Department of Visual diagnostics Radiological research methods and radiological semiotics of acquired diseases


Слайд 2

Anatomy of the heart

The wall of the heart consists of three membranes

Anatomy of the heart The wall of the heart consists of three
endocardium (endocardium) – connective fabric with a large number of elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells, endothelial layer
All heart valves - endocardial folds mitral, aortic, pulmonary,tricuspid
⦿ myocardium (miocardium)
⦿ pericardium (pericardium) - serous membrane
⦿ left atrium - atrium s.
⦿ right atrium - atrium d.
⦿ left ventricle - ventriculus s.
⦿ right ventricle - ventriculus d.

Слайд 3

Anatomy of the heart

Right atrium
the veins of the great circle flow

Anatomy of the heart Right atrium the veins of the great circle
blood circulation superior vena cava - v. cava s. - collects blood from the head, neck, upper limbs and chest wall inferior vena cava - v. cava i. - carrying blood from the lower extremities, organs and walls of the abdominal cavity
Left atrium
4 pulmonary veins flow (2 from each lung) that carry arterial blood from the lungs

Слайд 4

Anatomy of the heart

Right ventricle - pulmonary artery exits
The left ventricle exits

Anatomy of the heart Right ventricle - pulmonary artery exits The left ventricle exits the aorta
the aorta

Слайд 5

Radiological methods of diagnostics of diseases of the heart and large vessels


Radiological methods of diagnostics of diseases of the heart and large vessels
⦿ Fluoroscopy
⦿ Echo-CG
⦿ Perfusion Scintigraphy, Radionuclide AG, PET

⦿ AG, CG
⦿ ultrasound with contrasting

Слайд 6

X-ray, fluoroscopy
⦿ Condition of lung tissue and pulmonary pattern (pulmonary circulation)
⦿ Position,

X-ray, fluoroscopy ⦿ Condition of lung tissue and pulmonary pattern (pulmonary circulation)
shape, size of the heart, diameter of large vessels
⦿ Study of the shape of the cardiovascular shadow - the ratio of the cavities of the heart and large vessels
⦿ Study of heart function – contraction myocardium - direct observation of the screen - fluoroscopy with contrasting the esophagus

Слайд 7

Anterior radiograph of the heart and a diagram to it

a - right

Anterior radiograph of the heart and a diagram to it a -
transverse dimension of the heart shadow (MR)
b - left transverse dimension (ML)
в - oblique size
g - longitudinal heart

Слайд 8

Chart of basic measurements of the heart

Of the proposed options for measuring

Chart of basic measurements of the heart Of the proposed options for
the shadow of the heart, the most important is the determination of the dimensions of the length and diameter
The length is a line running from the apex of the cardiovascular angle on the right to the apex of the heart
The cross section is the sum of two linear measurements - horizontal lines running perpendicular to the median sagittal plane from the most distant points of the right and left curvature of the heart
The length of the heart in men is 12-13 cm
Diameter - 11 - 12 cm
The length and diameter of the heart in women is 1 cm less

Слайд 9

Variants of the location of the heart are normal

A - oblique location

Variants of the location of the heart are normal A - oblique
of the heart (normostenic);
B - horizontal position of the heart (hypersthenic);
C- vertical arrangement of the heart (asthenic)

Слайд 10

Chart of basic measurements of the heart

⦿ Normostenic - the angle of

Chart of basic measurements of the heart ⦿ Normostenic - the angle
inclination of the longitudinal axis of the heart shadow to the diameter - 43-48 °MR / ML - 1: 2
⦿ Asthenic - angle - 49-56 °MR / ML - 1: 1.8
⦿ Hypersthenic - 39-42 °MR / ML - 1: 2.3


Слайд 11

Radiometric dimensions that can be determined on a radiograph

Radiometric dimensions that can be determined on a radiograph

Слайд 12

X-ray of the heart with contrasting esophagus

⦿ Barium sulfate - per os


X-ray of the heart with contrasting esophagus ⦿ Barium sulfate - per
standard projections - straight, right (first) oblique, left (second) oblique
⦿ Optional - left lateral projection


