
Слайд 2

Born in the purple

Born into royalty. Purple is a color traditionally associated

Born in the purple Born into royalty. Purple is a color traditionally
with royalty.

Did you see pictures of the latest addition to the royal family? What a sweet little princess born to the purple!
(Видели  ли вы фотографии последнего пополнения в королевской семье ? Какая маленькая принцесса родилась в королевской семье!)

Слайд 3

Born in the purple

In ancient times, purple garments were worn only by

Born in the purple In ancient times, purple garments were worn only
royal and imperial families because of the rarity and costliness of the dye. Born in the purple may have specific reference to the fact that Byzantine empresses gave birth in a room in the palace at Constantinople whose walls were lined with the purple stone porphyry.

Слайд 4

Have a purple patch

To experience much success or good luck. Primarily heard

Have a purple patch To experience much success or good luck. Primarily
in UK.

After falling behind early, the team had a purple patch and scored three quick goals to tie the game.
После раннего отставания, команда испытала большой успех  и она забила три быстрых гола, чтобы сравнять счет в игре.

Слайд 5

Have a purple patch

This term is a translation of Latin purpureus pannus

Have a purple patch This term is a translation of Latin purpureus
, and comes from the Roman poet Horace's Ars Poetica: ‘Works of serious purpose and grand promises often have a purple patch or two stitched on, to shine far and wide’

Слайд 6

Purple prose

Writing that i full of flowery or excessively elaborate language.

My early romance

Purple prose Writing that i full of flowery or excessively elaborate language.
novels were nothing but purple prose—very embarrassing to read now.
(Мои ранние романы были не более чем фиолетовой прозой - очень неловко читать их сейчас.)

Слайд 7

Purple prose

In literary criticism, purple prose is overly ornate prose text that may

Purple prose In literary criticism, purple prose is overly ornate prose text
disrupt a narrative flow by drawing undesirable attention to its own extravagant style of writing, thereby diminishing the appreciation of the prose overall.
The term "purple prose" is used in reference to large exaggerations, lies, and highly imaginative writings.

Слайд 8

Purple state

In U.S. general elections, a state that votes in roughly equal proportion

Purple state In U.S. general elections, a state that votes in roughly
for candidates of both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Primarily heard in US.

Whoever is going to win the election will have to focus their power on swinging the purple states of the country in their favor.
Кто бы ни победил на выборах, ему придется сосредоточить свои силы на том, чтобы склонить в свою пользу фиолетовые штаты страны.

Слайд 9

Purple state

A term used for a swing state on an electoral map. It

Purple state A term used for a swing state on an electoral
is purple because it could either go blue or red. They are sometimes shown as gray on a map instead of purple.The purple state concept emerged from media usage of red to represent Republicans and blue to represent Democrats in electoral maps. The 2000 presidential election was the first occasion for the common use of the red and blue colors to indicate candidate support. From 2004 to present, closely divided states have been called purple states due to the mixture of red and blue.

Слайд 10

Purple passion

We are all heading to Sandy Duncan's purple passion party on

Purple passion We are all heading to Sandy Duncan's purple passion party
friday--you coming?
Мы все идем на вечеринку Сэнди Дункан "Пурпурная страсть" в пятницу - вы идете?

Слайд 11

Purple passion

Purple Passion is a grape-based alcoholic drink made with Everclear. In the 1980s, it was sold in two-liter bottles. Besides Everclear, Purple Passion had one other important ingredient: "substandard grapes. In honor of this drink in the American Midwest (particularly in the small town of Nebraska) there was a practice of holding a party to which all guests bring their own bottle of hard liquor. Everyone pours the liquor into a tub or trash can and starts drinking!

Purple passion Purple Passion is a grape-based alcoholic drink made with Everclear.

Слайд 12

To be purple with rage

To be angry.

When she found out that her husband had lost all his money she went purple with rage.
Когда она узнала, что ее муж

To be purple with rage To be angry. When she found out
потерял все свои деньги, она рассердилась.

Слайд 13

To be purple with rage

People can "turn purple" for a number of

To be purple with rage People can "turn purple" for a number
reasons. We have an expression, "purple with rage". A person can get so angry that it causes a rise in blood pressure and the face can literally turn purple. People can blush beetroot red because of love. The strain exerted in defecating can, again, cause a rise in blood pressure. People who stand on their head will turn purple in the face.
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