Double - beta decay of 96zr and double - electron capture of 156dy to excited final states


Слайд 2


Introduction to second-order weak decays
Nature of the neutrino
Double-β decay of 96Zr
Two-coaxial HPGe

Outline Introduction to second-order weak decays Nature of the neutrino Double-β decay
Analysis and results
Resonantly enhanced double-electron capture of 156Dy
Two-clover HPGe apparatus
Analysis and results
Concluding remarks

Слайд 3


Introduction to second-order weak decays
Nature of the neutrino
Double-β decay of 96Zr
Two-coaxial HPGe

Outline Introduction to second-order weak decays Nature of the neutrino Double-β decay
Analysis and results
Resonantly enhanced double-electron capture of 156Dy
Two-clover HPGe apparatus
Analysis and results
Concluding remarks

Слайд 4

Weak Nuclear Decays

β decay: n → p + e- + νe
Double-β decay: 2n

Weak Nuclear Decays β decay: n → p + e- + νe
→ 2p + 2e- + 2νe
35 nuclides capable of ββ; Observed in 11





Spectator Nucleons





Слайд 5

Neutrinoless-ββ Decay

n1 → p1 + e-1 + “νe”
“νe” + n2 →

Neutrinoless-ββ Decay n1 → p1 + e-1 + “νe” “νe” + n2
p2 + e-2
Never observed (one questionable claim)





Spectator Nucleons









Spectator Nucleons





Слайд 6

Majorana Neutrinos

0νββ requires:
Helicity flip
Solved by massive neutrinos
Neutrinos are their own antiparticle
Solved by

Majorana Neutrinos 0νββ requires: Helicity flip Solved by massive neutrinos Neutrinos are
Majorana neutrinos


Слайд 7


Introduction to second-order weak decays
Nature of the neutrino
Double-β decay of 96Zr
Two-coaxial HPGe

Outline Introduction to second-order weak decays Nature of the neutrino Double-β decay
Analysis and results
Resonantly enhanced double-electron capture of 156Dy
Two-clover HPGe apparatus
Analysis and results
Concluding remarks

Слайд 8

2νββ to Excited Final States


Q value

2νββ to Excited Final States Q value

Слайд 9

Nuclear Matrix Elements

Nuclear Matrix Elements

Слайд 10

Experimental Technique

Sample between two coaxial-HPGe detectors

All energies in keV

An excited state decay

Experimental Technique Sample between two coaxial-HPGe detectors All energies in keV An
with two coincident γs

Слайд 11

Two-Coaxial HPGe Apparatus

Two-coaxial HPGe detectors sandwich sample
Active veto
NaI annulus for Compton suppression

Two-Coaxial HPGe Apparatus Two-coaxial HPGe detectors sandwich sample Active veto NaI annulus
end caps
Passive shielding
¾” OFHC copper
6” lead

Слайд 12

HPGe Spectrum

HPGe Spectrum

Слайд 13

Kimballton Underground Research Facility (KURF)

Active limestone mine
Ripplemead, Va
30 minutes from VT
4 hours

Kimballton Underground Research Facility (KURF) Active limestone mine Ripplemead, Va 30 minutes
from Duke
1700 feet limestone overburden
1450 m.w.e. shielding from cosmic rays
Internet access allows experiments to be controlled remotely

Слайд 15


micoLENS (VT)
Neutron Spectroscopy (Maryland)
Present experiment (Duke)
Low background radioassays (UNC)
Low activity

KURF Lab micoLENS (VT) Neutron Spectroscopy (Maryland) Present experiment (Duke) Low background
Ar (Princeton)
Watchboy (LLNL)

Слайд 16

96Zr Sample

150Nd and 100Mo are the only two nuclides where ββ decay

96Zr Sample 150Nd and 100Mo are the only two nuclides where ββ
to an excited state has been observed
96Zr as a ββ-decay candidate
High Q Value (3347 keV)
Ground state decay measured by NEMO collaboration
T1/2 = [2.35 ± 0.14 (stat) ± 0.16 (syst)] x 1019 yr
2.8% natural abundance
ZrO2 sample from ORNL:
7.283 g enriched to 91.39%
26.968 g enriched to 64.18%
Total of 17.914 g 96Zr

