Disorders of the Cornea, Sclera and Orbit


Слайд 2

Cornea is anterior part of fibrous cover. Is a part of dioptric

Cornea is anterior part of fibrous cover. Is a part of dioptric apparatus of the eye.
apparatus of the eye.

Слайд 3

In normal:

In normal: avascular sensitive transparent smooth glassy spherical resplendent

Слайд 5

Investigation of Corneal Disease

Clinical examination
Laboratory investigations

Investigation of Corneal Disease Anamnesis Clinical examination Biomicroscopy Pachometry Keratometry Keratoscopy Laboratory investigations

Слайд 6

Keratitis – inflammation of the cornea

Keratitis (objective signs)
Corneal oedema
Cellular infiltration
Ciliary congestion


Keratitis – inflammation of the cornea Keratitis (objective signs) = Corneal oedema

Слайд 7

Corneal syndrome
a sensation of a foreign body present behind the eyelids

Corneal syndrome photophobia lacrimation blepharospasm a sensation of a foreign body present behind the eyelids pain

Слайд 8


1. Exogenous keratitis
Corneal erosions
Traumatic keratitis
Bacterial keratitis
Keratitis, caused by disease of

Classification 1. Exogenous keratitis Corneal erosions Traumatic keratitis Bacterial keratitis Keratitis, caused
conjunctiva, eyelids, meibomite glands.
Fungal keratitis
Corneal ulcer
2. Endogenous keratitis
Infectious (tuberculous, viral, rheumatic, toxicoallergic and others)
Neuroparalytic keratitis
Keratitis because of avitaminosis
3. Keratitis of unclear etiology (recurrent erosion, rosacea keratitis and other)

Слайд 9

Bacterial keratitis – often develop in chronic inflammatory diseases of conjunctiva and

Bacterial keratitis – often develop in chronic inflammatory diseases of conjunctiva and
lacrimal ducts, as well as in the trauma of the cornea.

Predisposing Condition to Bacterial Keratitis:
1/ Contact Lens Wear
2/ Nonsurgical Trauma
Corneal abrasion or wound
Corneal foreign body
Toxic medications (e.g., anesthetic abuse, idoxuridine)
3/ Surgical Trauma
4/ Corneal Injury Caused by Lid Dysfunction
5/ Corneal, Conjunctival, or Lacrimal Dysfunction
Bullous keratopathy
Neurotrophic cornea
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Tear insufficiency
Mucin insufficiency

Слайд 10

Epithelial punctate keratitis

Keratitis with necrosis

Regressive keratitis

corneal ulcer, iritis, hypolion in

Epithelial punctate keratitis Keratitis with necrosis Regressive keratitis corneal ulcer, iritis, hypolion in keratomycosis

Слайд 11

Herpes Simplex Keratitis

Primary ocular infection typically occurs in children between the

Herpes Simplex Keratitis Primary ocular infection typically occurs in children between the
ages of 6 months and 5 years. Is more frequently accompanied by anterior uveitis and keratic precipitates, early vascularization, hypoaesthesia, photophobia, blepharospasm, lacrimation.

Слайд 12

Recurrent infection:
Epithelial punctate keratitis
Dendritic keratitis
Metaherpetic keratitis
Disciform keratitis
Corneal syndrome, pericorneal hyperemia, hypoaesthesia.

Recurrent infection: Epithelial punctate keratitis Dendritic keratitis Metaherpetic keratitis Disciform keratitis Corneal
lesion is composed of clear vesicles in the epithelium arranged in a dendritic or stellate pattern

Слайд 13

additional investigations of patients with keratitis
review roentgenography of the additional nasal sinus

additional investigations of patients with keratitis review roentgenography of the additional nasal
and organs of the chest
consultations of the otorhinolaryngologist and stomatologist (sometimes of phthisiatrician and dermatovenerologist)
results of additional methods of investigation: clinical and laboratory (detailed blood count, Wassermann reaction, Mantoux reactions, focal test with tuberculin, toxoplasmin and others).

