Слайд 2Interlocutor: Here is a map of a zoo. You are at the entrance
Interlocutor: Here is a map of a zoo. You are at the entrance

Giorgos: What do you want to see first?
Dimitra: Well, if we take this path, we could see the koalas and the seals. They’re quite close together so we could see both of them and then have a drink at the café which is next to the seals.
Giorgos: Yes, that’s OK. What other animals do you want to see?
Dimitra: Err, well I really like the giraffes, so perhaps we could go and see them after we’ve had a drink. See – they’re just along this path here. Oh, and then we could have a look at the zebras. They’re almost next door to the lions so we could have a look at them as well. What would you like to see?
Giorgos: I like to see the lions, too.
Dimitra: OK. So after the lions we could go along this path. Are you interested in any of these animals?
Giorgos: Yes, I like them.
Dimitra: OK, well, err, perhaps, we could go and look at the monkeys and the polar bears and after that the butterflies – then we’re quite near the exit. I think that’s probably all we could do in half and hour.
Слайд 3Time over !
Time over !