Main plant families (continuation)


Слайд 2


Fabales Fabaceae

Слайд 3


Fabaceae includes over about 751 genera and some 19,000 known species.

Fabaceae Fabaceae includes over about 751 genera and some 19,000 known species.
The family is widely distributed, being found everywhere except Antarctica and the high arctic. And it is the most common family found in tropical rainforests and in dry forests in the Americas and Africa.
The five largest of the genera are Astragalus (over 3,000 species), Acacia (over 1000 species), Indigofera (around 700 species), Crotalaria (around 700 species) and Mimosa (around 400 species).
According to most taxonomic systems, including the APG III system, the family includes six subfamilies: Cercidoideae, Detarioideae, Duparquetioideae, Dialioideae, Caesalpinioideae (incl. the former subfamily Mimosoideae), Faboideae

Слайд 4

Typical features of Fabaceae

Life forms: Trees, shrubs, perennial or annual herbaceous plants.

Typical features of Fabaceae Life forms: Trees, shrubs, perennial or annual herbaceous
They are generally hermaphrodite (bisexual). The flowers are often (Caesalpinioideae) or always (Faboideae) zygomorphic or actinomorphic (Mimosoideae). Flowers are usually showy to attract pollinators.
Perianth: include five generally fused sepals and five free petals.
Androecium: The stamens are always ten in number, their filaments can be fused in various configurations, often in a group of nine stamens plus one separate stamen.
Gynoecium: one elongated superior ovary, with a curved style.
Fruit: The ovary most typically develops into a legume. A legume is a simple dry fruit that usually dehisces (opens along a seam) on two sides.

Слайд 5

Typical flower of Fabaceae (Wisteria sinensis)

Typical flower of Fabaceae (Wisteria sinensis)

Слайд 6

Features of Fabaceae

Fabaceae is the third-richest plant family, behind only the Orchidaceae

Features of Fabaceae Fabaceae is the third-richest plant family, behind only the
and Asteraceae.
Fabaceae plants are actors of biological nitrogen fixation due to the presence of root nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Most species of temperate zone have a stable floral formula:
e.g., Trifolium repens: ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(9),1G1, with modification in androecium (e.g., for Genista tinctoria, Chamaecytissus ruthenicus): ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(10)G1

Слайд 7

Trifolium repens


Trifolium repens ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(9),1G1

Слайд 8

Astragalus cicer


Astragalus cicer ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(9),1G1

Слайд 9

Lotus corniculatus


Lotus corniculatus ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(9),1G1

Слайд 10

Trifolium repens


Medicago sativa


Trifolium repens ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(9),1G1 Medicago sativa ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(9),1G1

Слайд 11

Chamaecytisus ruthenicus


Chamaecytisus ruthenicus ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A(10)G1

Слайд 12

Sophora microphylla


Sophora microphylla ♀♂↑K5Co1,1,(2)A10G1

Слайд 13

Acacia nitelica

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A ∞ G1

Acacia nitelica ♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A ∞ G1

Слайд 14

Cercis siliquastrum

♀♂↑K(5)Co5A 10 G1

Cercis siliquastrum ♀♂↑K(5)Co5A 10 G1

Слайд 15



a: Albizia julibrissin; b: Ceratonia siliqua; f: Lupinus polyphyllus; c: Sophora japonica;

Fruits a a: Albizia julibrissin; b: Ceratonia siliqua; f: Lupinus polyphyllus; c:
d: Pisum sativum; g: Medicago sativa; e: Glycine max.







Слайд 16


Brassicales Brassicaceae

Слайд 17


Brassicaceae contains 372 genera and 4060 accepted species..
Distribution: Brassicaceae can be

Brassicaceae Brassicaceae contains 372 genera and 4060 accepted species.. Distribution: Brassicaceae can
found almost on the entire land surface of the planet, but it is absent from Antarctica, and in some areas in the tropics. The family is a medium-sized and economically important.
The largest genera are Draba (440 species), Erysimum (261 species), Lepidium (234 species), Cardamine (233 species), and Alyssum (207 species).
The area of origin of the family is possibly the Irano-Turanian Region, where approximately 900 species occur in 150 different genera (incl. about 530 endemics). Next in abundance comes the Mediterranean Region with around 630 species (290 of which are endemic) in 113 genera.

