Workshop 8.3 3D Pipe Junction O-grid

Слайд 2

3D Pipe Junction - Ogrid

3D Pipe Junction - Ogrid
In this workshop, we

3D Pipe Junction - Ogrid 3D Pipe Junction - Ogrid In this
will open the geometry and blocking from the previous workshop, 7.3 3D Pipe Junction, and continue with it
Check quality to show bad elements
Create an Ogrid which will greatly improve the quality
Rescale Ogrid
Convert mesh to unstructured
Write mesh to CFX

Слайд 3

Open Project

File > Open Project…
If you feel confident you made the

Open Project File > Open Project… If you feel confident you made
blocking correctly with the previous project, 7.3, 3D Pipe Junction, then open that project
Otherwise, open the project provided, 3dpipe_before_ogrid.prj in 3DPipeJunct folder
This will open the geometry and blocking

Or use the utility icon to open project

Слайд 4

Compute Pre-Mesh

Right click on Blocking > Pre-Mesh > Recompute
This will compute the

Compute Pre-Mesh Right click on Blocking > Pre-Mesh > Recompute This will
pre-mesh without turning the mesh display on
It can also be used to force a compute of the mesh at any time when turning on Pre-Mesh does not recognize a change done in any particular blocking operation

Слайд 5



Quality Check

Blocking > Pre-Mesh Quality Histograms
Set the Criterion to Determinant 2x2x2

#2 #1 Quality Check Blocking > Pre-Mesh Quality Histograms Set the Criterion
good mesh should have little or no elements below the 0.2 – 0.3 range, so select the elements below this and inspect

Change criterion to Angle
A good mesh should have no elements below 18 degrees, so select the elements below this and inspect
Right click in histogram to turn off Solid, Show, or Replot with different axes





Done will close histogram


Слайд 6

Surface Mesh Display

The problem mesh is easily seen by looking at just

Surface Mesh Display The problem mesh is easily seen by looking at
the surface mesh on the INLET surface
Turn off all parts except FLUID_MATL (contains the blocks) and INLET
Turn on Pre-mesh
Turn off Edges
Right click to turn on Pre-Mesh > Solid & Wire
This occurs in the block corners because the edges project to the curves, and the curve meets tangently at these block corners

Слайд 7

Create Ogrid

First, turn ON Edges and all parts (except VORFN), and turn

Create Ogrid First, turn ON Edges and all parts (except VORFN), and
OFF Pre-Mesh
Blocking > Split Block > Ogrid Block
Press the Select block(s) button, and select all the blocks (can box select or press ‘v’)
Press the Select face(s) button, and select the faces on the SYMM, INLET, and OUTLET surfaces as shown








Слайд 8

Rescale Ogrid

Rescaling Ogrid is one of the commands that can work on

Rescale Ogrid Rescaling Ogrid is one of the commands that can work
only visible vertices
Right click on Blocking > Index Control in model tree
Set I from 2 to 3 by using the arrows
Blocking > Edit Block > Modify Ogrid
Method set to Rescale Ogrid
Press Select edge(s) button
Select any of the small “radial” edges
Enter 0.6 for the Offset
Apply, then press Reset in the Index Control

Every visible edge of the Ogrid will be 0.6 of its original length









Слайд 9

Update Sizes

Any new edges have 2 nodes by default
Blocking > Pre-Mesh Params

Update Sizes Any new edges have 2 nodes by default Blocking >
> Update Sizes
Transfers surface and curves sizes to edges
You will need to redo the Scale Sizes by 1.5

Only 2 nodes on the new edges

After Update Sizes

After Scale Sizes by 1.5

Turn on Pre-Mesh






Слайд 10

Set Edge Parameters for Boundary Layer

Blocking > Pre-Mesh Params > Edge Params

Set Edge Parameters for Boundary Layer Blocking > Pre-Mesh Params > Edge
NOT Update Sizes after setting Edge Parameters, or it will destroy any work you did setting sizes and distributions on edges
Select any of the radial edges of the Ogrid
Set Spacing 1 to 0.1 and Ratio 1 to 1.3
Increase the nodes until Ratio 1 in the actual column gets near the requested Ratio 1, about 14 nodes
Enable Copy Parameters and Apply
Recompute pre-mesh (turn Pre-Mesh OFF then ON)

Actual column











Слайд 11

Recheck Quality

Check determinant and angle again
Blocking > Pre-mesh Quality Histograms
Check Determinant 2x2x2

Recheck Quality Check determinant and angle again Blocking > Pre-mesh Quality Histograms
then Angle
Highlight Angles above and below 18 degrees
Turn off Pre-Mesh to see where they are at




Слайд 12

Move Vertex

Blocking > Move Vertex > Move Vertex
With the Method set to

Move Vertex Blocking > Move Vertex > Move Vertex With the Method
Single, press the Select vert(s) button and drag the 2 vertices as shown
You’ll also want to drag the nearby 2 internal vertices in the same fashion

Turn Pre-mesh ON




Слайд 13

Quality compare

Initial Determinant

Improved Determinant

Initial Angle

Improved Angle

After Ogrid Creation

Before Ogrid Creation

RE-check Determinant and

Quality compare Initial Determinant Improved Determinant Initial Angle Improved Angle After Ogrid
Mesh quality is greatly improved after Ogrid

Minimum determinant should be around 0.2 or 0.3.
It is well over this.

Minimum angle should be 18 degrees. It is decently over this too.

Имя файла: Workshop-8.3-3D-Pipe-Junction-O-grid.pptx
Количество просмотров: 53
Количество скачиваний: 0