Слайд 2 Content
History of Craft in Central Asia
The role of Craft in

the Development
Distribution channels
Problems and possible solutions
Skills development workshop for female craftsmen
Craftsmen Phrasebook
Слайд 3History of Craft in Central
From times immemorial Tajiks have been

famous for creations of national
craftsmen. These skillful hands have been making fabrics, utensils,
musical instruments, carpets, furniture, jewelry and many other things for many centuries using only natural ecologically pure raw materials.
Handicraft in Tajikistan has been continuously evolved over thousand years from the times of Silk road.
Silk Road helped not only to exchange goods between the East and the West, but also ideas cultures and traditions.
Слайд 4The role of Craft in
According to the Creative Economy Report 2008,

arts and crafts are the only creative industry where
developing countries have a leading position in global market.
Because of the local resources, rich cultural traditions,
indigenous design and products.
Growth of this sector not only fosters economic growth,but also preserve cultural identity.
Слайд 6Italy: 24% of the national enterprise belong to crafts sector, 17%

the GDP
Columbia: total craft production
Слайд 7Problems
Credit availability
Shortage of Skilled labor
Problems with raw materials
Design and marketing

Handicraft micro loans
Providing raw materials
Professional marketing workshops
Слайд 8Economical situation
in Tajikistan
Limited economic opportunities in Tajikistan
According to

official estimates, one seventh of population works abroad leaving women to support family by themselves.
The population left in Tajikistan use range of different strategies to help them survive on limited resources
There is lack of information on families involved in craft production
Слайд 9Skills development workshop for craft
women in Tajikistan
Target audience: Tajik and

Afghan Women
Duration: two weeks
Basic English and Computer Skills
Marketing products
Expected Results:
Able to speak to foreign customers
Able to use Computer
Able to use Internet for their business
Able to promote their products through social media
Слайд 13Phrasebook for
Together we are building an open collection of useful

words and phrases for craftsmen in
The Craftsmen Phrasebook is a unique tool that provides basic useful vocabulary related to
the most common words used by craftsmen.
The Craftsmen Phrasebook assembles important phrases from various fields and encourages designers and experts in the field to improve their business through interacting with their
English speaking customers.
The phrases include a broad range of topics from a simple “Hello” to “Describing Clothes”,
covering a general set of words as well as sentences for their everyday lives.
The project is noncommercial, the phrasebooks will be available for free and provided without
further political or personal branding.
Do you want to support the project and help the craftsmen develop their business?
Слайд 14Suggestions
For the sustainable growth of the handicraft industry advertisement both at national

and international level should be undertaken exhibition, publicity, printing of brochures and and participation in fair will help in improving this traditional industry.
Well organized handicraft marketing system should be set up so that both producers and consumers would get more benefit.
Improve the conditions to participate in foreign trade fairs.
Слайд 15Project Partners
The U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan
Tourism Development Centre
The Union of Craftsmen

of Tajikistan
Слайд 16The project falls under
following goals:
Advancing Inclusive Economic Growth
Promoting Economic Growth and

Building good governance and stronger democratic practices
Promoting a educated Tajik society
Increasing mutual understanding and building trust between the
U.S. and Tajikistans’ Human Rights issues.
Слайд 17https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTAoJzAqJJA

Слайд 18 Ремесленничество является одним из важных секторов современной многоукладной социально-рыночной экономики и

способно обеспечить создание широкой сети мелких предприятий, рост количества частных кустарей-ремесленников, создающих благоприятные предпосылки для развития малого предпринимательства и эффективной конкурентной среды. Их гибкость и мобильность позволяют решить целый комплекс хозяйственных и социальных задач и обеспечить максимальную занятость населения, в том числе людей с самыми различными свойствами интеллекта, физических возможностей, людей с различным запасом знаний и разными профессиональными интересами, полнее реализовать их творческий потенциал. Развитие ремесленничества способствует социальному выравниванию, что создает предпосылки для стабильности внутри государства
Слайд 19http://www.centralasianhandicraft.org/listagallery.php/ru/gallery/767

Слайд 20 Click to add title
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