Innovative methods to improve the efficiency of power units of thermal and nuclear power plants


Слайд 2

... Experts have long known that this is impossible, but it is

... Experts have long known that this is impossible, but it is
an eccentric who does not know this, and does it ...

... Hey guys, - said Fyodor Simeonovich puzzled, to understand handwriting. - It's the same problem Ben Betsalaya.
Cagliostro also proved that it has no solution.
We do know that it has no solution, - said Hun immediately
We want to know how to solve it.
Once you're strange reason, Chris ... How can you find a solution,
if its not? There is no logic.
- Sorry, Theodore, but it's strange you talk. No logic, this search for a solution, if it exists. I mean how to deal with a task that has no solution ...
A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Monday begins on Saturday

Слайд 3

Inability to convert all the heat in the work of Carnot proved

Inability to convert all the heat in the work of Carnot proved

Dear sirs!
Perpetual motion machine of second kind is an engine that does not obey the second law of thermodynamics.
In 1824, Carnot, in his essay "Reflections on the motive power of fire and on machines that are able to develop this power," suggested that "no heat engine absorbs heat, turning it into a job and sends it to a cold body." W. Thompson (Lord Kelvin), R. Clausius, Planck built this idea into law. The modern interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics is: "To convert heat into work requires a heat source and cooling the lower temperature." The one who dared to contradict this law, called the inventors of perpetual motion machine of the second kind.
This law applies to thermal power plants. Probably everyone knows that electricity must bring the heat to the water in the steam generator, “SG" (see Figure 1.), Then evaporate it and pick up steam pressure. After this high-pressure steam enters the turbine "T", rotates its rotor with the rotor of the generator "G", and the latter generates electricity. After the turbine, steam from low pressure enters the capacitor "C" (cooler) and there is condensed - steam goes into a liquid (water). After the condenser, the water is fed back into the steam generator condensate pump, “CP".

Слайд 4

When heat dissipation from the condenser to the environment (rivers, lakes, seas)

When heat dissipation from the condenser to the environment (rivers, lakes, seas)
is thrown for more than half to the heat. That's how we warmed "Mother Earth!
Release of heat in the condenser is to reduce energy costs by raising the steam pressure. To raise the vapor pressure, low pressure, it first must be converted to a liquid state (condense), raise the water pressure in the pump supplying the steam generator, again take to the water heat for its evaporation and lift-pressure steam.
Is it possible to increase cycle efficiency and environmental improvements in
placements TPP or NPP?






Слайд 5

For this we need to present the process of vaporization.
Under normal

For this we need to present the process of vaporization. Under normal
conditions, to boil water, you first need to heat it to 100 ° C, then take the heat for evaporation. Evaporation takes place with elimination of water molecules from the surface boil. The distribution of internal energies in the process of boiling can be seen in Figure 2:
Here, I '- the heat consumed in heating water to boiling.
R - heat consumed in evaporation of boiling water - heat of vaporization
With a further supply of heat to steam, it is overheating - increasing the internal energy with increasing temperature.
Heat of vaporization of R consists of a heat separation of molecules U and the heat expansion of L. Under normal conditions, the heat expansion of L at 12.5 times less heat separation U.
In the process of generating electricity, heat separation U released into the environment, and the heat of the extension L is involved in useful work. That's because it is the whole fight will go!


Слайд 6

All the matter in a state of the masses - it liquid,

All the matter in a state of the masses - it liquid,
or gaseous. How so? To raise the fluid pressure necessary to expend energy is much smaller than that for raising the pressure in the same pair? So we must find another, less energy-intensive way to raise the vapor pressure, or find another way to transfer a couple of state of a fluid (water).
It is known that "could overheat the water under normal conditions of tens of degrees. But in the end, this water boils. Boiling occurs extremely rapidly, resembling an explosion."
I asked myself the task to calm overheated water - find a way to calming (not explode). Then, create a situation where the internal energy of hot water would be greater than the internal energy of steam at the same pressure compression.
My profession - engineer thermal power, specialization - vibration adjustment of rotating equipment. Ie in my head all the acceleration, centrifugal force, etc. Therefore, the question arose as influenced by centrifugal forces of inertia in the process of boiling a liquid?
Imagine that you were sent to the Sun in a pressure chamber and a thermostat. On weight gain in the sun 30 times and will be for the person 2 - 3 tons. Well, in these circumstances, run and jump? In short, the death of the weight! Well, the water molecule is another matter. They can take a lot of heat and then place their separation (jump) from the surface. But with the increase of heat in the liquid mass must increase its boiling point. Ie water for boiling should not be heated to 100 ° C, and to a greater temperature.

