
Слайд 2

View Design from Natural Language requirements

View Design from Natural Language requirements

Слайд 3

Requirements for University Data Base

Requirements for University Data Base

Слайд 4

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (1)

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (1)

Слайд 5

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (2)

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (2)

Слайд 6

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (3)

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (3)

Слайд 7

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (4)

Rules for searching inaccuracies and ambiguities (4)

Слайд 8

Ambiguous terms in requirements and possible corrections

Ambiguous terms in requirements and possible corrections

Слайд 9

Rewritten requirements

Rewritten requirements

Слайд 10

To do it we analise the text and decompose it into the

To do it we analise the text and decompose it into the
set of sentences so that each set of sentences refers to the same concept
( partitioning sentences into gomogenous groups)

Слайд 12

Initial Design

Initial Design

Слайд 14

Checking and restructuring the first skeleton schema (introducing entity PERSON)

Checking and restructuring the first skeleton schema (introducing entity PERSON)

Слайд 15

Schema Design

Schema Design

Слайд 17

In order to proceed to the final refinements we may now focus

In order to proceed to the final refinements we may now focus
on each concept of schema and check for completeness. Thus we define attributes for each entity or relationship and we specify identifiers and mappings.
We notice that textual requirements рооrlу expressed bу thе RELATED-TO relationship between STUDENT and COURSE. In fact, this relationship must bе refined bу introducing the following nеw relationships:
1. Тhе relationship PASSED, representing courses that the student passed, with two attributes: GRADE and DATE.
2. Тhе relationship ATTENDS, representing соursеs thе student currently attends.
3. Тhе relationship MEETS, beween COURSE and thе пеw entity DAY OF_THE_WEEK, reptesenting thе weekly schedule of classes attended bу students in thе сurrеnt year, with two attributes: ROOM and HOUR.
Wе complete the sсhеmа bу adding some other attributes, cardinalities of relationships, and identifiers.

Слайд 18

Тhе final sсhеmа

Тhе final sсhеmа

Слайд 19

View design starting from forms

View design starting from forms

Слайд 20

Form structure

Certificating part
Extentional part
Intentional part
Descriptive part

Form structure Certificating part Extentional part Intentional part Descriptive part

Слайд 21

Details of parts definition

Certification part contains information that certify existence

Details of parts definition Certification part contains information that certify existence

Слайд 24

Income tax return form

Income tax return form

Слайд 29

View design from forms

View design from forms

Слайд 30

Form analysis

Form analysis

Слайд 31

Form Analysis for Income tax return form
become good candidates for decomposing design

Form Analysis for Income tax return form become good candidates for decomposing design activity

Слайд 32

Tree of areas of Income tax return form

Tree of areas of Income tax return form

Слайд 33

Skeleton schema for income tax return form

Skeleton schema for income tax return form

Слайд 34

Schema Design

Parametric Text. A parametric text is the text in the natural

Schema Design Parametric Text. A parametric text is the text in the
language with some empty fields that are to be filled with values taken from subtable domains/ This text is completed by additional indications about the values that are to be entered in the fields; both the text

Слайд 43

View Designs Starting from record formats

View Designs Starting from record formats

Слайд 47

Simple Fields

Simple Fields

Слайд 49

Subscripted (repetitive) fields

Subscripted (repetitive) fields

Слайд 51

Field redefinition

Field redefinition

Слайд 54

Symbolic Pointers

Symbolic Pointers

Слайд 59

Rules of field values

Rules of field values
Имя файла: View-Design-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 137
Количество скачиваний: 0