Should pets inherit from their owners

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While you view your pet as a furry person, the law sees

While you view your pet as a furry person, the law sees
him as a piece of personal property. Hence, this is the reason why pets cannot inherit in wills.
Or should we consider animals to be subjects of legal relations?
In our country animals are protected by the government. So we can talk about their rights.. Or are they just valuable objects that should be treated without violence? Why we have laws that protect their rights then? We have 3 laws written in Civil Code of the Russian Federation that regulate animals’ lives and Criminal Code where we see that animals are protected. Should animals have rights de juro?

Situation in Russia

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Trouble’s case
Bubbles and Michael Jackson’s case
Richelieu and his cats

Real Practice


Trouble’s case Bubbles and Michael Jackson’s case Richelieu and his cats Real
were a lot of cases when animals inherited fortunes. And this was legally approved by the court. Although many relatives of the testate impugn the court’s decision.

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Some cases

An old single lady had amassed a fortune. She want neither

Some cases An old single lady had amassed a fortune. She want
her terrible bother nor the government got this money.
So the lady decided to demised all her money to her cat.
This fact engendered various arguments in the community.

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Some cases

A young guy really hated the world. He had an only

Some cases A young guy really hated the world. He had an
creature that he loved and trust- his scorpion He was offered to go to a better world.
But before that he did not forget about his pet’s future.
He bequeathed all his property to the scorpion.
But then his sister in law went to the court to impugn his will. She affirmed that inheritance should be hers since she was disable to work.

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If these events will be published it creates a tension in society,

If these events will be published it creates a tension in society,
coz not the majority of elderly people do not approve such way of spending money

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A lot of people are against the fact that inheritance can be

A lot of people are against the fact that inheritance can be
given to animals

The legacy should belong only to people or government.
Only them know how to deal with it properly.

Money are for people.
It will benefit the society.
With money can help children with disabilities, orphans, homeless animals.

We should respect people s last will.
There is inf in our Constitution that individual rights are above all.

People who want their pets inherit their legacy are supposed to be lonely. We should symphathized them and give the the opportunity to do what they want.

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