Remaining mobile app functionalities


Слайд 2

Top menu

Arm/Disarm Button to arm the system. Arming the system will enable

Top menu Arm/Disarm Button to arm the system. Arming the system will
the alerts from Glass break sensor, motion sensor, motion alerts from camera.


Слайд 3

Settings button to be replaced with Smart shower button

Landing page and modifications


Settings button to be replaced with Smart shower button Landing page and

Settings and Arm disarm icon to be placed here

Слайд 4

Living room and bedroom pages – Lighting, Curtain, Audio

Scheduling On/Off button, orange

Living room and bedroom pages – Lighting, Curtain, Audio Scheduling On/Off button,
color to reflect status where Orange means On and white means Off. This button should enable to device to run in schedule or manual. When ON the device should run as per the schedule set, when Off the device should run as per the command given from the app

Please put the image for the audio


Replace “ +” by ON and “–” by OFF text. Clicking on ON should turn the circuit On(100%) and clicking on OFF should turn the circuit off (0%)

Слайд 5

Living room and bedroom pages – Climate controls

AC setpoint to be from

Living room and bedroom pages – Climate controls AC setpoint to be
16 deg to 30 deg on the dial rest no change. The IR strings will be provided.

Schedule setting option for all four systems in the room to be functional


AC On/Off status Orange is ON and white is off

Слайд 6

Kitchen Area

Scheduling On/Off button, orange color to reflect status where Orange means

Kitchen Area Scheduling On/Off button, orange color to reflect status where Orange
On and white means Off. This button should enable to device to run in schedule or manual. When ON the device should run as per the schedule set, when Off the device should run as per the command given from the app


Replace “ +” by ON and “–” by OFF text. Clicking on ON should turn the circuit On(100%) and clicking on OFF should turn the circuit off (0%)

Слайд 7

Date picker for playback not functional, it should be able to select

Date picker for playback not functional, it should be able to select
the date. After selecting the date the video files with time stamp should be visible for selection to playback the recorded video

CCTV Offline/Online status based on ping or alert from NVR


Remove 4 buttons and place camera selector for date picker for playback, should give options to select one of the cameras 1, 2, 3, 4 for video playback of recorded video


Names to be changed as
1.Front Left
2. Front Right
3. Rear Left
4. Rear Right





Слайд 8

Air purifier page


Scheduling should be possible as per tab title. like

Air purifier page SLIDE# 8 Scheduling should be possible as per tab
if 3 is selected the air purifier will be on for 3 hours and then off for 3 hrs. If 6 is selected then air purifier will be on for 6 hrs and off for 6hrs and similarly for 12

Air purifier On/Off Status to be listed here, Orange color for airpurifier On, white for Air purifier Off.

ON/OFF Command to be provided

Fan speed Command upto 7 to be shown

Text to be made bigger

Слайд 9



Door Lock/ Unlock control

Door Lock/ Unlock Status

Video Intercom viewing of video

CCTV SLIDE# 9 Door Lock/ Unlock control Door Lock/ Unlock Status Video
option, this should be available even if there is no call from the door intercom, the user whenever he clicks on the button should be able to view live video of the video intercom

Whenever call comes a push notification should come, once the user clicks on the push notification the video from the video intercom should superimpose on this red box for the user to have a video call with the person at the door

Remove audio button as it is not available

Remove text

Слайд 10

Last 10 alerts to be retained, if any alert is active to

Last 10 alerts to be retained, if any alert is active to
stay here. Currently not working

Values and status not working

General Alarms Page


Слайд 11

Scheduling option for coffee

Coffee Page


On/Off button for coffee like highlighted

Scheduling option for coffee Coffee Page SLIDE# 11 On/Off button for coffee

Scheduling On/Off button, orange color to reflect status where Orange means On and white means Off

Слайд 12

Vacuum Cleaner Page


Map services from vacuum cleaner to select which area

Vacuum Cleaner Page SLIDE# 12 Map services from vacuum cleaner to select
to clean

Scheduling option for weekly cleaning for the vacuum cleaner. The user should be able to select the days of the week for cleaning and time at which cleaning starts.