Слайд 14

Laboratory diagnosis

Express-diagnosis-method of fluorescining antibodies – revealing of virus in the scrub

Laboratory diagnosis Herpeviral Express-diagnosis-method of fluorescining antibodies – revealing of virus in
of conjunctiva
Monoclonal immunofermental test-system
Finding of antiallergic antibodies in lacrimal fluid in the reaction of passive hemagglutination
Finding of lymphocytes to herpes in the reaction of blasttansformation and inhibition of leucocytes migration
Finding of IgA, IgG, IgM in lacrimal fluid and blood serum

Conjunctical smear in deep ulcers of the cornea - smear-print from the ulcer.
Scrub from ulcerous surface and margins of ulcer
Staining – with methylene blue and Gram’s staining
inoclulation of media with investigation of antibiotic sensitivity

Слайд 15

The differential diagnosis of primary ocular infection includes:

1. Keratitis with lid lesions:

The differential diagnosis of primary ocular infection includes: 1. Keratitis with lid
zoster, chickenpox, molluscum contagiosum, and ulcerative blepharitis with keratitis due to staphylococcal infection
2. Keratitis without lid lesions: vaccinia, adenoviral infections (types 3, 7, and 8), chlamydial infections, and zoster

Слайд 16

Parasitic Keratitis - Acanthamoeba

Slit lamp photograph of a 42 year old female

Parasitic Keratitis - Acanthamoeba Slit lamp photograph of a 42 year old
patient with unilateral, red, painful eye with epithelial defect; Corneal sensitivity decreased.
Stromal ring infiltrate (1), fluorescein staining (2).
Corneal scrapings and PCR for VZV negative.

confocal microscopy in vitro

Слайд 17


Risk factors: long treatment with antibiotics or coricosterois, microtraumas of

Keratomycoses Risk factors: long treatment with antibiotics or coricosterois, microtraumas of the
the cornea, fungus skin diseases.
Greyish-white infiltrate with crumb-like friable surface and yellowish border appears on the place of corneal erosion, presence of hypopion is typical. Vascularization is insignificant.

Слайд 18

Ulcer of cornea – inflammation of corneal membrane, accompanying with necrosis with

Ulcer of cornea – inflammation of corneal membrane, accompanying with necrosis with
formation of its tissue defect

Infectious –bacterial, herpeviral, fungal and parasitic infection of the eyes.
Noninfectious – ulcer of immune genesis, corneal xerosis, in absolute glaucoma
Risk factors:
Corneal xerosis,
traumas of the cornea,
foreign bodies of the cornea,
injuries by chemical, thermal, radiation, laser affection.
long wearing of contact lenses,
various operations on the cornea,
bullous keratopathia.

Слайд 19

Organisms Commonly Isolated From Corneal Ulcers
Healthy Cornea Compromised Cornea* Pediatric
Staphylococcus Staphylococcus aureus

Organisms Commonly Isolated From Corneal Ulcers Healthy Cornea Compromised Cornea* Pediatric Staphylococcus
Streptococcus Staphylococcus epidermidis Staphylococcus
Pseudomonas a-Hemolytic Streptococcus Fungi
Enterobacteriaceae b-Hemolytic Streptococcus
Moraxella Pseudomonas
Klebsiella Proteus

Corneal creeping ulcer with the thread of perforation

Слайд 20

Stages of ulcerous process:

Stage of infiltration
Stage of infiltrate decay and formation of

Stages of ulcerous process: Stage of infiltration Stage of infiltrate decay and
Stage of facet – regression of ulcer, is characterized by clearance from necrotic residues of the fundus and margins of the ulcer and rapid growth of epithelium, that covers the fundus and margins of the cornea defects
Stage of the scar formation
Stage of outcome – maturation and thickness of connective-tissue scar

Слайд 21

Mooren’s Ulcer

Corneal ulcer with neovascularization

Bacterial corneal ulcers

Perforation of corneal ulcer

Mooren’s Ulcer Corneal ulcer with neovascularization Bacterial corneal ulcers Perforation of corneal ulcer