Слайд 7

With increasing centrifugal forces, increasing the range of the boiling surface

With increasing centrifugal forces, increasing the range of the boiling surface increased
increased boiling point. To a first approximation to determine the increase in internal energy, increasing the radius of the boiling of one centimeter.
It turned out that the boiling point of pure water increases not only the increase in compression pressure, but also on the increase of centrifugal forces in the molecules on a rotating surface. This effect was also opened in 1971 in America.
According to measurements in an experiment, I figured out that to the internal energy of boiling water was equal to the internal energy of steam, under normal circumstances, should have a radius of the inner rotating surface water in a cylinder 1.9 meters. Thus if the radius is larger, then pairs with normal parameters will cause the state to the liquid on the surface (do not have enough strength to break away from the surface of the "Sun"). The transition process in the state of a pair of fluid on a rotating surface is called "the collapse of the couple."

Simulate the increase in weight of the water molecules can be in a rotating cylinder (see Figure 3.). Weight molecules will increase from increasing the centrifugal forces in the mass.
I had experience on the evaporation of water in a rotating cylinder.


Слайд 8

Calculations showed that the energy of the masses, rotating at the frequency

Calculations showed that the energy of the masses, rotating at the frequency
n = 3000 rev / min on the surface with a radius of 1.9 meters close to the energy of a mass velocity of sound and heat expansion of L.
The materials on experiments with the supersonic motion of gas flows talk about the same physical nature of shocks on the edge of a wing and a pair of transition in liquid state on a rotating surface. Moreover, the energy expended in the process of transition in the pair state of the liquid equal to the heat expansion of steam L. On this basis, to clarify, I calculated the radius kollapsatsii pair to compensate for heat expansion. This radius is found to be 1.05 meters.
To confirm the correctness of reasoning through the process of erosion wear of blades of steam turbines (tear-out metal liquid), working on a dry saturated steam at atmospheric pressure. Top of erosion wear of blades begins at a radius of about 1 meter. These observations also confirm the experts MEI. Hence, the arguments and calculations of the collapse radius are correct.
Thus found a new way to transfer the liquid vapor in the state!
Imagine that in the cylinder Fig. 3 is close to the outer diameter of the holes are made, and the cylinder is housed in a pressurized and suction pipes and sealing system. It will be a centrifugal pump with a water seal at the impeller.

Слайд 9

Pump operation is as follows:
The low-pressure steam enters the pump suction

Pump operation is as follows: The low-pressure steam enters the pump suction
branch. Getting into the bubbling holes of the cylinder, it is unwound and becomes a centrifugal force. This force is directed to a steam surface water seal. When the vapor molecules will be on the surface, they will move into a state of superheated liquid. Centrifugal force does not give them back away from the surface. The radial increment of water seal will be pressure compression of superheated water as in a normal centrifugal pump.
With high pressure superheated water will come out of the water seal impeller. After exiting the impeller superheated water will stop spinning and then goes into a state of steam, but with high pressure.

Hi pressure steam

low pressure steam

Water seal

Слайд 10

Энергия, затрачиваемая на коллапсацию единицы массы пара будет равна теплоте расширения L.

Энергия, затрачиваемая на коллапсацию единицы массы пара будет равна теплоте расширения L.
Т.е. для повышения давления пара не надо будет выбрасывать теплоту разъединения U. Для перевода пара в состояние жидкости надо будет затрачивать работу равную теплоте расширения L. Т.к. теплота L в турбинах также используется для совершения работы, то тепло, используемое полезно, будет равно теплоте перегрева пара.

Схема работы паросиловой установки с применением двухфазного насоса будет выглядеть, как показано на Рис. 5.
Здесь: ПП – пароперегреватель; Т – турбина; Г – Генератор; ДН – Двухфазный насос.
Из двухфазного насоса, пар с высоким давлением поступает в пароперегреватель и там перегревается. Перегретый пар с высоким давлением из пароперегревателя поступает на турбину. В турбине тепловая энергия пара переходит в энергию вращения ротора турбины. Последний вращает ротор генератора, который вырабатывает электроэнергию.