On/Off pause and docking controls for the vacuum cleaner to be always

Battery charge of the vacuum cleaner not displayed

Слайд 13

Health Screen Page 1

Total Kms walked/jogged or run during the day.


Health Screen Page 1 Total Kms walked/jogged or run during the day.
speed during the walk/jog.

Fastest speed during the walk/jog. This value will be available from the cloud server

Average speed during the walk/jog. This value will be available from the cloud server,

Total time of the day for which walking/jogging was done. This value will be available from the cloud server

Total calories burnt. This value will be available from the cloud server

SLIDE# 13.1

Слайд 14

Health Screen Page 2

Sleep Cycles during the sleep, this 4 boxes will

Health Screen Page 2 Sleep Cycles during the sleep, this 4 boxes
be giving an approximate percentage value sleep cycle pattern.

Shows the heart rate during light sleep and deep sleep and percentage change between them

Fastest speed during the walk/jog. This value will be available from the cloud server.

Hours of sleep like 1st hour, 2nd hour and 3rd hour of sleep.


SLIDE# 13.2

Слайд 15

Health Screen Page 2

Heart Rates the average and max values.

Shows the

Health Screen Page 2 Heart Rates the average and max values. Shows
heart rate during various activities.

Percentage of different types of activities which caused the heart rate and the time for which that activity happened.

Heart Rate in bpm.

SLIDE# 13.3

Слайд 16

Health Screen Page 2

Heart Rates during resting.

Shows the heart rate during

Health Screen Page 2 Heart Rates during resting. Shows the heart rate
various activities.

Heart beat at different hours of the day as a chart.

Heart Rate in bpm during different types of activities and duration.

SLIDE# 13.4

Слайд 17

The user will be able to send, receive email from here using

The user will be able to send, receive email from here using
a predefined email

Email Page


Слайд 18

Multiple selection buttons, whichever buttons are selected only alarms for those buttons

Multiple selection buttons, whichever buttons are selected only alarms for those buttons
will be created for the user. The ones that are not selected will not be created.

Settings Page

Selection for device for using WiFi connectivity as indication of presence in the house. Based on this it will be identified as for which all logics this device will be considered as presence of the user in the home.
For e.g. if for occupied/non occupied is selected, whenever this device is connected to the home Wi-Fi, it will be considered as the user is present in the home and when it disconnects, it will be understood that he left the home.
For Arrival at home: whenever this device Wi-Fi is connected to the home Wi-Fi, it will be considered as he has arrived home
For Device Schedules: schedules for all will work only when this device is connected to the Wi-Fi

To select alerting mechanism: if email is selected the user will receive only email alerts, if mobile notification is selected the user will receive only push notifications, if both are selected he will receive both types of notifications.

This gives the option to change the room names, whatever is typed here will reflect as the room name


Слайд 19

Energy Consumption monthly readings Energy meter – Kwh (Zwave)

Energy and water consumption


Energy Consumption monthly readings Energy meter – Kwh (Zwave) Energy and water
Consumption monthly readings from water meter (Modbus integration)

KgCO2 value for the month to be calculated from Energy consumption value. Energy Consumption to be multiplied by 0.7320 ( Kwh x 0.7320)

Energy and Water value for the month presented as bar chart. Last 4 months to be presented in the chart, period of consumption to be from 1st of month to last day of the month. The benchmark value in the form of red horizontal line will be provided as BACnet point for water and energy consumption.


Слайд 20

Alexa Integration – Commands List


Alexa Integration – Commands List SLIDE# 17

Слайд 21

Home page to be updated with the following image


Home page to be updated with the following image SLIDE# 18
Имя файла: Remaining-mobile-app-functionalities.pptx
Количество просмотров: 32
Количество скачиваний: 0