Слайд 1010,3109 / 09513590.2015.1128409
Dienogest as preoperative treatment of submucous myomas for hysteroscopic surgery: a prospective,

randomized study.
Laganà AS1, Giacobbe V1, Triolo O1, Granese R1, Ban Frangež H2, Vrtačnik-Bokal E2, Ietto C1, Palmara VI1.
Author information
The aim of this single-center, prospective, randomized, parallel-group study was to compare Dienogest and Danazol as endometrial preparation in patients who have to undergo hysteroscopic surgery for submucous myomas. We enrolled 80 consecutive eligible patients, in reproductive age, affected by submucous myomas. Pre- and posttreatment characterization of endometrium was performed by hysteroscopic visual observation and histologic confirmation. The enrolled patients were randomly assigned to two groups: 40 were treated with 2 mg of Dienogest/die, 40 with 100 mg of Danazol/die, both orally for 5 weeks, starting on day 1 of menstruation. Posttreatment comparison of endometrial patterns showed a significant more marked effect of Dienogest, respect to Danazol, in atrophying endometrium ("normotrophic non-responders" versus "hypotrophic"-"atrophic", p = 0.028). Intraoperative data showed no significant difference between the two groups for cervical dilatation time (p = 0.326), while in the Dienogest group, we found a significant reduction of operative time (p = 0.001), infusion volume (p = 0.001), and severity of bleeding (p = 0.042). Moreover, Dienogest caused less side effects (p = 0.008). According to our data analysis, Dienogest, respect to Danazol, is more effective for the preparation of the endometrium in patients who have to undergo hysteroscopic surgery for submucous myomas, and causes less side effects.