Слайд 11

After the turbine, low pressure steam enters the two-phase pump. In the

After the turbine, low pressure steam enters the two-phase pump. In the
two-phase pump is an increase in vapor pressure of low pressure to the pressure of high pressure steam. Then the cycle repeats.
No you capacitors, where heat is released into nature! The heat in the process of separation of U is not involved. However, for the good work the commission must superheat steam. Thermal calculations show that with good pressure and overheating, cycle efficiency can be increased to 70%.
And so it was overturned by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In 2000, I took out a patent for "Method of two-phase pump." When defending a patent examiner rejected the application to include in the "Method of overheating of the liquid on a rotating surface," since This discovery was made in America in 1971. The expert also declined to include in the patent "cycle steam power plants with two-phase pump" until you open the publication of a refutation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
For services in power and for the patent, I was awarded the title "Winner of the contest, the engineer of Russia" for 2000.
Victor V. Michailovsky

Слайд 14

Виктор Владимирович
Victor V. Michailovsky

Виктор Владимирович Михайловский Victor V. Michailovsky

Слайд 15

The use of low-potential heat of the environment and its involvement in

The use of low-potential heat of the environment and its involvement in
the thermodynamic cycle NP plants and HPP

The principle of operation of heat pumps
Heat pump - a refrigerator in which heat from the environment of low temperature heat transfer fluid is transferred to high temperature due to energy costs to convert the working fluid machine. The principle of heat pump is similar to the work of the refrigerator. The fridge is cooled by heat from the products shown through the evaporator and condenser unit is given through the room. When operating the heat pump heat is extracted from the environment (soil, water, air) and fed into the heating system.
Cycle of the refrigeration unit in accordance with simple physical laws. The working environment in the form of already chilled fluid is circulated in a closed loop and thus successively evaporated, condensed, liquefied and expanded.

Слайд 16

Scheme of the heat pump

Heat exchanger of the second circuit

Warm waters of

Scheme of the heat pump Heat exchanger of the second circuit Warm waters of the lakes
the lakes

Слайд 17

Water cooling pond and the surrounding waters as a source of low-grade

Water cooling pond and the surrounding waters as a source of low-grade
Water well accumulates heat from the sun. Even in cold winter water table have a constant temperature of +7 to +12 _ ° C. This is an advantage of the heat source. Due to the constant temperature level of the heat source efficiency heat pump throughout the year remains high. Unfortunately, groundwater is not always available in sufficient quantity and suitable quality.
Nuclear power plants, usually located near sources of water for cooling the main condenser cooling water pumping coastal pumping stations (BNS). Available supply of water (tens to hundreds of millions of cubic meters of water reservoirs (eg ZNPP-Kakhovske reservoir, NPP-Gulf of Finland) is sufficient for use as a renewable source of low-grade heat.

Слайд 18

Example of using a cascade heat pump to feed the cycle of

Example of using a cascade heat pump to feed the cycle of
2 units of NPP with RBMK low-grade heat

In this scheme, a prototype for a simplified diagram of NPP with the reactor type
RBMK-1000. (Chernobyl, SELA, Smolensk NPP)
This scheme is suitable for all types of blocks.
For the primary heat exchanger accepted
Open-loop scheme involved
low-grade heat in
thermodynamic cycle of the second circuit, namely: the low regenerative heaters
and high pressure together with steam
of the LPC and HPC, respectively.
Cascade heat pump is needed for the step rise parameters of the coolant as the area of ​​maximum efficiency of heat pump is a temperature drop of 20-30 degrees.
This scheme is not the only
A possible solution may establish alternative, more effective methods.
Termotransformator, overheated steam to supercritical parameters does not exist
but does not contradict the kinetic molecular theory and therefore can be created.

Warm waters
of the lakes

stage heat pumps


Слайд 19

Proposed technical solutions in addition to increase efficiency
help to reduce the thermal

Proposed technical solutions in addition to increase efficiency help to reduce the
wake behind a submarine, as the heat previously discharged into the water returns to the 2nd circuit, which contributes to stealth submarine

Слайд 20

Александр Вячеславович Баранов
Alexander V Baranov
mailto: [email protected]
Cell: +7 962 195-59-47

Александр Вячеславович Баранов Alexander V Baranov mailto: Cell: +7 962 195-59-47
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