change

Impact Marine Mammals Human Health Impact Climate Change

Слайд 59

Future challenges – methane gas hydrates

Future challenges – methane gas hydrates

Слайд 60

What are Gas Hydrates?

The heat from the flame melts the hydrate thus

What are Gas Hydrates? The heat from the flame melts the hydrate
releasing more methane to fuel the flame.
Notice the water dripping from the person’s hands.

Слайд 62

Pipeline Plugging
Preventing Gas Hydrate formation accounts for
10-15% of the production costs
$1 Million

Pipeline Plugging Preventing Gas Hydrate formation accounts for 10-15% of the production
per day for Methanol alone hydrate.jpg

Слайд 64

Where Do Hydrates Form?

In sediments below the ocean floor

Where Do Hydrates Form? In sediments below the ocean floor

Слайд 65

Geologic Settings

Images: Trehu et al., 2002



Geologic Settings Images: Trehu et al., 2002 BSR Seafloor

Слайд 66

Data from USGS

Data from USGS

Слайд 67

CO2 Displaces Methane

Sketch of a proposed method to sequester CO2 while producing

CO2 Displaces Methane Sketch of a proposed method to sequester CO2 while
methane and possibly electricity.

Слайд 68

An integrated approach

Offshore oil and gas exploration production is part of an

An integrated approach Offshore oil and gas exploration production is part of
overall system:
E& P
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