Слайд 13

X-ray silhouette of the heart in frontal projection

Arcs on the right contour

X-ray silhouette of the heart in frontal projection Arcs on the right
Superior vena cava or ascending aorta
2 Right atrium
Left contour
1 Aorta
2 Pulmonary cone
3 Left atrial appendage
4 Left ventricle

Слайд 14

Radiographs of the heart in direct projection

Signs of a normal heart cardiovascular

Radiographs of the heart in direct projection Signs of a normal heart
shadow occupies two thirds of the height of the chest cavity
-along the right contour, the upper (A) and lower arch (PP) are equal to each other, the atriovasal angle divides the cardiovascular shadow
-on the left side four arcs are differentiated - as a rule, the arch of the left ventricular appendage does not normally protrude one third of the shadow of the heart in diameter lies on the right, two-thirds on the left,
-acute cardio-diaphragm angles

Слайд 15

X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of the image and radiograph of the

X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of the image and radiograph of
heart in direct projection

Left 4 arcs - aorta, pulmonary cone, left atrial appendage, leftventricle, on the right 2 arcs - right atrium, aorta

Слайд 16


X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of the image and radiograph of

16 X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of the image and radiograph
the heart in the left lateral projection

To assess the size of the right and left ventricle - their ratio is 1: 1

Слайд 17

Radiograph of the heart in the right oblique projection - the posterior

Radiograph of the heart in the right oblique projection - the posterior
contour is formed by the atria (left at the top), the anterior contour by the ventricles (right at the top - conus pulmonalis)

Signs of the norm-Cardiovascular shadow is rectangular in shape triangle
between the posterior contour of the heart and the shadow of the spine, rectangular enlightenment
- the anterior contour of the heart is not reaches the chest wall, including in the area of the left ventricular arch
- no significant swelling of individual chambers and vessels
- the contrasting esophagus is not deviates

Слайд 18

Radiograph of the heart in the left oblique projection – the right

Radiograph of the heart in the left oblique projection – the right
parts of the heart are located ant eriorly, the left ones are posteriorly, above are the atria, below are the ventricles

Signs of the norm
-between the posterior contour of the left atrium and the shadow spine enlightenment triangular shape
the anterior contour of the heart is not reaches the chest wall, including in the area of the arch of the right ventricle
- no significant bulging separate departments and vessels

Слайд 19


X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of the image and radiograph of the

19 X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of the image and radiograph
heart in the right oblique projection

the posterior contour is formed by the atria (left top), the anterior contourventricles (right above - conus pulmonalis)

Слайд 20

X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of t he image and radiograph of

X-ray examination of the heart Diagram of t he image and radiograph
the heart in the left oblique projection

the right heart is located anteriorly, the left is posterior above - atria, below - ventricles

Слайд 21

Heart in childhood x-ray of a 4-year-old child

Heart in childhood x-ray of a 4-year-old child

Слайд 22

Various forms of cardiovascular shadow - normal, mitral configuration, aortic configuration, trapezoidal

Various forms of cardiovascular shadow - normal, mitral configuration, aortic configuration, trapezoidal shadow

Слайд 23

Radiation methods of research of the heart

First choice methods
-Echocardiography with doppler echocardiography(CDM,

Radiation methods of research of the heart First choice methods -Echocardiography with
energy and tissue DG)
-Doppler ultrasound - measurement of blood flow velocity using ultrasound based on the Doppler effect.
-Doppler effect - a physical phenomenon, according to which the frequency the perception of a sound emitted by a moving object changes when it is perceived by a stationary object

Слайд 24

Features of radiation examination of the heart

1.The heart is examined together with

Features of radiation examination of the heart 1.The heart is examined together
the pulmonary circulation -hemodynamic research principle
2. Study of heart function is mandatory
3. Study of blood flow is mandatory
4. the heart is examined with contrasting the esophagus
The state of the pulmonary circulation can be examined on a plain chest x-ray Plain radiography and detailed ultrasound are sufficient to make a diagnosis in most medical situations

