Слайд 11Ferme les yeux et sens,
Respire l'odeur du printemps !
Ecoute le chant des
Ferme les yeux et sens, Respire l'odeur du printemps ! Ecoute le chant des

N'y a-t-il rien de plus beau ?
Tu touches le vrai bonheur
Dans ce moment de douceur !
Ainsi les jours de pluie,
Ne regarde plus le ciel gris,
Mais pense à cet instant magique
Où tout semble féerique...
Close your eyes and senses,
smell the spring!
Listen to the birds singing,
Is there anything more beautiful?
You touch the real happiness
in this moment of sweetness!
And rainy days,
do not look at the sky gray,
but think of this magic moment
where everything seems generic ...
Close your eyes and senses,
smell the spring!
Listen to the birds singing,
Is there anything more beautiful?
You touch the real happiness
in this moment of sweetness!
And rainy days,
do not look at the sky gray,
but think of this magic moment
where everything seems generic ...
Слайд 48Musique John Barry
Musique John Barry

Слайд 49 Daimyo
26 – 3 - 2011
26 – 3 - 2011

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