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简介篇 由来篇 民俗篇 活动篇

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端午节 每年农历五月初五
端午节起源于中国 最初 祛病防疫的节日
传说 爱国诗人屈原在这一天死去 人民纪念屈原的传统节日
共享 民俗文化 歌颂华夏民族的高洁情怀
“端午” 国家法定节假日之一 被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录。

Dragon Boat Festival

简 篇 介 端午节 每年农历五月初五 端午节起源于中国 最初 祛病防疫的节日 传说 爱国诗人屈原在这一天死去 人民纪念屈原的传统节日 共享

Fifth lunar month
Epidemic prevention Day----commemorate QuYuan
Eating Zongzi Dragon boat racing
Hang calamus/wormwood/Folium artemisiae argyi
Drinking realgar wine
National legal holiday
World non-material cultural heritage

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QuYuan patriotic poet
Being loyal but squeezed out again and again

传说端午节是为了纪念战国时代楚国诗人屈原,他在五月初五这天投汨罗江自尽殉国。屈原虽忠于楚怀王,却屡遭排挤,怀王死后又因顷襄王听信谗言而被流放,最终投汨罗江而死。 篇 由 来 QuYuan patriotic poet Being loyal but squeezed out
into the miluo river on Lunar month fifth day of May

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Many Chinese consider May of the year as an especially

许多中国人相信五月是一年中容易引发疾病的危险时节,因此必须有许多防备家人生病的措施。许多家庭会将一种特别的植物-艾草挂在门口,作为保护之用,而人们也会挂带香包,它是以含有多种香味的药用植物所做成,也可以保护人们远离疾病。 篇 民 俗 Many Chinese consider May of the year as
dangerous time when extra efforts must be made to protect their family from illness. Families will hang various herbs, called Aicao, on their door for protection. The drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body.XiangBao are also worn. These sachets contain various fragrant medicinal herbs thought to protect the wearer from illness.

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It is a very popular practice to drink this kind of

篇 民 俗 雄黄酒是一种将雄黄在烈酒中浸泡后的酒,在端午节很受欢迎喝了雄黄酒,整年可避邪避病。 It is a very popular practice to drink
Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar at the Dragon Boat Festival.
This is for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year.

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Carrying the small spice bag around with you not only

带上香包在身上,不但可避邪,而且可给你带来好运和快乐,小香包一般是人们手工制作,香包可作成红/黄/绿/蓝等很多颜色,用上等丝绸或棉料制作,外表常刺绣动物,花,水果,里面装一些中草药。 篇 民 俗 Carrying the small spice bag around with you
drives away evil spirits but also brings fortune and happiness . The small bags are hand-made by local craftsmen. They're made with red, yellow, green and blue silk, fine satin or cotton. Figures of animals, flowers and fruits are often embroidered onto the bags and inside are mixed Chinese herbal medicines.

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中国古代崇拜五色,以五色为吉祥色。因而,节日清晨,各家大人起床后第一件大事便是在孩子手腕、脚腕、脖子上拴五色线。系线时,禁忌儿童开口说 话。五色线不可任意折断或丢弃,只能在夏季第一场大雨或第一次洗澡时,抛到河里。据说,戴五色线的儿童可以避开蛇蝎类毒虫的伤害;扔到河里,意味着让河水 将瘟疫、疾病冲走,儿童由此可以保安康。
Chinese ancient worship five colors, on behalf

篇 民 俗 中国古代崇拜五色,以五色为吉祥色。因而,节日清晨,各家大人起床后第一件大事便是在孩子手腕、脚腕、脖子上拴五色线。系线时,禁忌儿童开口说 话。五色线不可任意折断或丢弃,只能在夏季第一场大雨或第一次洗澡时,抛到河里。据说,戴五色线的儿童可以避开蛇蝎类毒虫的伤害;扔到河里,意味着让河水 将瘟疫、疾病冲走,儿童由此可以保安康。 Chinese ancient worship five colors, on
of the auspicious color. Therefore, the festival early, adults get up after the first thing is to colored lines around the child's wrist, ankle, neck. Line, and forbidden children from speak. Colored lines can not be arbitrarily broken or discarded in the summer, only the first heavy rain or the first time take a shower, thrown into the river. Reportedly, the children wear colored lines can avoid the harm of complete poisonous; thrown into the river, the river will plague, means the disease swept away, which can protect children .

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Competing teams of the Dragon Boat Race drive their colorful

龙舟赛比赛的队伍在热烈的鼓声中划着他们多彩的龙舟前进。这项活动的灵感是来自于当时汨罗江畔的居民,在江中划船救屈原,而这个传统也一直保持了数个世纪。 篇 民 俗 Competing teams of the Dragon Boat Race drive
dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villager's valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo river. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries。

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A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is

篇 民 俗 在端午节时受欢迎的食物就是粽子,粽子是以米包着肉、花生、蛋黄及其他材料,再以竹叶包裹。而粽子的传统则来由于汨罗江边的渔夫,将米丢入江中平息江中的蛟龙,希望他们不要将屈原吃掉。 A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat
Zongzi. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Qu Yuan.

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包 体验 粽子

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端午 编五彩绳体验

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端午 赛龙舟体验
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