Слайд 2
You liked the film, did not you?
Вам понравился фильм, не так ли?

is a very good pupil, is not she ?
Она очень хорошая студентка, не так ли?
He can not ski, can he?
Он не умеет кататься на лыжах, не так ли?
Слайд 3У каждого вопроса есть свой «хвостик»
… will you? … do you? … does he?

can she? … did they? … is he?
… are you? … was it? … were you?
… have we? … has she? … had they?
… don‘t they? …isn‘t it? … aren‘t you?
… weren‘t they? … wasn‘t he?
… didn‘t we? … doesn‘t she?
Слайд 4He is a student, isn‘t he?
They aren‘t at home, are they?
We shall

go to the Zoo, shan‘t we?
It won‘t be snowy tomorrow, will it?
I was in London, wasn‘t I?
You weren‘t busy, were you?
She can dance well, can‘t she?
Слайд 5He is a student, isn‘t he?
They aren‘t at home, are they?
We shall

go to the Zoo, shan‘t we?
It won‘t be snowy tomorrow, will it?
I was in London, wasn‘t I?
You weren‘t busy, were you?
She can dance well, can‘t she?
Слайд 6He is a student, isn‘t he?
They aren‘t at home, are they?
We shall

go to the Zoo, shan‘t we?
It won‘t be snowy tomorrow, will it?
I was in London, wasn‘t I?
You weren‘t busy, were you?
She can dance well, can‘t she?
Слайд 7
My friends are students, aren‘t they?
Tom can speak English, can‘t he?
The girl

was in Britain, wasn‘t she?
The dog has a nice house, hasn‘t it?
Слайд 8My friends are students, aren‘t they?
Tom can speak English, can‘t he?
The girl

was in Britain, wasn‘t she?
The dog has a nice house, hasn‘t it?
Слайд 9
You like detective stories, don‘t you?
Your sister plays the piano, doesn‘t she?

went to the park, did not they?