Слайд 17

96Zr 2νββ Data

96Zr source in place
623.8 days (1.92 yr) of data
4 events

96Zr 2νββ Data 96Zr source in place 623.8 days (1.92 yr) of
in ± 3σ ROI
2 events in ± 2σ ROI
Consistent with background
212Bi (232Th decay chain)
Compton scattering
Discriminate with energy resolution

Слайд 18

Limit Setting


Limit versus sensitivity
Limit: Nd(Nobs, Nbkgd)
Sensitivity: Ns(Nbkgd)
The mean limit Nd reported by

Limit Setting Limit versus sensitivity Limit: Nd(Nobs, Nbkgd) Sensitivity: Ns(Nbkgd) The mean
an experiment with background Nbkgd and no signal

Слайд 19

New limits

Limit at 90% C.L.
T1/2 > 3.2 x 1020 yr
Sensitivity: T1/2

New limits Limit at 90% C.L. T1/2 > 3.2 x 1020 yr
> 2.8 x 1020 yr
Previous limit
T1/2 > 6.8 x 1019 yr
Used single well-type HPGe; no coincidence
Limited by high background and uncertainty from statistical fits

Слайд 20

To Higher Excited States





















All energies in keV


To Higher Excited States 96Mo 0+ 0+g.s. 0+1 2+ 96Zr 3351 1148.1

Слайд 21

Limits on NME


1 J. Barea, J. Kotila, and F. Iachello, Phys. Rev.

Limits on NME 1 J. Barea, J. Kotila, and F. Iachello, Phys.
C 87, 014315 (2013)

Слайд 22

Single-β decay of 96Zr

T1/2(96Nb) = 23.35 h

All energies in keV

Single-β decay of 96Zr T1/2(96Nb) = 23.35 h All energies in keV

Слайд 23

Experimental Motivation

Help understand the nuclear structure of 96Zr
Possible background for experiments searching

Experimental Motivation Help understand the nuclear structure of 96Zr Possible background for
for 0νββ in 96Zr
Previous experiments used a single HPGe detector
β decay forms an irreducible background for excited state decays
Using the coincidence technique in present work can unambiguously distinguish β decay and ββ decay

Слайд 24

Limits on Single-β decay of 96Zr

Three coincident γs

Present Experiment
Sum three most intense

Limits on Single-β decay of 96Zr Three coincident γs Present Experiment Sum
decay modes
Branching ratio 81.6%
13 events in ROI , expect 11.1 events background
T1/2 > 2.4 x 1019 yr
Previous measurement
T1/2 > 3.8 x 1019 yr
Theory2 (QRPA)
T1/2 = 2.4 x 1020 yr

2 H. Heiskanen, M.T. Mustonen, and J. Suhonen, J. Phys. Rev. G 34, 837 (2007)

Слайд 25


Introduction to second-order weak decays
Nature of the neutrino
Double-β decay of 96Zr
Two-coaxial HPGe

Outline Introduction to second-order weak decays Nature of the neutrino Double-β decay
Analysis and results
Resonantly enhanced double-electron capture of 156Dy
Two-clover HPGe apparatus
Analysis and results
Concluding remarks

Слайд 26

Resonant ECEC to Excited Final States

Nucleus captures atomic electron
p + e- →

Resonant ECEC to Excited Final States Nucleus captures atomic electron p +
n + νe
Second-order nuclear decay
156Dy + 2e- → 156Gd + 2νe
For Majorana neutrinos
156Dy + 2e- → 156Gd*
Possible experimental alternative to 0νββ
No outgoing particles
No method to dissipate excess energy
Requires “monumental coincidence” that an excited nuclear state in the daughter nucleus is degenerate with the Q value

