What is IQBBA? Blockchain fundamentals


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About lecturer

Founding CTO at ClickLog.io
X MD at Techgarden Ventures (Delaware, USA)

About lecturer Founding CTO at ClickLog.io X MD at Techgarden Ventures (Delaware,
Google developers group Astana Community manager
Singularity University Ambassador

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Teachers supervised independent study of students (TSIS)

Students independent study (SIS)

Tasks Teachers supervised independent study of students (TSIS) Activity Students independent study (SIS)

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Silicon valley context

Organizational aspects – information exchange with group

Askar Aituov
[email protected] / [email protected]

Silicon valley context Organizational aspects – information exchange with group Askar Aituov
Phone: +7 771 585 11 00

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Silicon valley context

Organizational aspects – information exchange with group
Telegram chat?
If yes:
Block Chain

Silicon valley context Organizational aspects – information exchange with group Telegram chat?
Technology and applications Айтуов А.Т.

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 - Intro

Larsen describes that a focus on 5G

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro Larsen describes that a focus
and AI should not overshadow the threat from China with digital currencies and blockchain technology. According to Larsen, the Chinese Government has subsidized vast amounts of energy needed to fuel cryptocurrency “miners”.
According to Larsen, “…at least 65 percent of cryptocurrency mining is concentrated in China, which means the Chinese government has the majority needed to wield control over those protocols and can effectively block or reverse transactions”.

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 - Intro

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 - Intro

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 - Intro

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 - Intro

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 – Intro. Experience in blockchain

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 – Intro. Experience in blockchain

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 – Intro. Experience in blockchain


Silicon valley context Lecture 1 – Intro. Experience in blockchain http://chain489.rssing.com/chan-9369409/all_p5.html

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 - Contents

- Blockchain
- Decentralization
- DLT components

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Contents - Blockchain - Decentralization -
- Tokens

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Silicon valley context

Distributed ledgers

Distributed Ledgers ‒ base technology for distributed databases, while

Silicon valley context Distributed ledgers Distributed Ledgers ‒ base technology for distributed
blockchain – is a subspecy of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
Main difference between general DLT and blockchain is in decentralization, which is not mandatory in DLT, but mandatory for public blockchain
Technically «private blockchain» should not exist, it is created by marketing guys.

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Silicon valley context

Decentralized or distributed?

Silicon valley context Decentralized or distributed?

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Silicon valley context

Distributed communication network

In 1962 Paul Baran one of founders of

Silicon valley context Distributed communication network In 1962 Paul Baran one of
Internet proposed three models of network organization


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Silicon valley context

Technical aspect

Term Distributed is actively used in IT and considered

Silicon valley context Technical aspect Term Distributed is actively used in IT
from several points:
❖ Number of network nodes (P-2-P)
❖ Data Integrity (CAP theorem)
❖ Remoteness of nodes from each other
❖ Complexity of tasks

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Silicon valley context

CAP theorem

A distributed database system can only have 2 of

Silicon valley context CAP theorem A distributed database system can only have
the 3: Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance. CAP Theorem is very important in the Big Data world, especially when we need to make trade off's between the three, based on our unique use case

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Silicon valley context

Consistency and availability

Consistency: Every read receives the most recent write

Silicon valley context Consistency and availability Consistency: Every read receives the most
or an error
Availability: Every request receives a (non-error) response, without the guarantee that it contains the most recent write

When choosing availability over consistency, the system will always process the query and try to return the most recent available version of the information, even if it cannot guarantee it is up to date due to network partitioning.
In the absence of network failure – that is, when the distributed system is running normally – both availability and consistency can be satisfied.

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Silicon valley context

Organizational aspect

Terms centralized, decentralized and distributed should be viewed from

Silicon valley context Organizational aspect Terms centralized, decentralized and distributed should be
the following points of view:
❖ Trust
❖ Control
❖ Decision making
❖ Management
❖ Economics

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Silicon valley context

Coffee break 20 mins

Silicon valley context Coffee break 20 mins

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Silicon valley context

Lecture 1 - Announcement

UNITY 3D developer

Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Announcement UNITY 3D developer

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Silicon valley context

Distributed ledger technology

1. If we create organizationally centralized business, i.e.

Silicon valley context Distributed ledger technology 1. If we create organizationally centralized
distributed base in the network of one organization and there is complete trust between nodes. Then it is enough to use Raft or Paxos consensus protocol
The need for such systems arises when increased load and / or to increase fault tolerance and service availability.
Examples of distributed databases:
● BigTable on Google,
● DynamoDB in AWS, or
● open source analogue of Cassandra

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Silicon valley context

Raft consensus protocol

Silicon valley context Raft consensus protocol

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Silicon valley context

Raft consensus protocol

Raft achieves consensus via an elected leader. A

Silicon valley context Raft consensus protocol Raft achieves consensus via an elected
server in a raft cluster is either a leader or a follower, and can be a candidate in the precise case of an election (leader unavailable).
The leader is responsible for log replication to the followers. It regularly informs the followers of its existence by sending a heartbeat message.
Each follower has a timeout (typically between 150 and 300 ms) in which it expects the heartbeat from the leader. The timeout is reset on receiving the heartbeat. If no heartbeat is received the follower changes its status to candidate and starts a leader election.

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Silicon valley context

Distributed ledger technology

2. In the event that we create organizationally

Silicon valley context Distributed ledger technology 2. In the event that we
decentralized or distributed business, that is, as soon as the trust between
nodes / malicious nodes appear
the need to use Distributed Ledger
Technology, including blockchain

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Silicon valley context

DLT components

1. A data model that captures the current state

Silicon valley context DLT components 1. A data model that captures the
A transaction language that changes state
3. Consensus Protocol
Two main properties of DLT:
- Data does not change after recording
- There is no central node to discreetly change the state

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Silicon valley context

DLT: state model

● Blockchain - Chain of blocks (UTX0, etc.)

