- 2. Planch – дошка Wrap up – обгортати Roll – розкатати
- 3. Suppositories - dosed medical forms, solid at room temperature and melted or dissolve at the temperature
- 4. Depending on a place of introduction suppositories differentiated: rectal (suppositoria rectalia), intended for introduction to the
- 5. For the method of preparation suppositories divided into: Rolling (hand-pumping) pouring. For the localization procedure: local
- 6. By type of suppositories basis: suppositories in hydrophobic bases suppositories in hydrophilic bases
- 7. Requirements to suppositories: Time of melting (for suppositories on hydrophobic bases) – 15 minutes Time of
- 8. Disadvantages of suppositories: not hygienic of administration duration of preparing.
- 9. Requirements to the suppositories bases : sufficient hardness at a room temperature and ability to fuse
- 10. PRESCRIPTION OF SUPPOSITORIES Suppositories prescribe in recipes by two methods: distributive separate.
- 11. GENERAL RULES OF PREPARATION SUPPOSITORIES The main technological task in the preparation of suppositories is that
- 12. Medical substances, which are not dissolve in basis, add according to principle of suspension: if amount
- 13. Rp.: Furazolidoni 0,004 Olei Cacao 1,0 M., f. supp. D. t. d. № 15. S. 1
- 14. WCP (Reverse side) Furazolidoni 0,004 х 15 = 0,06 Olei Cacao 1,0 х 15 = 15,0
- 15. Technology In a mortar placed 0,06 Furazolidoni and grind in the solid form, then add 1
- 23. WCP (Front side) Date № recipe Furazolidoni 0,06 Olei Helianthi gtt. I Olei Cacao 15,0 Lanolini
- 24. Rp.: Anaesthesini 0,5 Olei Cacao q.s. Misce, fiat suppositorium Da tales doses № 10 Signa. 1
- 25. WCP (r.s.) Anaesthesini 0,5 * 10 = 5,0 Olei Cacao 3*10= 30 – 5 = 25,0
- 26. Suppositories with substances which entered by the type of solution If substances which are soluble in
- 27. Rp.: Anaesthesini 0.02 Olei Cacao 2.0 М., f. supp. D. t. d. N. 10. 1 suppository
- 28. WCP (Reverse side) Anaesthesini 0,02 х 10 = 0,2 Olei Cacao 2,0 х 10 = 20,0
- 29. Technology. In a mortar placed 0,2 anaesthesin, first grind down in dry form and then add
- 30. WCP (Front side) Date № recipe Anaesthesini 0,2 Olei Helianthi gtts. IV Olei Cacao 20,0 Lanolini
- 31. Suppositories with substances which entered by the type of emulsion If substances which are soluble in
- 32. Rp.: Novocaini 0,1 Olei Cacao q.s. M. f. supp. D. t. d. N. 6. S. To
- 33. WCP (Reverse side) Novocaini 0,1 х 6 = 0,6 Massae suppositoriorum 3,0 х 6 = 18,0
- 34. Technology. In a mortar dissolve 0,6 novocaine in a few drops of water. Then for a
- 35. WCP (Front side) Date № recipe Aquae purificatae q.s. Novocaini 0,6 Olei Cacao 17,4 Lanolini anhydrici
- 36. Rp.:Extracti Belladonnae 0,015 Novocaini Streptocidi ana 0,1 Solutionis Adrenalini hydrochloridi 0,1% gtts.III Olei Cacao 3,0 Misce,
- 37. Doses Novocainum: HSD – 0,25 SD – 0,1 HDD – 0,75 DD - 0,1 Streptocidum: HSD
- 38. WCP (r.s.) Novocainum 0,1 × 12 = 1,2 Streptocidum 0,1 × 12 =1,2 Alcohol: 1,0 –
- 39. WCP (Front side) Date № recipe Streptocidi 1,2 Novocaini 1,2 Sol. Adrenalini hydrochloridi 0,1% gtts.36 Extracti
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