Базы данных EBSCO по бизнесу и экономике Андрей Соколов


Слайд 2

EBSCO Information Services

32 oтделения в 21 стране

Warsaw, Poland

EBSCO Information Services 32 oтделения в 21 стране Warsaw, Poland

Слайд 3

Через EBSCO Publishing
библиотеки получают
полнотекстовых журналов, книг, брошюр, газет, справочников и аналитических

Через EBSCO Publishing библиотеки получают 30.000 полнотекстовых журналов, книг, брошюр, газет, справочников
Базы данных EBSCO признаны наилучшими в опросе академических и публичных библиотек США.
(по данным Library Journal)

Слайд 4

Tokyo University

London School of Economics

Подписчики баз EBSCO Publishing

Tokyo University London School of Economics Подписчики баз EBSCO Publishing

Слайд 5

Journals in full text
(Most with PDF’s)

Academic Search 2008

8,250 журналов с рефератами в

Journals in full text (Most with PDF’s) Academic Search 2008 8,250 журналов

4,512 полнотекстовых журналов в ASP

Мультидисциплинарная база

9,500 + журналов с рефератами в ASC

5,500 + полнотекстовых журналов в ASC

Слайд 6

Journals in full text
(Most with PDF’s)

Academic Search 2009

8,450 журналов с рефератами в

Journals in full text (Most with PDF’s) Academic Search 2009 8,450 журналов

4,650 полнотекстовых журналов в ASP

Мультидисциплинарная база

11,000 журналов с рефератами в ASC

7,000 + полнотекстовых журналов в ASC

Слайд 7

Примеры полнотекстовых журналов

Business Source

Примеры полнотекстовых журналов Business Source

Слайд 8

Unique to Business Source Complete

Unique to Business Source Complete

Investment Data
Full Text

Morningstar Unique to Business Source Complete Morningstar Unique to Business Source Complete
from Morningstar
Embargo of 7 days

Morningstar Fund Family Reports: Fidelity
Morningstar Fund Family Reports: Vanguard

Morningstar Fund Family Reports: American Funds

Слайд 9

Аналитическая информация Bernstein Financial Data

Инвестиционные исследования
26 ежегодных отчетов об отраслях промышленности
35 ежегодных

Аналитическая информация Bernstein Financial Data Инвестиционные исследования 26 ежегодных отчетов об отраслях
книг о коммерческих компаниях («Black books»)
Ежемесячные обзоры рынков («White books»)
Ежемесячная периодика:
Bernstein Quantitative Handbook
Bernstein Strategies Monitor

Слайд 10

Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy
Advances in Macroeconomics
Advances in Theoretical

Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy Advances in Macroeconomics Advances in Theoretical
Business & Politics
Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy
Contributions to Macroeconomics
Contributions to Theoretical Economics
Frontiers of Economic Analysis & Policy
Frontiers of Macroeconomics
Frontiers of Theoretical Economics
Global Economy Journal

Berkeley Electronic Press без эмбарго

Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization
Peace Economics, Peace Science, & Public Policy
RAND Forum for Health Economics & Policy
Review of Marketing Science
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics
Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy
Topics in Macroeconomics
Topics in Theoretical Economics

Слайд 11

Всемирный рейтинг университетов THES -2008

Rank University Country
1 Harvard University USA
2 Yale University USA
3 University of Cambridge UK
4 University of Oxford

Всемирный рейтинг университетов THES -2008 Rank University Country 1 Harvard University USA
5 California Institute of Technology USA
6 IMPERIAL College London UK
7 University College London (UCL) UK
8 University of Chicago USA
9 MIT (Massachusetts Inst of Technology) USA
10 Columbia University USA
11 University of Pennsylvania USA
12 PRINCETON University USA

ВСЕ эти университеты подписывают EBSCO

Слайд 12

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

ВСЕ эти университеты подписывают Business Source

Rank Business School Country
1 London

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 ВСЕ эти университеты подписывают Business Source
Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Слайд 13