Silicon valley context DLT: state model ● Blockchain - Chain of blocks

● HashGraph - HashGraph
● Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) - Directional Acyclic Graph

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Silicon valley context

DATA model - blockchain

● Hash Tree or Merkle Tree
● Assumes

Silicon valley context DATA model - blockchain ● Hash Tree or Merkle
change history linear in strict sequence
● Cannot be used if possible side events
● Low extensibility due to high Transaction validation “costs”
● Low performance ~ 3+ TPS

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Silicon valley context

DATA model - blockchain

● Hash Tree or Merkle Tree
● Assumes

Silicon valley context DATA model - blockchain ● Hash Tree or Merkle
change history linear in strict sequence
● Cannot be used if possible side events
● Low extensibility due to high Transaction validation “costs”
● Low performance ~ 3+ TPS

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Silicon valley context

DATA model - blockchain

Silicon valley context DATA model - blockchain

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Silicon valley context

DATA model – hashgraph (1/2)

● Hash Graph as the main

Silicon valley context DATA model – hashgraph (1/2) ● Hash Graph as
● relies solely on the consensus mechanism for checking transactions on your network
● consensus is achieved through virtual voting methods and gossip

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Silicon valley context

DATA model – hashgraph (2/2)

● Provide higher scalability and softer

Silicon valley context DATA model – hashgraph (2/2) ● Provide higher scalability
storage requirements
● Declares a performance of 10,000 + TPS by Compared to Bitcoin 3+ TPS

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Silicon valley context

DATA model – DAG (1/2)

● Directional acyclic graph
● The ability

Silicon valley context DATA model – DAG (1/2) ● Directional acyclic graph
to conduct nano transactions, for which no commission is charged
● The more transactions on the network, the faster it becomes

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Silicon valley context

DATA model – DAG (1/2)

● Any node can initiate a

Silicon valley context DATA model – DAG (1/2) ● Any node can
transaction, but
to check he must check two previous transactions in the registry
● Miners are not used for validation
● Suitable for IoT applications
● DAG, is resistance to quantum attacks

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Silicon valley context

DLT – TYPES (1/2)

Federated - the toughest in terms of

Silicon valley context DLT – TYPES (1/2) Federated - the toughest in
restrictions: limited access, much better scalability, transparency and confidentiality; e.g. Central Bank or R3 Consortium
Permission Required / Private - Access may be public or private, but permission to audit or audit is given only to a few persons; simplified approval and processing data;

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Silicon valley context

DLT – TYPES (2/2)

Permission-free / public - public network with

Silicon valley context DLT – TYPES (2/2) Permission-free / public - public
open source code; transparency and anonymity because no third party is involved; minimum costs without the need for maintenance. Among the disadvantages: long processing time; e.g. Bitcoin.
Hybrid - a combination of a public / private network with partially limited participation; has flexible an approach to what is stored in the public domain and what is in the public. Improved scalability due to the fact that consent is not required from each node of the network; e.g. Hyperledger

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Silicon valley context

Silicon valley context

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Etherium full node hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining,

Etherium full node hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining,
block creation, and smart contract execution.

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Etherium full node hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining,

Etherium full node hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining,
block creation, and smart contract execution.

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Silicon valley context

DLT Smart contractions. Application (1/2)

● Clearing - reduction of errors,

Silicon valley context DLT Smart contractions. Application (1/2) ● Clearing - reduction
costs. According to research by Santander InnoVentures
By 2022, implementation could reduce annual infrastructure costs by 12–20
billions of $
● Supply chain - a solution for servicing the supply chain from raw materials to finished ones
of products
● Health - combining into one registry will help to conduct research and
anonymous polls, and if scientists decide to reward those who share information,
smart contracts - the best way to ensure payment upon transfer
of information

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Silicon valley context

DLT Smart contractions. Application (2/2)

● Internet of things - the

Silicon valley context DLT Smart contractions. Application (2/2) ● Internet of things
ownership of gadgets can be fixed in the blockchain, and it means that the user will be able to sell or donate the device without leaving the blockchain networks and without involving third parties
● Media industry - a problem is relevant for copyright holders and content creators Royalty - fees for the use of intellectual property. Smart here contracts can be used for transparent distribution of funds.

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Silicon valley context

Conclusion: Blockchain is a subset of DLT (1/2)

Distributed Ledger Technology

Silicon valley context Conclusion: Blockchain is a subset of DLT (1/2) Distributed
and Blockchain in particular are needed for a decentralized / distributed business model whose members are geographically distant from each other, or have a large-scale community.
This business model must be scalable and use Network effects.

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Silicon valley context

Conclusion: Blockchain is a subset of DLT (1/2)
If necessary, you

Silicon valley context Conclusion: Blockchain is a subset of DLT (1/2) If
can manage access rights to the blockchain; rights management models are added:
Read: public vs limited
Write: unlimited vs restricted by rights
The level of decentralization affects whether the nodes will belong to a closed group of people or will be to anyone

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Practice exercise:
1 Go to https://www.blockchain.com/explorer
2 Find block 43515
3 Locate Hash of previous

Practice exercise: 1 Go to https://www.blockchain.com/explorer 2 Find block 43515 3 Locate
block and send it to me via chat
Имя файла: What-is-IQBBA?-Blockchain-fundamentals.pptx
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