Слайд 22

Principles of Keratitis and Corneal Ulcers treatment

1. Specific therapy:
a) Antiviral (Zovirax, Aceclovir

Principles of Keratitis and Corneal Ulcers treatment 1. Specific therapy: a) Antiviral
ointment 3% - 5 times a day or Lokferon 8000 МЕ/ml instillation 8 times a day for 5-7 days + systemic therapy)
b) Antibacterial
Local – moxifloxacin, Cefazolin, Tobramycin, Gentamicin 4-8 times a day, Erythromycin, Tetracyclin ointment 1% 3-4 times a day
Parabular – Tobramycin, Gentamicin, Cefazolin
Systemically - Maxavin, Erythromycin, Doxicyclini, Ceftriaxone
c) Antifungal (local suspension of ketoconazole, miconazole ointment 4 times a day + Nizoral 200mg 2 times daily)
d) Antiparasitic (topical propamidine, neomysin, clotrimazole)

Слайд 23

2. Pathogenetic therapy
Antiinflammatory (Eye drops – only non-steroidal antiinflammatory: Naclof. Parabular or

2. Pathogenetic therapy Antiinflammatory (Eye drops – only non-steroidal antiinflammatory: Naclof. Parabular
intravenous injection of dexamethazon (in severe course)
Metabolic - taufon, actovegin, solcoseril, corneregel, vitamins
Hypotensive - in a case of the eye hypertesion or secondary glaucoma.
Mydriatic-cycloplegic drugs - instillation of 1.0% mydriacyl, tropicamid.
Physiotherapy, Criotherapy

Слайд 24

Following arresting of inflammatory process a course of resolving therapy (fibrinolysin, lidase)

Following arresting of inflammatory process a course of resolving therapy (fibrinolysin, lidase)
keratoplasty indicated for visual rehabilitation in patients with sever corneal scarring. Lamellar keratoplasty has advantage over penetrating keratoplasty of reduced potential for corneal graft rejection.

Слайд 25

Complications of keratitis:

limbal and scleral extension
corneal perforation
Secondary glaucoma
Corneal scarring:

Complications of keratitis: limbal and scleral extension corneal perforation iridocyclitis endophthalmitis Panophthalmitis
nebula, macula, leucoma, kerectasia, anterior staphyloma

Слайд 26

Sclera – is a part of fibrous coat of the eyeball

The sclera

Sclera – is a part of fibrous coat of the eyeball The
is composed of three layers:
the episclera
the sclera proper
the lamina fusca
The sclera is relatively poorly vascularized. Its blood supply is derived from the anterior and posterior ciliary arteries.

Слайд 28

Episcleritis is a inflammatory disorder of the superficial layer of the

Episcleritis is a inflammatory disorder of the superficial layer of the sclera.
sclera. Is a common, benign, self-limiting and frequently recurrent disorder which typically affects young adults.

the episcleritis may be nodular or diffuse

Слайд 29

Systemic diseases with episcleritis

Systemic diseases with episcleritis

Слайд 30

• Sudden onset of FB sensation, discomfort, tearing ± photophobia. It may

• Sudden onset of FB sensation, discomfort, tearing ± photophobia. It may
be recurrent.
• Red nodule arising from the episclera; can be moved separately from the sclera and conjunctiva; blanches with topical vasoconstrictor (phenylephrine 10%); does not stain with fluorescein; globe nontender
Spontaneous resolution occurs in 5–6 weeks.

Nodular Episcleritis

Слайд 31

Diffuse episcleritis

Sudden onset of mild discomfort, tearing ± photophobia; may be recurrent.

Diffuse episcleritis Sudden onset of mild discomfort, tearing ± photophobia; may be

Sectoral redness that blanches with topical vasoconstrictor (phenylephrine 10%); globe nontender; spontaneous resolution 1–2 weeks.

Слайд 32


Generally, the pain is not as severe as with scleritis.
Hyperemia of

Episcleritis Generally, the pain is not as severe as with scleritis. Hyperemia
the episcleral tissues most often is localized but may involve the entire anterior segment.
The inflammatory process does not involve underlying sclera or intraocular tissue.

Слайд 33


If mild, no treatment is required.
Supportive: reassurance ± cold compresses.
Topical: consider lubricants

Treatment If mild, no treatment is required. Supportive: reassurance ± cold compresses.
± NSAID (ketorolac 0.3% 3x/day). Although disease improves with topical steroids, there may be rebound inflammation on withdrawal.
Systemic: if severe or recurrent disease, consider oral NSAID (flurbiprofen 100 mg 3x/day for acute disease).

