Colour Associations in Different


Слайд 2

Colour is a unique language with its own vocabulary. Just like words,

Colour is a unique language with its own vocabulary. Just like words,
colour can mean different things to different people depending on the emphasis or the tone. Similarly, certain words or colours can have quite opposite significance to people from various backgrounds and cultures.
The millions of hues, tints, tones and shades swirling around us every waking moment all affect us. Everything has a colour. No matter how subtle, the subconscious colour psychology still influences our thinking and makes us react in some way.
The colours we choose to surround ourselves in our environment play a huge role in how we feel. Want to learn more about how to select colours for your home or office to set the right mood? When selecting color schemes, for any reason, it's important to think about the impression you might be making.

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Depending on the culture, what a colour means can be very different:

Depending on the culture, what a colour means can be very different:

In Taiwan, a person wearing a green hat will make others think that his or her spouse has not been faithful.
Yellow means that the person might be a harlot.
In China, white is seen as the colour for mourning and funerals as opposed to black that’s more common in the West.
This is believed by some to be because Hinduism and Buddhism – two of the most popular religions there – both see death as the move to a higher and better plane of existence. Because of that, death has a much more positive connotation. In the West, death is generally seen as an ending and therefore the negative connotation that comes with the colour black makes more sense to the average American person, as well as to many people in Europe.

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Depending on the culture, what a colour means can be very different:

Depending on the culture, what a colour means can be very different:

In Islam, gold and green are the colours for Paradise, and green and blue are common colours in that country for many things. They are seen in and around most of the mosques and they are important for peace and happiness.
In the United States and other traditionally Christian countries, colour is not as associated with church, but it is associated with many Christian holidays. Purple and pastel colours are for Easter, green for Christmas, etc.
When a person goes from one country to another, he or she often forgets that it’s not only the language and the food that changes. The culture is totally different, too, and that means that the way that colour is presented and interpreted will be different. Even within a culture there will be differences based on other demographics, but they won’t be as pronounced as the more standard opinions that a culture holds overall.

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The Meanings of Yellow

Meanings of Yellow in Other Cultures * In Japan Yellow

The Meanings of Yellow Meanings of Yellow in Other Cultures * In
means Courage and Nobility * In Islam Yellow means Wisdom * Hindus consider Yellow a Sacred colour * Buddhist monks wear Saffron Yellow robes * In many Middle East countries Yellow represents Golden Prosperity * In Egypt Yellow is reserved for Mourning * In India Yellow is the colour used by Merchants * To Native Americans Yellow is the symbol for unconditional Love * In China Yellow represents Honor and Royalty

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The Meanings of Orange

Meanings of Orange in Other Cultures * Buddhist monks wear

The Meanings of Orange Meanings of Orange in Other Cultures * Buddhist
Saffron Orange robes. * In Eastern philosophy, the Orange Chakra is in the abdomen and is the creative center. * To Native Americans Orange represents Learning or Kinship. * In Northern Ireland, Orange represents Protestantism and they call themselves Orangemen. * In the United States and Canada, Orange represents Halloween. * In the Netherlands, Orange represents royalty and is referred to as the House of Orange.
Phrases and Uses of Orange * In the United States and Canada Thanksgiving is celebrated with Orange decorations. * People who use too much fake tanning products are often said to have an Orange Glow.

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The Meanings of Red

Meanings of Red in Other Cultures * In Russia Red

The Meanings of Red Meanings of Red in Other Cultures * In
symbolizes Communism and revolution. * In China, brides wear Red and it is considered a Good Luck color. * To most Asians Red means Happiness and Prosperity. * In India Red is a symbol of life-giving purity. * In the Middle East the color symbolism of Red is Danger and Evil. * In Greece Red is considered a dominant male color. * In Japan Red is considered a life-giving color associated with female reproduction. * In Christianity, Red combined with Green is associated with Christmas. * To some Native Americans specially the Cherokee, Red symbolizes the East and Sacred Fire. * In South Aftica Red is the color of mourning. * In Amsterdam the Red Light district is a legalized zone of prostitution.
Uses of Red in Popular Culture * In the United States and Canada Valentines Day is celebrated with Red Cupids and decorations. * A Red Ruby is the traditional gift for a 40th Wedding Anniversary. * In Ancient Rome, Roman soldiers carried Red battle flags to indicate their power.