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Подписывает Business Source Complete
НЕ подписывает ABI/INFORM (ProQuest)
Предоставляет доступ выпускникам к Business Source Alumni
Также покупает EconLit, PsycINFO & PsycARTICLES на платформе EBSCOhost

Слайд 14

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Слайд 15

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

“Business Source is certainly our number one research tool for academic business research.”
– Mike Halperin, Library Director The Wharton School

Слайд 16

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Слайд 17

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Подписывает Business Source Complete
НЕ подписывает ABI/INFORM (ProQuest)
Предоставляет доступ выпускникам к Business Source Alumni
Также покупает EconLit, PsycINFO & PsycARTICLES на платформе EBSCOhost

Слайд 18

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Слайд 19

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Подписывает Business Source Complete
НЕ подписывает ABI/INFORM (ProQuest)
Предоставляет доступ выпускникам к Business Source Alumni
Также покупает EconLit на платформе EBSCOhost

Слайд 20

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

All of the above are Business Source

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009 All of the above are Business

Rank Business School Country
1 London Business School UK
1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) USA
3 Harvard Business School USA
4 Columbia Business School USA
5 INSEAD France
6 IE Business School Spain
6 Stanford University (GSB) USA
8 Ceibs China
9 MIT Sloan School of Management USA
10 New York University: Stern USA
11 University of Chicago USA
12 IESE Business School Spain

Слайд 21

Ряд топовых бизнес школ мира отказались от ABI/INFORM (ProQuest)

University of California at

Ряд топовых бизнес школ мира отказались от ABI/INFORM (ProQuest) University of California
University of Cambridge (UK)
Ohio State University
SDA Bocconi (Italy)
University of Georgia
University of Minnesota

University of North Carolina
University of Texas
University of Washington
Washington State University
Washington University of St. Louis

Слайд 22

global warming

С ИЮЛЯ 2008

EBSCOhost 2.0

global warming С ИЮЛЯ 2008 EBSCOhost 2.0

Слайд 24

Полная запись (a.k.a., “full record”)

Полная запись (a.k.a., “full record”)

Слайд 25

Описание иллюстрации

Описание иллюстрации

Слайд 28

Business Source

Business Source

Слайд 29

Business Source

Business Source

Слайд 30

Новый экран Базового Поиска

Новый экран Базового Поиска

Слайд 31

Business Source Complete
1,144 peer-reviewed journals have searchable cited references starting with January

Business Source Complete 1,144 peer-reviewed journals have searchable cited references starting with
2003 issues (or earlier)
Only 232 journals are contained in ISI’s Business Collection

Searchable Cited References (with links to full text)

Searchable Cited Reference with links to the full text of the original cited work (when available)

Times Cited in this Database provides a list of all other papers in the database that cite this work (with links to the full text when available)

Слайд 32

Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy
Advances in Macroeconomics
Advances in Theoretical

Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy Advances in Macroeconomics Advances in Theoretical
Business & Politics
Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy
Contributions to Macroeconomics
Contributions to Theoretical Economics
Frontiers of Economic Analysis & Policy
Frontiers of Macroeconomics
Frontiers of Theoretical Economics
Global Economy Journal

Berkeley Electronic Press без эмбарго

Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization
Peace Economics, Peace Science, & Public Policy
RAND Forum for Health Economics & Policy
Review of Marketing Science
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics
Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy
Topics in Macroeconomics
Topics in Theoretical Economics

Слайд 33

Аналитическая информация Bernstein Financial Data

Инвестиционные исследования
26 ежегодных отчетов об отраслях промышленности
35 ежегодных

Аналитическая информация Bernstein Financial Data Инвестиционные исследования 26 ежегодных отчетов об отраслях
книг о коммерческих компаниях («Black books»)
Ежемесячные обзоры рынков («White books»)
Ежемесячная периодика:
Bernstein Quantitative Handbook
Bernstein Strategies Monitor

