- 3. Orbital cellulitis a systemically unwell patient proptosis peri-ocular swelling and erythema tenderness over the sinuses ocular
- 4. Conjunctivitis “Pink eye” Risk factors: exposure to someone infected, rubbing eyes, contact lenses. Symptoms: Marked, diffuse
- 5. Scleritis and episcleritis Episcleritis: itching a red and sore eye no discharge no watering vision normal
- 6. Corneal abrasion Causes: Trauma Contact lens wear/injury Infection—microbial keratitis: bacterial (e.g. Pseudomonas [contact lens]) Neurotrophic (e.g.
- 7. Uveitis (iritis) Clinical feature Eye redness, esp. around the edge of the iris Eye discomfort or
- 8. Cataract Causes: advancing age, diabetes mellitus, smoking cigarettes, steroids (topical or oral), radiation: long exposure to
- 9. Cataract
- 10. Hypertensive retinopathy Risk factors – increasing age, obesity, family history, alcohol, smoking Systemic hypertension directly affects
- 11. Retinal vessel occlusion Central retinal artery occlusion Sudden loss of vision like a ‘curtain descending’ in
- 12. CRAO and BRAO
- 13. Retinal vessel occlusion Central retinal vein thrombosis Sudden loss of central vision in one eye (if
- 14. CRVO and BRVO
- 15. Glaucoma Open-angle glaucoma Gradual increases resistance through the trabecular meshwork Risk factors: advancing age, family history,
- 16. Glaucoma Open-angle glaucoma Management timolol or betaxolol (beta blockers) latanoprost (or other prostaglandin analogue) drops, once
- 17. Glaucoma
- 18. Glaucoma Investigations Tonometry (Goldmann applanation tonometry) Upper limit of normal is 22 mmHg Ophthalmoscopy Optic disc
- 19. Keratitis Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea pain, impaired eyesight, photophobia (light sensitivity), red eye and
- 20. Blepharitis Clinical features Persistent sore eyes or eyelids Irritation, grittiness, burning, dryness and ‘something in the
- 21. Blepharitis Management Anterior blepharitis A systematic and long-term commitment to a program of eyelid margin hygiene
- 22. Subconjunctival hemorrhage A beefy red localised haemorrhage with a definite posterior margin, it is pain free.
- 23. Hypopyon and hyphema inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber of the eye. The most common cause
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