The role of the service industry in the modern Economy

Слайд 2


The reasons of the tertiary sector of economy development.
The nature of service.

Structure The reasons of the tertiary sector of economy development. The nature
Services and goods
The classifications of needs.

Слайд 3

What does SERVICE mean in English? (Longman Oxford Dictionary)

the official system for

What does SERVICE mean in English? (Longman Oxford Dictionary) the official system
providing something, especially something that everyone in a country needs to have, or the official organization that provides it:
the health service
the postal service
the police service
a particular type of help or work that is provided by a business to customers, but not one that involves producing goods:
A wide range of financial services are avaliable
The help that people who work in a shop, restaurant, bar give you:
The service was terrible and so was the food.
Customer service

Слайд 4

Sectors in economy

The primary sector: farming, forestry and fishing.
The secondary sector: gas,

Sectors in economy The primary sector: farming, forestry and fishing. The secondary
mining and manufacturing, electricity, water, construction.
The tertiary sector: service sector

Слайд 5

Increasing role of service

Increasing role of service

Слайд 6

What does the service industry include?

Hospitality Industry
Mass Media
Health Care
Waste disposal
Financial services
Retail sales

What does the service industry include? Entertainment Hospitality Industry Mass Media Health

Слайд 7

Economy today: service economy

The increased importance of service sector in industrialized economies;

Economy today: service economy The increased importance of service sector in industrialized
of products: products today have a higher service component than in previous decades;

Слайд 8

For the last 100 years, there has been a substantial shift from

For the last 100 years, there has been a substantial shift from
the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary sector in industrialised countries.
The economy today is called postindustrial economy. That means that the economy depends less on the industry.

Слайд 9

The place of service industry in the economy

The place of service industry in the economy

Слайд 10

What is the nature of service?

What is the nature of service?

Слайд 11

What is service?

“Most authorities consider the services sector to include all economic

What is service? “Most authorities consider the services sector to include all
activities whose output is not a physical product or construction, is generally consumed at the time it’s produced, and provides added value in forms (such as convenience, amusement, timeliness, comfort or health) that are essentially intangible concerns of its first purchaser”.
James Brian Jordan

Слайд 12

What is service?

Tangible – intangible
The period between the demand by

What is service? Tangible – intangible The period between the demand by
a customer and the supply is very short, sometimes immediate/ the period between the demand by a customer and the supply can take many months

Слайд 13

Can/ cannot be touched, handled, smelled, tasted;
Standardized and prepared not for individual

Can/ cannot be touched, handled, smelled, tasted; Standardized and prepared not for
demand/ Meets need of customer after face-to-face conversation
Can be stored for futher consumption/ can‘t be stored;
Unique/ not unique
Rely on very subjective experience.
Possible to standardize/ difficult to standardize

Слайд 15

Maslow’s theory

Maslow’s theory
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