- 2. About lecturer Founding CTO at ClickLog.io X MD at Techgarden Ventures (Delaware, USA) XKPMG, XHuawei Google
- 3. Tasks Teachers supervised independent study of students (TSIS) Activity Students independent study (SIS)
- 4. Syllabus
- 5. Silicon valley context Organizational aspects – information exchange with group Askar Aituov [email protected] / [email protected] Telegram:
- 6. Silicon valley context Organizational aspects – information exchange with group Telegram chat? If yes: Block Chain
- 7. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro Larsen describes that a focus on 5G and AI
- 8. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro
- 9. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro
- 10. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro
- 11. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Intro
- 12. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 – Intro. Experience in blockchain
- 13. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 – Intro. Experience in blockchain http://chain489.rssing.com/chan-9369409/all_p5.html
- 14. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Contents - Blockchain - Decentralization - DLT components - Consensus
- 15. Silicon valley context Distributed ledgers Distributed Ledgers ‒ base technology for distributed databases, while blockchain –
- 16. Silicon valley context Decentralized or distributed?
- 17. Silicon valley context Distributed communication network In 1962 Paul Baran one of founders of Internet proposed
- 18. Silicon valley context Technical aspect Term Distributed is actively used in IT and considered from several
- 19. Silicon valley context CAP theorem A distributed database system can only have 2 of the 3:
- 20. Silicon valley context Consistency and availability Consistency: Every read receives the most recent write or an
- 21. Silicon valley context Organizational aspect Terms centralized, decentralized and distributed should be viewed from the following
- 22. Silicon valley context Coffee break 20 mins
- 23. Silicon valley context Lecture 1 - Announcement UNITY 3D developer
- 24. Silicon valley context Distributed ledger technology 1. If we create organizationally centralized business, i.e. distributed base
- 25. Silicon valley context Raft consensus protocol
- 26. Silicon valley context Raft consensus protocol Raft achieves consensus via an elected leader. A server in
- 27. Silicon valley context Distributed ledger technology 2. In the event that we create organizationally decentralized or
- 28. Silicon valley context DLT components 1. A data model that captures the current state 2. A
- 29. Silicon valley context DLT: state model ● Blockchain - Chain of blocks (UTX0, etc.) ● HashGraph
- 30. Silicon valley context DATA model - blockchain ● Hash Tree or Merkle Tree ● Assumes change
- 31. Silicon valley context DATA model - blockchain ● Hash Tree or Merkle Tree ● Assumes change
- 32. Silicon valley context DATA model - blockchain
- 33. Silicon valley context DATA model – hashgraph (1/2) ● Hash Graph as the main structure ●
- 34. Silicon valley context DATA model – hashgraph (2/2) ● Provide higher scalability and softer storage requirements
- 35. Silicon valley context DATA model – DAG (1/2) ● Directional acyclic graph ● The ability to
- 36. Silicon valley context DATA model – DAG (1/2) ● Any node can initiate a transaction, but
- 37. Silicon valley context DLT – TYPES (1/2) Federated - the toughest in terms of restrictions: limited
- 38. Silicon valley context DLT – TYPES (2/2) Permission-free / public - public network with open source
- 39. Silicon valley context
- 41. Etherium full node hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining, block creation, and smart
- 42. Etherium full node hosts the software needed for transaction initiation, validation, mining, block creation, and smart
- 43. Silicon valley context DLT Smart contractions. Application (1/2) ● Clearing - reduction of errors, costs. According
- 44. Silicon valley context DLT Smart contractions. Application (2/2) ● Internet of things - the ownership of
- 45. Silicon valley context Conclusion: Blockchain is a subset of DLT (1/2) Distributed Ledger Technology and Blockchain
- 46. Silicon valley context Conclusion: Blockchain is a subset of DLT (1/2) If necessary, you can manage
- 47. Laboratory
- 49. Practice exercise: 1 Go to https://www.blockchain.com/explorer 2 Find block 43515 3 Locate Hash of previous block
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