Слайд 25

Left atrioventricular foramen stenosis (mitral stenosis)

⦿Smoothness of the waist of the heart

Left atrioventricular foramen stenosis (mitral stenosis) ⦿Smoothness of the waist of the
Bulging of 3 arcs along the left contour of the heart
⦿ In oblique projections, the contrasted esophagus is deflected by the left atrium along a small radius
⦿ Atriomegaly
⦿ In some cases, calcification of the leaflets of the mitral valve is visible
⦿ Enlargement of the right ventricle and right atrium
⦿ The shadow of the heart is enlarged in diameter, sometimes to the left, if the enlarged right ventricle becomes edge-forming, and the unchanged left ventricle rotates posteriorly
⦿ Signs of venous stasis are especially pronounced with defect decompensation

Слайд 26

Insufficiency of the mitral valve (mitral regurgitation)

⦿ Left atrial enlargement
⦿ Deviation of

Insufficiency of the mitral valve (mitral regurgitation) ⦿ Left atrial enlargement ⦿
the contrasted esophagus along an arc of a large radius (more6 cm)
⦿ The waist of the heart is smoothed, the 3rd arch bulges (enlarged left atrium)
⦿ Increased left ventricular arch - signs of its hypertrophy and dilatation
⦿ In the presence of hemodynamic disorders, increased vascular, and in further and interstitial component of the pulmonary pattern
⦿ With prolonged pulmonary hypertension - an increase in the right heart
⦿ Difference from mitral stenosis - the pulmonary cone of the right ventricle and the arch of the pulmonary trunk bulge weakly

Слайд 27

Mitral heart disease - mitral valve insufficiency

Mitral heart disease - mitral valve insufficiency

Слайд 28

Mitral insufficiency

Mitral insufficiency

Слайд 29

Mitral stenosis


Mitral stenosis 32

Слайд 30

Hemosiderosis with mitral stenosis


Hemosiderosis with mitral stenosis 33

Слайд 31

Mitral stenosis

Mitral stenosis

Слайд 32


⦿ Subtle morphological features of the structure of the endocardium
⦿ Valve function

Еchocardiography ⦿ Subtle morphological features of the structure of the endocardium ⦿
Myocardial thickness, dimensions of heart cavities
⦿ Myocardial contractile function
⦿ Blood flow

Слайд 33

Ultrasound examination of the heart

Standard projections for ultrasound imaging

Ultrasound examination of the heart Standard projections for ultrasound imaging -Parasternal -Subcostal -Apical -Suprasternal

Слайд 35

Principle of image acquisition in M-mode

Ultrasound examination is carried out in standard

Principle of image acquisition in M-mode Ultrasound examination is carried out in
The ability to obtain all the necessary standard positions and analyze them forms the basis of knowledge echocardiography
The study is carried out in one-dimensional mode, two-dimensional mode and using dopplerography.

Слайд 36


M-mode - detailed information about the dynamics of the behavior of reflecting

Echocardiography M-mode - detailed information about the dynamics of the behavior of
structures located along the ultrasound beam; the form of a group of curves, each of which corresponds to certain structure

Violations of local contractility of the left ventricle





Слайд 37

Principle of acquiring an image in two-dimensional mode

Sonography (B - mode) -

Principle of acquiring an image in two-dimensional mode Sonography (B - mode)
two-dimensional examination of the heart Provides an opportunity to observe the movements of the walls of the heart and valves in real time on the display screen
In standard projections, the sensor is positioned along the long or short axis of the heart Microconvex probe, 3.5 MHz
The diagram shows a study at the level of the mitral valves. Descending sector scanning shows skin, right ventricle, interventricular wall, left ventricular cavity, mitral valve, left atrium

Слайд 38

Sonography of the heart from the left parasternal approach along the long

Sonography of the heart from the left parasternal approach along the long
axis of the left ventricle