Слайд 18

Typical features of Brassicaceae

Life forms: Mostly annual, biennial, or perennial herbaceous plants,

Typical features of Brassicaceae Life forms: Mostly annual, biennial, or perennial herbaceous
some are dwarf shrubs or shrubs, and very few vines.
Flowers: May be arranged in racemes, panicles, or corymbs, and few species have individual flowers on stems.
Perianth: Each flower has four sepals and four petals, set alternating with the sepals.
Androecium: The mostly six stamens are set in two whorls: usually the two lateral, outer ones are shorter than the four inner stamens.
Gynoecium: There is one superior pistil that consists of two carpels.
Fruit: Fruits are capsules that open with two valves, usually towards the top. These are called silique if at least three times longer than wide, or silicle if the length is less than three times the width.

Слайд 19

Typical flower of Brassicaceae

Typical flower of Brassicaceae

Слайд 20

Features of Brassicaceae

This family includes important agricultural crops: Brassica oleracea, Brassica rapa,

Features of Brassicaceae This family includes important agricultural crops: Brassica oleracea, Brassica
Eruca sativa, Lepidium sativum, Nasturtium officinale, Raphanus.
Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, is one of the most aggressive and damaging invasive species in North America.
The small Eurasian weed Arabidopsis thaliana is widely used as model organism in the study of the molecular biology of flowering plants
Brassicaceae species have a stable floral formula:

Слайд 21



Brassica olearacea ♀♂*K2+2Co2+2A4+2G2

Слайд 22

Raphanus sativus


Raphanus sativus ♀♂*K2+2Co2+2A4+2G2

Слайд 23

Bunias orientalis


Bunias orientalis ♀♂*K2+2Co2+2A4+2G2

Слайд 24

Lepidium densiflorum


Lepidium densiflorum ♀♂*K2+2Co2+2A4+2G2

Слайд 26



Solanaceae Lamiaceae

Слайд 27


Solanales Solanaceae

Слайд 28


Solanaceae consists of about 98 genera and some 2700 species.
Distribution: Solanaceae are

Solanaceae Solanaceae consists of about 98 genera and some 2700 species. Distribution:
found on all continents except Antarctica. The greatest variety of species are found in Central America and South America. Centers of diversity also occur in Australia and Africa. In general, plants in this family are of tropical and temperate distribution.
The most economically important genus of the family is Solanum, that contains the potato (S. tuberosum), the tomato (S. lycopersicum), and the eggplant or aubergine (S. melongena). Another important genus, Capsicum, produces both chili peppers and bell peppers.
The genus Physalis produces the so-called groundcherries, as well as the tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica). Nicotiana contains, among other species, tobacco.

Слайд 29

Typical features of Solanaceae

Life forms: The family ranges from annual and perennial

Typical features of Solanaceae Life forms: The family ranges from annual and
herbs to vines, lianas, epiphytes, shrubs, and trees.
Flowers: generally hermaphrodite. Pollination is entomophilous. The flowers can be solitary or grouped into terminal, cymose, or axillary inflorescences. The flowers are usually actinomorphic, slightly zygomorphic.
Perianth: The both five sepals and five petals are fused, forming a tube with the (4)5(6) segments equal.
Androecium: includes (2)(4)5(6) free fertile stamens, rarely they have staminodes. They alternate with the petals.
Gynoecium is bicarpelar (rarely 3- or 5-locular) with two locules, which may be secondarily divided by false septa.
Fruit: The fruit can be a berry (as in the case of the tomato or potato), or a dehiscent capsule (as in Datura).

Слайд 30

Typical flower of Solanaceae

Typical flower of Solanaceae

Слайд 31


(1–3), Solanum melongena; (4), Solanum pimpinellifolium; (5–8), Solanum lycopersicum; (9–14), Variants of

Fruits (1–3), Solanum melongena; (4), Solanum pimpinellifolium; (5–8), Solanum lycopersicum; (9–14), Variants
Capsicum annum; (15), Physalis alkekengi; (16), Physalis floridana; (17–19), Physalis philadelphica. The Chinese lantern in Physalis spp. was opened to show the berry inside. Bar = 1 cm. (According to: Wang et al. (2015), DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00248)

Слайд 32

Cladogram showing the relationship between the three important genera of the family

Cladogram showing the relationship between the three important genera of the family Solanaceae

