The symbols of Great Britain

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Symbol Wales

Symbol Wales

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The red rose is the symbol of England

It comes from the history

The red rose is the symbol of England It comes from the
of the country.This symbol goes back to the War of the Roses,which was the war within the country.In the 15th century two Houses were struggling for the English throne-the Lancastrians and the Yorkists.Red rose was the emblem of the Lancastrians and the white rose was that of the Yorkists.Their rival ended when King Henry VII,the Lancastrian,married Princess Elizabeth,the daughter of the Yorkist.Since that time the red rose has become the national emblem of England.

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National Animal-The Lion

Because the lion is symbolic of bravery,it was frequently

National Animal-The Lion Because the lion is symbolic of bravery,it was frequently
used to medieval England.Today,it remains the national animal of the couteam names,logos,icons,and so on.

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The Flag

The flag of England is represented by a red cross on

The Flag The flag of England is represented by a red cross
a white back Cross and has its originsin the Crusades (12th and 13th) centuries red-coloured
cross on their white tunics.St George was claimed
to time,so the cross became associated with him.

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National Tree-The Oak Tree

The oak tree represents stength,beauty and survival through trials

National Tree-The Oak Tree The oak tree represents stength,beauty and survival through
representation of this enduring country.King Charles II escaped paexecuted and hid in an olk oak tree.Since then,this escape has bewell-known account for many locals.

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For many centurles the purple thistle has been Scotland's national emblen.There is

For many centurles the purple thistle has been Scotland's national emblen.There is
a legend that explains why it became the Scottish emblem.According to Norsemen wanted to plunder the lang of Scotland and settle there. So,they landed .The Scots gathered their army to defend the land.They assembled behind the after a long march.The Scots were sleeping and did not expect the enemies.When the Norsemen decided to attack the Scots,they took their shoes off not to make noise thistle.That sudden and sharp pain made him scream.So the Scots heart this "alarm" and hut the N.That is how the thistle became the emblem of Scotland.

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Wales has got two national symbols.These are the daffodil and the leek.They

Wales has got two national symbols.These are the daffodil and the leek.They
are both connected to the Patron Saint of Wales.According to the legend,during a battle against the Saxons,St.David advised that they could easily be distinguished from their enemies.Another link between the leek and St.David is the belief that he had to live on However,today each year on St.David's Day the leek is worm in the cap badges.But outside the army,many other Welsh people have substituted the leek by the attractive and certainly smells a lot better.The daffodil is also associated with St.David's Day,due to the fact that it breaks into blossom of the many Welsh names for a daffodil is "Cenhinen Bedr" which means "Peter's leek".

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The Royal Arms of England

With much the same desing as the

The Royal Arms of England With much the same desing as the
Royal Banner,this is a coat of a the country as well as of its monarchs.

Слайд 12

Scotland Bagpipes

Scotland Bagpipes
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