- 2. Rubbish is everything we throw away. Everything we put in the bin goes to a rubbish
- 3. Once a week the bin lorry comes to your house to empty your wheelie bin. The
- 4. About 80% of all rubbish ends up in landfill sites.
- 5. These are large pits filled with rubbish and covered up with soil. Most of these are
- 6. Diggers spread out the rubbish and squash it all down to make room for more rubbish.
- 7. The problem is, all our landfill sites are getting fuller and fuller, and soon we will
- 8. Landfill sites also pollute the air with methane. Methane is a gas that is produced as
- 9. Some people throw their rubbish at the side of country roads.
- 10. Other people dump their rubbish into the sea.
- 11. This can harm all sorts of animals – birds, fish and mammals. It is also very
- 12. The amount of rubbish is increasing and costing more to get rid of, which you will
- 13. What do you think? We have to put our rubbish somewhere. Landfill is a cheap and
- 14. What do you think? Many of the landfill holes will soon be full. I don’t want
- 15. Where would we put new landfills? Here?
- 16. Where would we put new landfills? Here?
- 17. We all have to do our best to take care of our planet.
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