Слайд 27

Resonant ECEC to Excited Final States

Two neutrino mode strongly disfavored by phase

Resonant ECEC to Excited Final States Two neutrino mode strongly disfavored by
Observation would be evidence for Majorana neutrinos
Rate enhancement if the Q value is degenerate with an energy level


Q value

Слайд 28

ECEC in 156Dy

3 S. Eliseev et al., Phys. Rev. C 84, 012501(R)

ECEC in 156Dy 3 S. Eliseev et al., Phys. Rev. C 84, 012501(R) (2011)


Слайд 29

Resonant ECEC in 156Dy

156Dy is currently one of the most promising candidates

Resonant ECEC in 156Dy 156Dy is currently one of the most promising
low natural abundance: 0.056%
Enriched sample from ORNL
1.15 grams
Enriched to 21%
Total = 213 mg
Detectable only by γ-ray transitions in daughter


Q value

Слайд 30

New Two-Clover HPGe Apparatus

Use two clover HPGe detectors
Larger volume
NaI annulus
6-8” Lead

New Two-Clover HPGe Apparatus Use two clover HPGe detectors Segmented Larger volume
Built in 2010
Characterization and efficiency measurements 2010-2012
Moved to KURF Fall 2012
156Dy sample 2013-2014

Слайд 31

External coincidences
Internal coincidences
Addback coincidences

Coincidence and Addback

External coincidences Internal coincidences Addback coincidences Coincidence and Addback

Слайд 32

Previous Searches

Belli et al.4
322 g natural Dy2O3
157 mg 156Dy
104.7 days
Single HPGe at

Previous Searches Belli et al.4 322 g natural Dy2O3 157 mg 156Dy

This work
Enriched sample
Reduce γ-ray attenuation by sample
Cover a larger solid angle
Ability to look at coincidence γ-rays from cascades
Reduce background

4 P. Belli et al., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 375, 042024 (2012)

Слайд 33

156Dy Data Acquisition

Run #1
151.95 mg
99.13 days
Run #2
213.57 mg
132.82 days
Presented results are the

156Dy Data Acquisition Run #1 151.95 mg 99.13 days Run #2 213.57
sum of both runs
0.119 g·yr of exposure

Слайд 34

Capture to the 1946 keV State

Branching ratio 57.8%
Gate on 88.9 keV γ

Capture to the 1946 keV State Branching ratio 57.8% Gate on 88.9
ray in one clover segment
Allow singles and addback on 1857 keV

All energies in keV

Слайд 35

Capture to the 1946 keV State

Branching ratio 57.8%
Gate on 88.9 keV γ

Capture to the 1946 keV State Branching ratio 57.8% Gate on 88.9
ray in one clover segment
Allow singles and addback on 1857 keV
1 event in ROI, expected 4.12 events background
Nd = 1.275
Ns = 4.86

Слайд 36

Capture to the 1988 keV State

No nuclear data available on state
Assume a

Capture to the 1988 keV State No nuclear data available on state
strong transition to the 2+ state
Branching ratio = 100%
Gate on 88.9 keV γ ray in one clover segment

All energies in keV

Слайд 37

Capture to the 1988 keV State

No nuclear data available on state
Assume a

Capture to the 1988 keV State No nuclear data available on state
strong transition to the 2+ state
Branching ratio = 100%
Gate on 88.9 keV γ ray in one clover segment
2 events in ROI, expected 3.76 events background

Слайд 38

Capture to the 1952 keV State

Two γ-ray decay mode
Branching ratio 44%

Capture to the 1952 keV State Two γ-ray decay mode Branching ratio
addback on both γs
Three γ-ray decay mode may be reconstructed in addback
Additional 26.3% increase to sensitivity

Слайд 39

Capture to the 1952 keV State

Two γ-ray decay mode
Branching ratio 44%

Capture to the 1952 keV State Two γ-ray decay mode Branching ratio

Allow addback on both γs
Three γ-ray decay mode may be reconstructed in addback
Additional 26.3% increase to sensitivity
Given 709.9 keV event
2 events in ROI, expected 2.38 events background

