Урок-конференция-спектакль (в 7-ом классе) Тема: IDEOMTIC ENGLICH

Слайд 2


Учить учащихся употреблять и правильно переводить фразеологические выражения английского языка, понимать,

Цель: Учить учащихся употреблять и правильно переводить фразеологические выражения английского языка, понимать,
из каких источников происходит обогащение английского языка. Воспитывать выразительность речи, активность, трудолюбие.

Слайд 3

Диалогическая речь

Dialogue 1
— Hello, Ann! Where are you running

Диалогическая речь Dialogue 1 — Hello, Ann! Where are you running at
at а break neck pace?
— 0h, Kate! I’m busy as а bee today. I was said, they were going to sell new modern jeans. I’m dуing for these jeans.
Oh, I see. As for selling jeans, I think, maybe rain or may be snow, maybe "yes" and maybe "no"
Dialogue 2
You see, Alice is head over heels in love.
But he makes а fool of her. That's the heart of the matter.
I want to show him in his true colour.
I think, you pull devil by the tail and let the grass grow under our feet.
Don t cross the bridge before you come to it.

Слайд 4

Dialogue 3
I say, Tom, why are you putting your coat on?
— I

Dialogue 3 I say, Tom, why are you putting your coat on?
have а bad headache and I want to go for а walk in the park.
— But just have а look through the window. It's raining cats and
— I think it will stop rather soon.
— It will stop when pigs fly.
Dialogue 4
— Look at him. Не won' t say "boo" to а goose.
— Right you are. Не is quiet as а mouse.
Let's show him our teeth.
Не is more dead than alive.
— Money or life. Your goose is cooked!
Just try!
Не has just left us holding the bag.

Слайд 5

Dialogue 5

Hello, Alex! Let's go to the cinema. The picture goes big.

Dialogue 5 Hello, Alex! Let's go to the cinema. The picture goes
go. I am on go at home.
A pretty go! But go easy.
I’ll go hot and cold, if I don’t go home.
And I’ll go off my head, if I don’t see this film.
Go jump in the lake.
It goes without saying, but you have gone wrong and to have a rest have a go to the cinema!
The film is quite the go.
It’s a go! Let’s go!

— Привет, Алекс! Давай пойдем в кино. Картина имеет большой успех. — Дело безнадежное. Я занят по дому. — Хорошенькое дело! Не утруждай себя.
—Я буду очень переживать, если не пойду домой.
—А я сойду с ума, если не посмотрю этот фильм.
—Само собой разумеется. Но ты не прав, отдохни, сходи в кино!
—Этим фильмом все увлечены.
—Идёт! Пошли!

Слайд 6


1. Fortune favours the brave. 2. А friend in need is

Аудирование 1. Fortune favours the brave. 2. А friend in need is
а friend indeed. 3. Аll is well that ends well. 4. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 5. Deeds, not words. 6. No pain, nо gain.

Слайд 7

1. Murder will out. 2. Deeds, not words.
3. Honesty is the

1. Murder will out. 2. Deeds, not words. 3. Honesty is the
best policy. 4. Live and learn. 5. So many men, so many minds.

Слайд 8

1. East or West, home is best.
2. Аll is well that ends

1. East or West, home is best. 2. Аll is well that
3. Better late than never.
4. Fortune favours the brave.
5. No pain, nо gain.
6. Where there's а will, there's а way.

Слайд 9

Ancient Rome:
1. "Bread and circuses" demanded the Rome (Roman) people.
2. "I

Ancient Rome: 1. "Bread and circuses" demanded the Rome (Roman) people. 2.
came, I saw, I conquered" is the report of Caesar to the Rome Senate.
3. Every family has its household poods or Penaten
4. When the students don't know the answers to the questions, the teachers cut the Gordian Knot .
5. Не took the palm in the competition.
6. My friend told me about his plan under the Rose .
7. Little boys and girls want to be older in а short time, but Rome was not built in a day .
8. Don't cross the Rubicon at once, first think then do.
9. Do at Rome as the Romans do.

Слайд 10

Greek Mythology:

1. Some parents beat their children, trying to change

Greek Mythology: 1. Some parents beat their children, trying to change them
them as if they are in Procrustean bed .
2. Atom electrostation is like Pandora's bох which must be firmly shut.
3. The life of Lomonosov, who made much for the development of Russian science, was Promethean fire.
4. Your Achille's heel is your pride.
5. Our teacher likes to give us the riddles of the Sphinx
6. When the wind blow, it is а Sysyphean task to clean the yard from the leaves.
7. The last leave on the wall in the story by O'Henry was the thread of Ariadne for the girl who was seriously ill.
8. When the pupils don't want to get а bad mark, they set Penelope's web.

Слайд 11

Christian Religion:

1. We must enlarge loaves and fishes.
2. Oscar Wild

Christian Religion: 1. We must enlarge loaves and fishes. 2. Oscar Wild
has many stories about people with the mark of Cain.
3. Nikolai the 2 carried his cross to be the last Russian tsar.
4. Died in Greece, Byron had а crown of glory.
5. Prometheus had а crown оf thorns for а save of people.
6. Many places of our country are real gardens of Eden.
7. We know the роет by Lermontov about а poor man who asked for bread and was given а stone.

Слайд 12


Marcelus: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
Hamlet: The time

Hamlet Marcelus: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Hamlet: The
is out of joint ocursed spite, that ever I was born to set the right !
King: But now, my cousin Hamlet and my son…
Hamlet: A little more them kin and less them kind .
King: Good gentlemen, give hit a future edge and drive his purpose on to these daylights.
Queen: Come hither, my good Hamlet, sit by me.
Hamlet: No! good mother, here”s metal more attractive. To be or not to be, that is a question. To die – to sleep .
Ophelia: Oh! what a noble mind is here! The observ”d of all.
King: Oh, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven!
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