Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya is a real hero

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Our aims:

to find out all meanings of the word “hero”
to make

Our aims: to find out all meanings of the word “hero” to
a close study of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya’s life

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Methods of our research

study of literature
use of information technologies
translation from Russian

Methods of our research study of literature use of information technologies translation
into English
use of dictionaries

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Who is a hero?

Hero is a person who displays courage and will

Who is a hero? Hero is a person who displays courage and
for self sacrifice in the face of danger. Sometimes we can call an ordinary person a hero. Their work demands patience, persistence, self-control and courage

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According to Collins dictionary hero:

1) a man distinguished by exceptional courage,

According to Collins dictionary hero: 1) a man distinguished by exceptional courage,
nobility, fortitude
2) a man who is idealized for possessing superior qualities in any field
3) classical mythology a being of extraordinary strength and courage, often the offspring of a mortal and a god, who is celebrated for his exploits
4) the principal male character in a novel, play.

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Zoya’s family

She was born in 1923 in the village of Osino-Guy

Zoya’s family She was born in 1923 in the village of Osino-Guy

Her father was a librarian
Her mother was a teacher
Her brother Alexander was a Hero of the Soviet Union

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Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya showed extraordinary courage, she became a partisan by her own

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya showed extraordinary courage, she became a partisan by her own
wish. To her mother, who tried to talk her from doing this, she answered "What can I do when the enemy is so close? If they came here I would not be able to continue living.”

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At the village of Obukhovo Zoya and other partisans entered territory occupied

At the village of Obukhovo Zoya and other partisans entered territory occupied
by the Germans. They mined roads and cut communication lines. On November 27, 1941 Zoya received an assignment to burn the village of Petrischevo, where the Germans were. There Zoya managed to set fire to a couple of houses.

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She was tortured and interrogated throughout the night but refused to

She was tortured and interrogated throughout the night but refused to give
give up any information. The following morning she was marched to the center of the town with a board around her neck 'Houseburner' and hanged.

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"Comrades! Why are you so gloomy? I am not afraid to die!

"Comrades! Why are you so gloomy? I am not afraid to die!
I am happy to die for my people!"
"You'll hang me now, but I am not alone. There are two hundred million of us. You can't hang us all."

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Soviet poets, writers, artists and sculptors dedicated their works to Kosmodemyanskaya.

Soviet poets, writers, artists and sculptors dedicated their works to Kosmodemyanskaya.

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Zoya’s awards

Zoya’s awards
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