Слайд 3-The value is 222
-then, press the enter button

Слайд 61-Write six
2-And write six, step to that button

Слайд 7-Enter the punch angle
The knife (85)

Слайд 9-rp=(0.8) Radyus is always same
-Ton/m This is always 100 Ton/m for

our machine
Слайд 101-Give the number for the punch
2-Press enter button to save
move the cursor

-if you see 'exists' message
-First, press to this button

press to this button
move the cursor here
Слайд 13-Enter this
value to that secment

Слайд 17-This radius depends on (ve) value
ve=? (8-16) enter rd=1.8
(16-25) enter

(25-45) enter rd=3
Слайд 18-This is always 100 Ton/m for our machine

Слайд 20-Safety distance
should be (Ve/2)

Слайд 22-(a) value should be half measurement
of die width (die/2)

Слайд 24-(b) Value should be half measurement
of bottom table width (bottom table/2)

Слайд 251-Enter a number for the die
2-Press enter button to save
cursor is here