Слайд 33


Solanum dulcamara

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Solanum dulcamara

Слайд 34


Solanum dulcamara

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Solanum dulcamara Fruits

Слайд 35


Solanum tuberosum

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Solanum tuberosum

Слайд 36


Solanum lycopersicum

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Solanum lycopersicum

Слайд 37


Solanum melongena

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Solanum melongena

Слайд 38


Solanum nigrum

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Solanum nigrum

Слайд 39


Datura stramonium

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Datura stramonium

Слайд 40


Physalis alkengeni

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Physalis alkengeni

Слайд 41


Hyoscyamus niger

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Hyoscyamus niger

Слайд 42


Physalis alkengeni

♀♂*K(5)Co(5)A5G(2) Physalis alkengeni

Слайд 43


Lamiales Lamiaceae

Слайд 44


The enlarged Lamiaceae contain about 236 genera and have been stated to

Lamiaceae The enlarged Lamiaceae contain about 236 genera and have been stated
contain 6900 (Heywood et al., 2017) to 7200 (Harley et al., 2004) species, but the World Checklist lists 7534.
Distribution: The family has a cosmopolitan distribution.
The largest genera are Salvia (900), Scutellaria (360), Stachys (300), Plectranthus (300), Hyptis (280), Teucrium (250), Vitex (250), Thymus (220), and Nepeta (200).
Many members of the family are widely cultivated.
The distinctive features of the family Lamiaceae are: 1) tetrahedral stem, 2) opposite leaf arrangement, 3) pubescence of simple and glandular hairs, 4) the presence of essential oils. Most of Lamiaceae species have bilabiate corolla.

Слайд 45

Typical features of Lamiaceae

Life forms: annual and perennial herbaceous plants, some species

Typical features of Lamiaceae Life forms: annual and perennial herbaceous plants, some
are shrubs, trees, or, rarely, vines.
Flowers: The flowers are bilaterally symmetrical (zygomorphic), usually bisexual and verticillastrate (a flower cluster that looks like a whorl of flowers, but actually consists of two crowded clusters).
Perianth: includes five united petals and five united sepals, but corolla (usually similarly with calyx) is usually divided into two lobes: upper with two petals and lower with three petals.
Androecium: includes 4 (but 2 in e.g. Salvia, Rosmarinus) free fertile stamens.
Gynoecium: One pistil includes 2 united carpels. Ovary is 4-lobed with 2 locules separated inside by false septa.
Fruit: The fruits are presented by 4 nutlets per a flower.

Слайд 46

♀♂↑K(5)Co(3,2)A 4 G(2)

Lycopus europaeus

♀♂↑K(5)Co(3,2)A 4 G(2) Lycopus europaeus

Слайд 47

♀♂↑K(5)Co(3,2)A 4 G(2)

Galeopsis speciosa

♀♂↑K(5)Co(3,2)A 4 G(2) Galeopsis speciosa

Слайд 48

♀♂↑K(5)Co(3,2)A 4 G(2)

Phlomis tuberosa

♀♂↑K(5)Co(3,2)A 4 G(2) Phlomis tuberosa

Слайд 49

♀♂↑K(3,2)Co(3,2)A 2 G(2)

Salvia stepposa

♀♂↑K(3,2)Co(3,2)A 2 G(2) Salvia stepposa

Слайд 50


Asterales Asteraceae

Слайд 51


The family Asteraceae currently has 24700 accepted species names, in 1623 genera

Asteraceae The family Asteraceae currently has 24700 accepted species names, in 1623
(Christenhusz & Byng, 2016).
Distribution: Asteraceae species have a cosmopolitan distribution, and are found everywhere except Antarctica and the extreme Arctic. They are especially numerous in tropical and subtropical regions.
The typical inflorescence of Asteraceae species is a pseudanthium, also called a flower head or composite flower, surrounded by involucral bracts. It include numerous elemental flowers forming a certain type of pseudanthium.
Seeds have certain dispersal devices, formed by the reduced calyx (pappus).