Слайд 34


Involvement of other ocular structures is rare in patients with episcleritis.

COMPLICATIONS Involvement of other ocular structures is rare in patients with episcleritis.
peripheral cornea can be left thinned or vascularized. Recurrent attacks of episcleritis over many years can result in some mild scleral thinning, which is of no consequence to the integrity of the eye.
The most frequent complications seen in patients with episcleritis are related to the use of long-term topical corticosteroids: Cataract, ocular hypertension, steroid-induced glaucoma, herpetic keratitis.

Слайд 35


Episcleritis is a mild, non-vision-threatening inflammation of the episclera that

COURSE AND PROGNOSIS Episcleritis is a mild, non-vision-threatening inflammation of the episclera
may recur over irregular intervals for many years.
It is important to recognize its benign nature and not to induce vision-threatening complications by overtreating episodes of episcleritis.

Слайд 36

Scleritis is a granulomatous inflammation of the scleral coat of the eye.

Scleritis is a granulomatous inflammation of the scleral coat of the eye.

Слайд 37

Underlying systemic diseases

Other causes:
infection (e.g., syphilis, tuberculosis, bacterial, fungal, and herpes zoster).

Underlying systemic diseases Other causes: infection (e.g., syphilis, tuberculosis, bacterial, fungal, and herpes zoster). trauma, surgery

Слайд 38


Anterior scleritis
With inflammation
Without inflammation

Posterior scleritis
Necrotizing with inflammation

Scleritis Anterior scleritis Non-necrotizing Diffuse Nodular Necrotizing With inflammation Without inflammation Posterior

Слайд 39

Scleritis presents in the fourth to sixth decade with the gradual onset

Scleritis presents in the fourth to sixth decade with the gradual onset
of classic symptoms of severe, boring, ocular pain that occasionally radiates to the temple, jaw, or sinuses, redness, tearing ± photophobia

Слайд 40

Differentiation between episcleritis and scleritis

Differentiation between episcleritis and scleritis

Слайд 41

Posterior scleritis

Posterior scleritis is a serious, potentially blinding condition, which is often

Posterior scleritis Posterior scleritis is a serious, potentially blinding condition, which is
misdiagnosed and treated very late.
Clinical features
• Mild–severe deep pain (may be referred to brow or jaw region), VA, diplopia, photopsia, hypermetropic shift.
• White eye (unless anterior involvement), lid edema, proptosis, lid retraction, restricted motility; choroidal folds, annular choroidal detachment, exudative retinal detachments, macular edema, disc edema.

Слайд 42

Drugs commonly used in the treatment of scleritis

• Oral: NSAID (e.g., flurbiprofen

Drugs commonly used in the treatment of scleritis • Oral: NSAID (e.g.,
100 mg 3x/day; can be tapered down once disease is controlled).
• If not controlled, consider systemic immunosuppression: commonly corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone 1 mg/kg/day) ± other immunosuppressants (coordinate with rheumatologist).
• Topical corticosteroids are usually an adjunct to systemic therapy, lubrication
• Periocular corticosteroids (e.g., subtenons or transseptal triamcinolone acetonide) can be given in patients with no evidence of scleral thinning.
If there is risk of perforation, protect globe (e.g., glasses by day, shield at night) and consider scleral patch graft.

Слайд 43


Perforation of the sclera
Exudative retinal detachment and choroidal detachment

Complications Кeratitis Uveitis Staphyloma. Perforation of the sclera Exudative retinal detachment and choroidal detachment

Слайд 44

The orbit is a pear-shaped cavity in the skull The orbit consist

The orbit is a pear-shaped cavity in the skull The orbit consist
of the eyeball, external muscles, lacrimal gland, nerves, vessels, fat

Слайд 45

Optic canal (orbital foramen):

Within lesser wing of sphenoid
Transmits: Optic nerve (CN 2),

Optic canal (orbital foramen): Within lesser wing of sphenoid Transmits: Optic nerve
ophthalmic artery, and sympathetic nerves to ocular and orbital blood vessels

Слайд 46

The inferior orbital fissure

Bordered medially by maxillary bone, anteriorly by zygomatic bone,

The inferior orbital fissure Bordered medially by maxillary bone, anteriorly by zygomatic
and laterally by greater wing of sphenoid
Transmits: CN V2, zygomatic nerve, inferior ophthalmic vein

Слайд 47

The superior orbital fissure is a slit linking the cranium and the orbit,

The superior orbital fissure is a slit linking the cranium and the
between the greater and lesserwings of the sphenoid bone.