Слайд 40

Capture to the 2003.7 keV State

All energies in keV

Capture to the 2003.7 keV State All energies in keV

Слайд 41

Capture to the 2003.7 keV State

Two γ-ray decays
Branching ratio 25.8%
Including contribution from

Capture to the 2003.7 keV State Two γ-ray decays Branching ratio 25.8%
ternary γ-ray decays
Increase sensitivity by 18%
Top: in coincidence with 1319.7
Bottom: in coincidence with 1242.5
Sum all three decay modes
6 events in ROI, expected 5.64 events background

Слайд 42

Summary of Results

4 P. Belli et al., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 375,

Summary of Results 4 P. Belli et al., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 375, 042024 (2012)
042024 (2012)

Слайд 43


Introduction to second-order weak decays
Nature of the neutrino
Double-β decay of 96Zr
Two-coaxial HPGe

Outline Introduction to second-order weak decays Nature of the neutrino Double-β decay
Analysis and results
Resonantly enhanced double-electron capture of 156Dy
Two-clover HPGe apparatus
Analysis and results
Concluding remarks

Слайд 44

The Future

Many 0νββ experiments are currently underway with more about to begin

The Future Many 0νββ experiments are currently underway with more about to
Near future: CUORE, Majorana, SNO+
Collaborations are progressing towards 1-ton scale experiment
Illuminate the Dirac or Majorana nature of the neutrino
Set limits on the neutrino mass

Слайд 45


ββ of 96Zr to excited states
Improve theoretical understanding of NMEs
Reduce uncertainty

Summary ββ of 96Zr to excited states Improve theoretical understanding of NMEs
state decay modes could help verify discovery
Decreased background by coincidence technique
T1/2(ββ) > [1.0-3.2] x 1020 yr
T1/2(β) > 2.4 x 1019 yr
0νECEC to excited states
Experimental alternative to 0νββ
Resonant enhancement could greatly increase experimental sensitivity
T1/2 > [0.67-10] x 1017 yr

Слайд 46

Thank you

Thank you

Слайд 47

How to Observe 0νββ

How to observe
Neutrinos escape
Electrons deposit energy in detector
Majorana Experiment

How to Observe 0νββ How to observe Neutrinos escape Electrons deposit energy

Слайд 48

HPGe Detectors

Photoelectric effect
Low energies (<140 keV)
Full energy deposition
Compton scattering
Median energies
Partial energy deposition

HPGe Detectors Photoelectric effect Low energies ( Full energy deposition Compton scattering
High energy
Requires 1.022 MeV
Dominates > 8 MeV

Слайд 49

Previous Data: 100Mo


5 M.F.Kidd, J.H. Esterline, and W. Tornow, Nuc. Phys. A

Previous Data: 100Mo 5 M.F.Kidd, J.H. Esterline, and W. Tornow, Nuc. Phys. A 821, 251 (2009)
821, 251 (2009)

Слайд 50

Previous Data: 150Nd


6 M.F. Kidd, J.H. Esterline, S.W. Finch, and W. Tornow,

Previous Data: 150Nd 6 M.F. Kidd, J.H. Esterline, S.W. Finch, and W.
Phys. Rev. C 90, 055501 (2014)

Слайд 51

Two-Coaxial Apparatus Efficiency

Two-Coaxial Apparatus Efficiency

Слайд 52

Coaxial HPGe efficiency

HPGe 1

HPGe 2

Coaxial HPGe efficiency HPGe 1 HPGe 2

Слайд 53

Angular Distribution

Angular Distribution

Слайд 54

Two-Clover Apparatus Efficiency

Two-Clover Apparatus Efficiency

Слайд 55

Two-Clover Apparatus Efficiency

Two-Clover Apparatus Efficiency

Слайд 56

Clover Efficiency

Clover Efficiency

Слайд 57

Method of Feldman-Cousins


Method of Feldman-Cousins
Имя файла: Double---beta-decay-of-96zr-and-double---electron-capture-of-156dy-to-excited-final-states.pptx
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