Industry (services): Chatbot for the fast events search within the city

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Presentation plan

Page 3 - main concept of the project
Page 4 -

Presentation plan Page 3 - main concept of the project Page 4
market overview
Page 5 - stages of the project
Page 6 - implementation of the bot
Page 7 - customer side

Presentation plan

Industry (services): Chatbot for the fast events search within the city

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Main concept

The goal is to create an electronic assistant that will help

Main concept The goal is to create an electronic assistant that will
the user to search for different events/activities within the city

Huge client base (bot for local citizens and tourists)
Easy to implement to nearly all social networks
Great growing potential of the chatbot
Idea is not innovative what leads to high competition
Initially the idea is not commercial – no money/investments

Main concept

Industry (services): Chatbot for the fast events search within the city

There are several pros and cons that need to be considered

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Market overview

As one of the drawbacks of the project idea, it was

Market overview As one of the drawbacks of the project idea, it
stated that a huge number of competitors takes place and because of the fact that idea is not innovative

Solution: To create an accessible and affordable for everyone, in term of price, chatbot to beat some of the competitors
In case of our project, the bot will be completely free and will be implemented in VKontakte

Market overview

Industry (services): Chatbot for the fast events search within the city





Within the graph:
Axis Y – shows the level of bot’s accessibility - if the bot is placed on the separate website, then it would be inconvenient to use, if it is implemented within the social network (such as VK), then it would be highly accessible.
Axis X – it shows if the bot takes any charge from the user for its usage

Competitor A

Competitor B

Competitor C

Competitor D

Our chatbot

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Stages of the project

Within our project, several steps were done


Formulating the idea


Stages of the project Within our project, several steps were done 1
this stage the plan of the project was formulated. It was needed in order to understand the volume of the work and the following steps


Writing a program

On this step the program was needed to be written in the Python and without this stage the whole project would be meaningless


Implementing the bot in VK

The final stage. This is where the group in VK was created in order to make our chatbot and download the token from it

Stages of the project

Industry (services): Chatbot for the fast events search within the city

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The bot is working in 24/7 mode. There is some information about

Implementation The bot is working in 24/7 mode. There is some information
the bot :

Bot is able to process both the text and number inputs. However, the inputs should be correct without any mistakes
The capitalization of letters does not matter. The bot processes all types of letter capitalization.
The response time of the bot is pretty fast, but because of the fact that it is placed on the free server, sometimes the first message from the bot could take some time.
The bot itself is a group in VK. Therefore, to start a conversation it is needed to write to the group first.


Industry (services): Chatbot for the fast events search within the city

Имя файла: Industry-(services):-Chatbot-for-the-fast-events-search-within-the-city.pptx
Количество просмотров: 47
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