Transmits: CN III, IV, V1, VI, superior ophthalmic vein,
and sympathetic fibers

Слайд 48

Syndrome of superior orbital fissure – progressive diplopia, ptosis, complete right third,

Syndrome of superior orbital fissure – progressive diplopia, ptosis, complete right third,
fourth, and sixth cranial nerve palsies, midriasis, sensory loss along the distribution of the first division of the trigeminal nerve

Слайд 50

Clinical and special investigations

Clinical examination, Palpation of anterior orbital tissues
Magnetic resonance

Clinical and special investigations Clinical examination, Palpation of anterior orbital tissues Orbitotonometry
imaging; fat-suppression techniques
Radionuclide scan
Computed tomography, contrast-enhanced; bone-window (especially for fractures)

Слайд 51


Congenital orbital malformations


Orbital periostitis,
Cellulitis, Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis


Thyroid-Related Ophthalmopathy

Vascular Abnormalities



ORBITAL DISORDERS Congenital orbital malformations Infections Orbital periostitis, Cellulitis, Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

Слайд 52


It may result from injuries or as an extension of infection from

Osteoperiostitis It may result from injuries or as an extension of infection
the surrounding structures
Clinical picture may be in two forms.
Anterior orbital periostitis – it involves the orbital margin and is characterized by severe pain, tenderness and swelling of the inflammed area. Subperiostal abscess when formed, frequently bursts on the skin surface.
Posterior periostitis is characterized by deep seated orbital pain, exophthalmos, slight limitation of ocular movements. Sometimes there may be anaesthesia of the skin of eyelids and cornea.

Слайд 53

Cellulitis - inflammation of the orbit

Cellulitis - inflammation of the orbit

Слайд 54

Risk factors:

• Sinus disease: ethmoidal sinusitis (common), maxillary sinusitis.
• Infection of other

Risk factors: • Sinus disease: ethmoidal sinusitis (common), maxillary sinusitis. • Infection
adjacent structures: preseptal or facial infection, dacryocystitis, dental abscess.
• Trauma: septal perforation.
• Surgical: orbital, lacrimal, and vitreoretinal surgery.

Слайд 55

Symptoms include rapid onset of headache, fever, pain, nausea, in some cases

Symptoms include rapid onset of headache, fever, pain, nausea, in some cases
– prostration.
Eyelids are swollen, erythematous, warm and tender to palpation.
A marked chemosis of conjunctiva.
The eye is proptosed axially (the most frequently proptosis is lateral and downwards).
Ocular movements are restricted and painful.
In advanced cases visual acuity may be diminished.

Слайд 56

Potential complications:

Intracranial complications include meningitis, brain abscess and cavernosus sinus thrombosis
Subperiorbital abscess

Potential complications: Intracranial complications include meningitis, brain abscess and cavernosus sinus thrombosis
(it is relatively rare in sinus-related orbital cellulitis but may occur in post-traumatic and postoperative cases)
Ocular complications (keratopathy, raised IOP, occlusion of the central retinal artery or vein, optic neuritis)

Слайд 57

Principles of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the orbit

It is an emergency

Principles of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the orbit It is an
requiring hospital admission.
Intensive antibiotic therapy (topical (subconjunctival and retrobulbar injections). Admit for intravenous antibiotics (e.g., either floxacillin 500–1000 mg 4x/day or cefuroxime 750–1500 mg 3x/day with metronidazole 500 mg 3x/day).
Analgetics and anti-inflammatory drugs if necessary
Osmotherapy (40% glucosae solution)
Surgical drainage. In most cases it is necessary to drain both the orbit and the infected paranasal sinuses.
Physiotherapeutical treatment
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