Слайд 52

The different types of flowers of the Asteraceae family, belonging to the

The different types of flowers of the Asteraceae family, belonging to the
two most representative subfamilies: Asteroideae and Cichorioideae:
1 - Anthemis tinctoria (Asteroideae),
2 - Glebionis coronarium (Asteroideae),
3 - Coleostephus myconis (Asteroideae),
4 - Glebionis sp. (Asteroideae),
5 - Sonchus oleraceus (Cichorioideae),
6 - Cichorium intybus (Cichorioideae),
7 - Gazania rigens (Cichorioideae),
8 - Tithonia rotundifolia (Asteroideae),
9 - Calendula arvensis (Asteroideae),
10 - Leucanthemum vulgare (Asteroideae),
11 - Hieracium lachenalii (Cichorioideae),
12 - Osteospermum ecklonis (Asteroideae)

Слайд 53

Typical features of Asteraceae

Life forms: mostly herbaceous plants, but some are shrubs,

Typical features of Asteraceae Life forms: mostly herbaceous plants, but some are
climbers and trees.
Flowers: The flowers are arranged in anthodia (flower heads). Individual flowers are divided into five types, and may be actinomorphic or zygomorphic, bisexual or female or asexual.
Perianth: includes 3-5 (depending of flower type) fused petals, while calyx is reduced until a pappus, that is represented by different forms.
Androecium: There are usually five fused stamens..
Gynoecium: The pistil consists of two connate carpels. The ovary is inferior and has only one ovule.
Fruit: The fruit is achene-like, and is called a cypsela (plural cypselae), or exactly achene.

Слайд 54

Four types of Asteraceae flowers


Tubular flower
(also “disk flower”)

♀♂*K0Co(5)A (5)G(2)--

Ligulate flower


Ray flower (common)



Four types of Asteraceae flowers ♀♂↑K0Co(5)A(5)G(2)-- Tubular flower (also “disk flower”) ♀♂*K0Co(5)A
flower (sterile)

Слайд 55

Tubular flower

♀♂*K0Co(5)A (5)G(2)--

Tubular flower ♀♂*K0Co(5)A (5)G(2)--

Слайд 56

Ligulate flower


Ligulate flower ♀♂↑K0Co(5)A(5)G(2)--

Слайд 57

Ray flower (common)


Ray flower (common) ♀♂↑K0Co(3)A0G(2)--

Слайд 58

Ray flower (sterile)


Ray flower (sterile) ♀♂↑K0Co(3)A0G0

Слайд 59

Main types of Asteraceae flower heads

Radiate head has both ray and disc

Main types of Asteraceae flower heads Radiate head has both ray and
(tubular) flowers
Ligulate head has all ligulate flowers.
Discoid head has only disc (tubular) flowers.

Слайд 60

Radiate head

Radiate head

Слайд 61

Ligulate head

Ligulate head

Слайд 62

Discoid head

Discoid head

Слайд 63

Bidens cernua

Bidens cernua

Слайд 64

Artemisia abrotanum

Artemisia abrotanum

Слайд 65

Scalesia pedunculata

Scalesia pedunculata

Слайд 66

Scalesia pedunculata

Scalesia pedunculata

Слайд 67

Mutisia decurrens

Mutisia decurrens

Слайд 68

Centaurea marschalliana

Centaurea marschalliana

Слайд 69

Leucanthemum vulgare

Leucanthemum vulgare

Слайд 70

Artemisia latifolia

Artemisia latifolia

Слайд 71

Scabiosa ochroleuca

Scabiosa ochroleuca

Слайд 72

Erigeron acris

Erigeron acris

Слайд 73

Bidens pilosa

Bidens pilosa

Слайд 74

Arctium tomentosum

Arctium tomentosum

Слайд 75

Arctium tomentosum

Arctium tomentosum

Слайд 76

Arctium lappa

Arctium lappa

Слайд 77

Arctium lappa

Arctium lappa

Слайд 78

Picris hieracioides

Picris hieracioides

Слайд 79

Anthemis tinctoria

Anthemis tinctoria

Слайд 80

Centaurea scabiosa

Centaurea scabiosa

Слайд 81

Centaurea ruthenica

Centaurea ruthenica

Слайд 82

Solidago virgaurea

Solidago virgaurea

Слайд 83

Cichorium intybus

Cichorium intybus

Слайд 84

Cichorium intybus

Cichorium intybus

Слайд 85

Cirsium arvense

Cirsium arvense

Слайд 86

Ambrosia trifida

Ambrosia trifida

Слайд 87

Erigeron annuus

Erigeron annuus

Слайд 88

Helianthus annuus

Helianthus annuus

Слайд 89


Main families

Monocots Main families

Слайд 90


Poales Poaceae

Слайд 91


The Lamiaceae contains 780 genera and around 12,000 species.
Distribution: The grass family

