Слайд 3Beatles, English fate-group. Was well-educated in Liverpool in 1959. Composition: James Paul

McCartneyBeatles, English fate-group. Was well-educated in Liverpool in 1959. Composition: James Paul McCartney, John Winston LennonBeatles, English fate-group. Was well-educated in Liverpool in 1959. Composition: James Paul McCartney, John Winston Lennon, George HarrisonBeatles, English fate-group. Was well-educated in Liverpool in 1959. Composition: James Paul McCartney, John Winston Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr. The group brought in considerable contribution to development of fate-music, stipulating its transition from dancing-entertaining in the sphere of art.
Слайд 4McCartney James Paul
McCartney James Paul (Born 18 June 1942, Liverpool), the English

rok- singer, composer, multiinstrumentalist, one of leading members of the «Bitlz» group.
Слайд 5Lennon
Lennon (Born 9 October 1940, Liverpool - on December, 8 1980, New

York, English fate-singer, composer, one of parties to the legendary «Bitlz» fate-group).
Слайд 6George Harrison (Born 25 February on the November, 1943 - 29 2001;

vocal, guitar, sitar, key)
Слайд 7Ringo Starr ( Richard Starkey) (Born 7 July 1940; began to come

forward in composition to the group with 1962; vocal, shock, key).