The House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey

Слайд 3

1) Occupy-занимать
2)Edward the Confessor-Эдуард Исповедник
3) successors-преемники
4) representatives-представители
5) House of Lords -Палата

1) Occupy-занимать 2)Edward the Confessor-Эдуард Исповедник 3) successors-преемники 4) representatives-представители 5) House
6) House of Commons -Палата общин
7) session-заседание
8) Westminster Abbey-Вестминстерское аббатство
9) buried-погребенный

Слайд 4

The House of Parliament

The House of Parliament occupy a magnificent building

The House of Parliament The House of Parliament occupy a magnificent building
on the left bank of the Thames in a part of London called Westminster, that has long been connected with royalty and government.

Слайд 6

King Edward the Confessor built a place beside the River Thames

King Edward the Confessor built a place beside the River Thames in
in the 11th century. His successors made the palace their main residence. Gradually Westminster became the centre of government. At first Parliament was organized to help the monarch rule the country. The monarch called representatives of different groups of people together; so the House of Lords represented the Church and aristocracy, and the House of Commons represented the rich landowners who expressed the views and interests of their own town or village. In the course of centuries, power gradually passed from the monarch to Parliament.

Слайд 8

According to the long-standing tradition, the Queen still opens the new

According to the long-standing tradition, the Queen still opens the new session
session of Parliament each autumn by reading the Queen’s Speech in the House of Lords. Another tradition is that the Queen is not allowed to enter the house of Commons. This tradition goes back to the time of Charles I, more than three hundred years ago, and reminds everybody that the monarch must not try to govern the country.

Слайд 10

Westminster Abbey.

Westminster Abbey.

Слайд 11

Opposite the House of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. A church has

Opposite the House of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. A church has stood
stood here since Saxon times, when it was known as West Monastery (Westminster), because of its position to the west of London’s centre.

Слайд 13

Since William the Conqueror’s times British monarchs have been crowned there,

Since William the Conqueror’s times British monarchs have been crowned there, and
and since the 13th century they have been buried there. Many other famous people are also buried in Westminster Abbey.

Слайд 16


In what part of London is the building of the House of

Questions In what part of London is the building of the House
Parliament situated?
2)Which two parts does British Parliament consist of?
What English king built Westminster Abbey?
What is Westminster Abbey famous for?
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