Слайд 39

Parasternal access along the short axis at the level of the aortic

Parasternal access along the short axis at the level of the aortic valve

Слайд 40

Scanning at the level of the aortic valve

Scanning at the level of the aortic valve

Слайд 41

Scanning from parasternal access at the mitral level valve

Scanning from parasternal access at the mitral level valve

Слайд 42

Scanning by subcostal approach along the long axis of the heart

Scanning by subcostal approach along the long axis of the heart

Слайд 43

Ultrasound signs vegetations on the leaflets of the mitral valve

Ultrasound signs vegetations on the leaflets of the mitral valve

Слайд 44

Diastolic blood flow in normal conditions and with stenosis of the mitral

Diastolic blood flow in normal conditions and with stenosis of the mitral foramen

Слайд 45

Insufficiency of the mitral valve

Insufficiency of the mitral valve

Слайд 46

Reduction of diastolic opening of the mitral valve and narrowing of the

Reduction of diastolic opening of the mitral valve and narrowing of the
mitral opening with stenosis (right), left -norm. Parasternal access along the short axis.

Слайд 48

Mitral stenosis (B-mode)

Mitral stenosis (B-mode)

Слайд 49

The principle of obtaining Doppler echocardiography transmitral blood flow from the apical

The principle of obtaining Doppler echocardiography transmitral blood flow from the apical
approach. E - early peak and A - late peak left ventricular diastolic filling.

Слайд 50

Transmitral blood flow Doppler for mitral stenosis

Transmitral blood flow Doppler for mitral stenosis

Слайд 51

Quantitative assessment of blood flow velocity with Doppler ultrasonography.

Quantitative assessment of blood flow velocity with Doppler ultrasonography.

Слайд 52

RCT, SCT Indications

⦿ Clarification of the nature of changes in the lung tissue

RCT, SCT Indications ⦿ Clarification of the nature of changes in the
Localization of pathological education (intra-, paracardial)
⦿ Diseases of the pericardium
⦿ Aortic aneurysm of any location

Слайд 53


⦿ Ionizing radiation
⦿ Insufficient image acquisition speed

limitations ⦿ Ionizing radiation ⦿ Insufficient image acquisition speed

Слайд 54

⦿ Increase research speed
⦿ Enhanced resolution
⦿ High quality reconstructions in various planes

⦿ Increase research speed ⦿ Enhanced resolution ⦿ High quality reconstructions in

Multispiral computed tomography advantages

Слайд 55

magnetic resonance imaging Indications

⦿ Arrhythmogenic pancreatic dysplasia
⦿ Diagnosis of heart tumors and

magnetic resonance imaging Indications ⦿ Arrhythmogenic pancreatic dysplasia ⦿ Diagnosis of heart
blood clots
⦿ Complicated CHD

Слайд 56

Cardiometry, MRI


Cardiometry, MRI 69

Слайд 57

MRI aortic stenosis


MRI aortic stenosis 70

Слайд 58

MRI of the heart


MRI of the heart 71

Слайд 59

Aortic aneurysm thrombosis


Aortic aneurysm thrombosis 72

Слайд 60

Radionuclide methods Indications

⦿ Assessment of myocardial perfusion
⦿ Assessment of the reserve capacity

Radionuclide methods Indications ⦿ Assessment of myocardial perfusion ⦿ Assessment of the
of the heart muscleEquilibrium VH
⦿ Pumping function of the myocardium
⦿ The nature of the movement of the walls of the heart
⦿ Assessment of myocardial perfusion and metabolism

Слайд 61

Coronary angiography Indications

⦿ Assessment of the condition of the coronary arteries
⦿ Study

Coronary angiography Indications ⦿ Assessment of the condition of the coronary arteries
of blood flows in the chambers
of the heart during
-complex CHD
-arrhythmogenic dysplasia of right ventricle
Contraindication: Contrast intolerance
Имя файла: Department-of-Visual-diagnostics-Radiological-research-methods-and-radiological-semiotics-of-acquired-diseases.pptx
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