Public Speaking Contest 2021

Слайд 2

Polina Shiryaeva

Masters of Ceremonies

Roman Efremov

Students of ISPU

Polina Shiryaeva Masters of Ceremonies Roman Efremov Students of ISPU

Слайд 3

Irina V. Ermakova, Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, Intensive English Learning Department, Senior Lecturer

Our jury


Irina V. Ermakova, Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, Intensive English Learning Department,
A. Zakhvatova, Orthodox Theological Seminary of Ivanovo-Voznesensk Diocese, Department of General Practical Disciplines, Associate Professor

Alexey Yu. Blagovesnyi, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Foreign Languages and Linguistics Department, Senior Lecturer

Слайд 4

Сhosen theme: The future is not fate, it's the consequence of the

Сhosen theme: The future is not fate, it's the consequence of the
choices we make.
Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, Major: Mechatronic Engineering (EU4M).
Hobby: I like to collect different kinds of coins.
Life slogan: Neither family nor friends, only you'll change your life.

Kai Li Ong

Слайд 5

Сhosen theme: "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever

Сhosen theme: "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever
Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, Major: Mechatronic Engineering.
Hobby: Programming, Watching Movies.
Life slogan :  The best person is the one who benefits all human beings.

Muhammad Abiyyu Mufti Hanif

Слайд 6

Chosen theme: “Today the real test of power is not capacity to

Chosen theme: “Today the real test of power is not capacity to
make war but capacity to prevent it.”(Anne O'Hare McCormick)
 Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, Major: Software engineering.
Hobbies: Volleyball, English, pets.
Life slogan : Every cloud has a silver lining.

Vitta Zezina

Слайд 7

Chosen theme: "The answer to the problem of humankind is the integrity

Chosen theme: "The answer to the problem of humankind is the integrity
of the individual.“
Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, Major: High performance computing systems.
Hobby: Participating in game jams, drawing pixel art, playing tabletop/video games.
Life slogan :  There's just one track to lead this moving train.

Dmitry Shchukin

Слайд 8

Artem Shytkov

Chosen theme: "Not he who has much is rich, but he

Artem Shytkov Chosen theme: "Not he who has much is rich, but
who gives much.”
Orthodox Theological Seminary of Ivanovo-Voznesensk Diocese.
“It is difficult for me to speak English, but I am trying to develop my speech,” said Artem.

Слайд 9

Kirill Ovchinnikov

Chosen theme: "The future is not fate, it’s the consequence of

Kirill Ovchinnikov Chosen theme: "The future is not fate, it’s the consequence
the choices we make.”
Orthodox Theological Seminary of Ivanovo-Voznesensk Diocese.
Hobby: drawing, writing and much more.
Life slogan :  There are no problems, there are only circumstances.
Имя файла: Public-Speaking-Contest-2021.pptx
Количество просмотров: 44
Количество скачиваний: 0