The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme


Слайд 2

Voluntary environmental management tool operative since 1995

What is EMAS?

Continual improvements in

Voluntary environmental management tool operative since 1995 What is EMAS? Aim Continual
the environmental performance of companies and other organisations
Tools allowing organisations to measure, evaluate, report and improve environmental performance
Better management of environmental issues and credible information on these issues

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EMAS follows a Systematic “Plan-Do-Check-Act” Approach

EMAS follows a Systematic “Plan-Do-Check-Act” Approach

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What are the Core Elements of EMAS?

Carrying out annual updates of environmental

What are the Core Elements of EMAS? Performance Carrying out annual updates
policy targets and actions to implement and evaluate these targets
Third party verification by independent auditors guarantees the value of both actions taken and disclosed information
Environmental statements provide public information about the environmental performance of the organisation

Premium benchmark for environmental management

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Who can participate?



Organisations operating in all economic sectors

Organisations located inside or outside

Who can participate? I II Organisations operating in all economic sectors Organisations
EU, EEA and Accession countries (EMAS Global)*

* It is in the realm of EU Member States to allow registration of organisations located outside EU, EEA and Accession Countries. Before introducing EMAS Global a number of practical and legal issues need to be clarified.

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What are the Steps to EMAS Registration?

Environmental review


Environmental policy

Environmental management system

Environmental audit


What are the Steps to EMAS Registration? Environmental review (1) Environmental policy

Registration by Competent Body and use of EMAS logo






Environmental programme


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What are Benefits of EMAS Registration?

Risk minimisation: possibilities to reduce associated risk

What are Benefits of EMAS Registration? Risk minimisation: possibilities to reduce associated
levels by assessing operational procedures


Regulatory compliance: greater awareness and knowledge of regulatory requirements

Regulatory relief: regulators may choose to relax regulatory requirements

Improved relations with internal stakeholders: employee involvement and training under EMAS can lead to improved employee morale

Improved relations with external stakeholders: EMAS registration of a site in close proximity to residents can enhance credibility and transparency

Competitive advantage: EMAS registration can lead to improved market access and increased market share






Cost reductions: better management of resources (e.g. energy and resources efficiency)


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What are Costs of EMAS Registration?

Fixed costs: assumed to be unrelated to

What are Costs of EMAS Registration? Fixed costs: assumed to be unrelated
staff numbers (e.g. registration fees, IT costs)

External costs: incurred by employing external consultancy to support EMAS implementation (e.g. employee training)

Internal costs: incurred by organisation staff to implement, administer and report on EMAS (e.g. internal audit)




Costs vary with the size and the sector of the organisation*

* For detailed information about the costs of EMAS implementation and financial incentives, please contact your national Competent Body

Слайд 9

EMAS Development




29 June 1993 EMAS adopted by the European Council
1995 EMAS

EMAS Development EMAS I EMAS II EMAS III 29 June 1993 EMAS
opens for participation by industrial companies

19 March 2001 New Regulation adopted by the Council and the EP
27 April 2001 Entry into force of new Regulation (EC) N°761/2001

25 Nov 2009 New Regulation adopted by the Council and the EP
11 Jan 2010 Entry into force of new Regulation (EC) N°1221/2009

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New Provisions of EMAS III



Improvement of applicability of scheme

Strengthening visibility and outreach

New Provisions of EMAS III I II Improvement of applicability of scheme
of scheme

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New Provisions of EMAS III (cont’d)

(I) Improvement of the applicability of the

New Provisions of EMAS III (cont’d) (I) Improvement of the applicability of

Transitional registration procedures: facilitate introduction of EMAS III


Revised audit cycles: further improve applicability for small organisations

Single corporate registration: ease administrative and financial burden on organisations with several sites

Cluster approach: provide specific assistance to clusters of organisations in the development & implementation phases of EMAS registration

Environmental core indicators: adequately document environmental performance and create multi-annual comparability

Sectoral reference documents: facilitate practical implementation ‘on the ground’ of EMAS requirements






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New Provisions of EMAS III (cont’d)

(II) Strengthening EMAS visibility and outreach

Single EMAS

New Provisions of EMAS III (cont’d) (II) Strengthening EMAS visibility and outreach
logo: communicate EMAS in one coherent and distinctive way


EMAS Global: encourage global uptake of the scheme by making EMAS certification possible for organisations outside the EU Community

Information and promotion activities of EU Member States and European Commission: support uptake of EMAS III



Recognition of other EMS: facilitate uptake from existing EMS to EMAS


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In the Spotlight: Six Environmental Core Indicators

In the Spotlight: Six Environmental Core Indicators

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One single logo

In the Spotlight: EMAS Logo

One single logo In the Spotlight: EMAS Logo

Слайд 15

EMAS goes further than ISO 14001


+ Public reporting through EMAS

EMAS goes further than ISO 14001 ISO/EN ISO 14001 (2004) + Public
environmental statement

+ Legal compliance

+ Employee involvement

+ Performance
checked by
environmental verifiers


+ Registration by public authority

Слайд 16

Successful EMAS Implementation: Involvement

Successful EMAS Implementation: Involvement

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EMAS Statistics

EMAS Statistics

Слайд 18

Further Information on the EMAS Website

Further Information on the EMAS Website

Слайд 19


European Union:
EMAS Register:
EMAS Toolkit for small organisations:
EMAS Easy:

Links European Union: EMAS Register: EMAS Toolkit for small organisations:
Portal for SMEs:
EU Ecolabel:
Green Public Procurement (GPP):
Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme for SMEs (ECAP):
European Environment Agency:
International Standard Organisation (ISO):
Имя файла: The-EU-Eco-Management-and-Audit-Scheme.pptx
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