Презентация на тему Магазины. Покупки

Слайд 2

Тема урока: «Магазины. Покупки.»

Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Развитие логического мышления.
Воспитание этического

Тема урока: «Магазины. Покупки.» Цели: Развитие навыков монологической речи. Развитие логического мышления.
поведения «продавцов» и «покупателей».

Слайд 3

Речевая зарядка

проводится в группах, сформированных по цветовой гамме.
Задание: из отдельно взятых фраз

Речевая зарядка проводится в группах, сформированных по цветовой гамме. Задание: из отдельно
построить логически завершенный диалог и разыграть его

-Thank you. There`s a shopping list.

-Oh,we`ve got few vegetables .Shall I go to the greengrocer`s?

-I`d like to cook borsch for dinner.

Слайд 4

-I don`t do shopping by myself.

-Neither do I. I can buy only

-I don`t do shopping by myself. -Neither do I. I can buy
CDs and sweets.

-Do you do shopping by yourself?

Слайд 5

-For my brother. He is six. He likes fairy tales.

-Can I help

-For my brother. He is six. He likes fairy tales. -Can I

-Yes, please. I`m looking for a book.

-What kind of book would you like?

Слайд 6

Some days ago all shops were very busy. People bought presents

Some days ago all shops were very busy. People bought presents for
for their mothers, sisters, wives, grandmothers and girl-friends. For me choosing gifts is a difficult business. I never buy whatever comes up. I think twice and try to find reasons before buying this or that. This year I`ve bought a saucepan for my Granny. Her old one was too small for our family. I`ve bought a beautiful card for my mother. Besides my mother likes flowers very much, so white roses were the nice gift for her. My little sister likes watching cartoons. So I`ve bought a cassette with her favourite ones. Everyone was glad on the 8th of March.


Слайд 7

Вопросы к аудированию

Were shops very busy some days ago?
Did people buy gifts

Вопросы к аудированию Were shops very busy some days ago? Did people
for their dearest persons?
Is choosing gifts an easy business for Mike?
He can’t spend money wisely.
Has he bought a saucepan for Granny?
Does Mike’s mother like pink roses?
Does his sister like horror films?
Was everybody glad on the 8th of March?

Слайд 8

Контроль навыков аудирования

Контроль навыков аудирования

Слайд 9

Описание тематических картинок

(класс переформировывается в группы по принципу светофора)

Описание тематических картинок (класс переформировывается в группы по принципу светофора)

Слайд 14

Защита проектных работ

“My favourite shop “Variant” (Кулеш Илья)
“My own shop” (Каравасилий Ира)

Защита проектных работ Projects: “My favourite shop “Variant” (Кулеш Илья) “My own
corner shop I like to go to” (Разумова Таня)
Имя файла: Презентация-на-тему-Магазины.-Покупки.pptx
Количество просмотров: 455
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