Слайд 2History of palm Sunday
The history of Palm Sunday goes back to ancient
History of palm Sunday
The history of Palm Sunday goes back to ancient

times. According to legend, in 30 AD, Jesus Christ came to Jerusalem on a donkey. There he was met by the common people, who laid palm branches on his path and greeted him with the words: "Glory to the Son of David!".
Слайд 3Palm Sunday traditions
Palm Sunday does not mean a lavish feast – the
Palm Sunday traditions
Palm Sunday does not mean a lavish feast – the

holiday always falls on Lent. On Palm Sunday, according to the charter, fish is allowed. The main tradition of the holiday is the consecration of willow branches.
Слайд 4Holy Week in 2021 from April 26 to May 1
Holy Week is
Holy Week in 2021 from April 26 to May 1
Holy Week is

no longer Lent or even Lent – it is a separate time. You can say so: Lent (the first 40 days) is the time when we go to meet God. Holy Week is the time when the Lord comes to meet us. It goes through suffering, through the Last Supper, the arrest, Calvary, the descent into hell, and finally to Easter. He overcomes the last barriers that separate us from God.