Слайд 34

Business Source Premier уже содержит все экономические отчеты по странам мира от

Business Source Premier уже содержит все экономические отчеты по странам мира от
ICON Group
Business Source Complete содержит дополнительные отчеты:
World Outlook Reports
Аналитические прогнозы на 235 стран
Studies Reports
Макроэкономические и инвестиционные отчеты, эконометрические модели и т.п. по 150 странам мира отчетыCovers 150 countries
Company Benchmarks
Entry Strategy Studies

Business Source Complete будет содержать дополнительную информацию от ICON Group International

Слайд 35

Авторские профайлы Business Source Complete

BSC содержит информацию о более чем 40,000 наиболее цитируемых в

Авторские профайлы Business Source Complete BSC содержит информацию о более чем 40,000
этой базе авторов

Слайд 36

Business Source Premier & Business Source Complete

Авторские профайлы
Книги и монографии
Профайлы организаций

Business Source Premier & Business Source Complete Авторские профайлы Книги и монографии
Экономические отчеты по странам
Промышленные отчеты
Интервью и анализы
Отчеты о маркетинговых исследованиях
Рецензируемые журналы
SWOT анализ
Профессиональные и бизнес дайджесты
Full-Text Working Papers Collections

Content Type

Business Source Premier

Compared on December 7, 2007

Business Source Complete


0 25,000 25,000

139 635 496

10,151 17,651 7,500

1,409 1,451 42

5,095 17,558 12,463

426 2,297 1,871

1,135 1,558 423

2,842 2,842 0

1,198 1,525 327

2 14 12

0 18,000 18,000

3 20 17

166 277 111

Business Source

Слайд 37

Активные полнотекстовые академические журналы

ProQuest Central and ABI/INFORM Complete
Gale’s Academic OneFile and Business & Company

Активные полнотекстовые академические журналы ProQuest Central and ABI/INFORM Complete Gale’s Academic OneFile
Resource Center
EBSCO’s Academic Search Premier & Business Source Premier (Package 1)
EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete & Business Source Complete (Package 2)
EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and Other Subject-Specific Full-Text Databases (Package 3)

Active Full-Text Peer- Reviewed Journals

Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in SCOPUS

Database Package

Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in Web of Science

* По состоянию на 21 августа 2009




Active Full-Text Journals Indexed in Web of Science and NOT in DOAJ


Слайд 38

Two key publishers used to be unique to ABI/INFORM, but have halted or removed

Two key publishers used to be unique to ABI/INFORM, but have halted
full text in ABI/INFORM

Oxford University Press

Слайд 39

JSTOR business journals vs. EBSCO’s Business Source Complete

Earliest PDF Coverage 1886 1886
Journals with

JSTOR business journals vs. EBSCO’s Business Source Complete Earliest PDF Coverage 1886
Full Text Beginning Between 1886 and 1965 63 95
Journals with Full Text Beginning Between 1966 and 1975 26 71
Journals with Full Text Beginning Between 1976 and 1989 37 129
Journals with Full Text Beginning Between 1990 and 1994 8 256
Journals with Full Text Beginning Between 1995 and 1999 3 667

JSTOR Business


Compared on July 20, 2009

Слайд 40

Eigenfactor Top 30 Business Journals Summary

Business Source Complete


Active Full Text, NO

Eigenfactor Top 30 Business Journals Summary Business Source Complete ABI/INFORM Complete Active
Embargoed Full Text
NO Ongoing Full Text

Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Inc. provided the data used in calculating the Eigenfactor™ Score, developed by the University of Washington



Using the most current available Eigenfactor ranking as of August 17, 2009, as well as title lists from www.ebscohost.comtitle lists from www.ebscohost.com and www.proquest.com as of August 17, 2009

Имя файла: Базы-данных-EBSCO-по-бизнесу-и-экономике-Андрей-Соколов.pptx
Количество просмотров: 221
Количество скачиваний: 0