Poaceae The Lamiaceae contains 780 genera and around 12,000 species. Distribution: The
is one of the most widely distributed and abundant groups of plants on Earth. Grasses are found on every continent, including Antarctica with the presence of Deschampsia antarctica on the Antarctic Peninsula.
The largest genera are Salvia (900), Scutellaria (360), Stachys (300), Plectranthus (300), Hyptis (280), Teucrium (250), Vitex (250), Thymus (220), and Nepeta (200).
Many members of the family are widely cultivated.
The distinctive features of the family Lamiaceae are: 1) tetrahedral stem, 2) opposite leaf arrangement, 3) pubescence of simple and glandular hairs, 4) the presence of essential oils. Most of Lamiaceae species have bilabiate corolla.

Слайд 92

Typical features of Lamiaceae

Life forms: annual and perennial herbaceous plants, some species

Typical features of Lamiaceae Life forms: annual and perennial herbaceous plants, some
are shrubs, trees, or, rarely, vines.
Flowers: The flowers are bilaterally symmetrical (zygomorphic), usually bisexual and verticillastrate (a flower cluster that looks like a whorl of flowers, but actually consists of two crowded clusters).
Perianth: includes five united petals and five united sepals, but corolla (usually similarly with calyx) is usually divided into two lobes: upper with two petals and lower with three petals.
Androecium: includes 4 (but 2 in e.g. Salvia, Rosmarinus) free fertile stamens.
Gynoecium: One pistil includes 2 united carpels. Ovary is 4-lobed with 2 locules separated inside by false septa.
Fruit: The fruits are presented by 4 nutlets per a flower.

Слайд 93


Общее число видов около 10000.
Стебель - соломина
Цветки мелкие, обычно обоеполые, собраны в

Злаки Общее число видов около 10000. Стебель - соломина Цветки мелкие, обычно
элементарное соцветие колосок.
Исходная модель цветка – трехмерная, но большинству свойственны:
2 колосковые чешуи
тычинок 3, реже – 2 (цинна, душистый колосок), еще реже – 6 (рис).
Число компонентов завязи – 2. Завязь нижняя.

Слайд 95


Общее число видов 25000-30000.
Цветки крупные, необычной формы.
Преимущественно тропические виды.
Основная модель цветка –

Орхидные Общее число видов 25000-30000. Цветки крупные, необычной формы. Преимущественно тропические виды.
пятикруговой, зигоморфный, обоеполый, андроцей редуцирован до 1-2 тычинок:
3 чашелистика, 3 (2) лепестка (обычно принимаемых за листочки простого околоцветника)
тычинок 1, реже – 2 или 3.
3 плодолистика. Завязь нижняя.

Слайд 96


венерин башмачок

Диаграммы цветков орхидных



пальчатокоренник венерин башмачок Диаграммы цветков орхидных ♀♂↑P3+3A1G(3)– ♀♂↑P3+3A2G(3)–

Слайд 97


Общее число видов 5600, 120 родов.
Стебли трехгранные, реже – цилиндрические
Цветок актиноморфный.

Осоковые Общее число видов 5600, 120 родов. Стебли трехгранные, реже – цилиндрические
(при наличии) представлен 3 или 6 листочками.
Тычинок 3
Гинецей из 3 (реже 2) плодолистиков. Завязь верхняя.
Женский цветок заключен в так называемый мешочек.

Слайд 98

Варианты диаграмм осоковых


Камыш лесной


Варианты диаграмм осоковых Пушица Камыш лесной Осока

Слайд 99


Общее число видов 3500-4000, 170-250 родов.
Листья более или менее мясистые, очередные,

Лилейные Общее число видов 3500-4000, 170-250 родов. Листья более или менее мясистые,
Вегетативные органы часто видоизменены в луковицы, корневища, клубни и т.д.
Цветок актиноморфный, трехчленный, обоеполый.
Околоцветник простой, венчиковидный, представлен обычно 6 листочками в 2 кругах.
Тычинок 6, в 2 кругах.
Гинецей из 3 плодолистиков. Завязь верхняя.
Плод – коробочка или ягода.

Слайд 100

Диаграммы лилейных

Гусиный лук


Диаграммы лилейных Гусиный лук Ландыш
Имя файла: Main-plant-families-(continuation).pptx
Количество просмотров: 50
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