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The Meanings of Violet or Purple

Meanings of Violet in Other Cultures * In

The Meanings of Violet or Purple Meanings of Violet in Other Cultures
Western and some Eastern cultures Violet is associated with mourning rituals. * In Christianity Violet is associated with Advent and Lent. * In North America pale purple along with yellow are considered Easter colors. * In some Native American tribes, purple represents wisdom, healing or gratitude. * In Japan Violet signifies wealth and power. * In Tibet amethyst is considered sacred to Buddha. * In the Ukrainian tradition of egg dyeing, purple dye signifies faith, patience and trust. * In Iran purple is an omen of the future depending on the color of the sun during an eclipse. * In Thailand widows wear purple to mourn their husband's death. * In Egypt purple represents virtue and faith. * In the English speaking world, Violet is often used as a girl's name.
Uses of Violet or Purple in Popular Culture * In Ancient Rome, the Roman Emperors Julius and Augustus Caesar were referred to as "The Purple" and were the only ones allowed to wear purple Imperial robes. * Later in ancient Rome, Magistrates were also allowed to wear togas with purple ribbons. Any other use of Purple was punishable by death. * Violet was the royal color during Cleopatra's reign. * During the reign of King Henry VIII in Tudor England purple represented mourning and religious fervor.

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The Meanings of Blue

Meanings of Blue in Other Cultures * In Christianity the

The Meanings of Blue Meanings of Blue in Other Cultures * In
Madonna is usually clothed in Blue to symbolize virtue. * In the Jewish faith, Blue is the color of holiness. * In Hinduism Blue is the color of the god Krishna. * In China Blue represents immortality. * Philosophers in Ancient Rome wore Blue robes to show their rank. * In Japan Indigo Blue is often used in art and clothing and symbolizes the vast ocean surrounding the islands. * In Ancient Egypt the skin of the god Amun was painted blue to signify the divine. * In Germany employees being dismissed are given Blue Letters or "Blaue Briefe". * In France deep Blue is strongly associated with Royalty and Aristocracy. * Some Native Americans believe the color symbolism of Blue means using intuition to serve and teach. * In Iran Blue is the color of mourning.
Uses of Blue in Popular Culture * The computer company IBM is known as "Big Blue". * The largest Canadian travel and medical insurer is called Blue Cross. * Picasso is known for a series of blue paintings during his "Blue Period". * Blue is most often used in all forms of Religious and Spiritual Art. * English brides traditionally wear "something borrowed, something Blue" to represent fidelity.

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The Meanings of Green

Meanings of Green in Other Cultures * In Christianity Green

The Meanings of Green Meanings of Green in Other Cultures * In
is associated with baptism and the feast of the Eucharist. * Green is the sacred color of Islam and is a sign of respect and veneration. * In the Muslim world, Green signifies the Prophet Muhammad. * Green is the color of Ireland which is sometimes called the "Emerald Isle". * In England green has heroic meanings and is connected to the stories of Robin Hood. * In China Green represents disgrace. * Also in China Green Jade is highly prized for its beauty which represents virtue. * In North Africa Green symbolizes corruption. * In Japan Green signifies eternal life.

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Colour Idioms

off-colour – намекающий на что-л. непристойное, неприличный
come out in one’s true

Colour Idioms off-colour – намекающий на что-л. непристойное, неприличный come out in
colours – показать свое истинное лицо
to take one’s colour from smb. – подражать кому-л.
to sail under false colours – обманывать, лицемерить

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Yellow Idioms

have a yellow streak- трусливый
yellow-bellied- трусливый
Phrases and Uses of Yellow * In

Yellow Idioms have a yellow streak- трусливый yellow-bellied- трусливый Phrases and Uses
the Christian tradition Judas wore a Yellow coat when he betrayed Jesus. * We "tie a Yellow Ribbon" as a symbol of hope, peace and remembrance. * The phrase "Mellow Yellow" is used to mean relaxed and laid back. * The phrase "Yellow Journalism" is used to mean irresponsible reporting. * The terms Yellow Bellied and Yellow Streak are used to signify cowardice.

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Red Idioms

catch (someone) red-handed – поймать кого-то с поличным
in the red –

Red Idioms catch (someone) red-handed – поймать кого-то с поличным in the
иметь долги, быть убыточным
paint the town red – кутить, загулять, предаваться веселью, устроить попойку
red-carpet treatment – почетное, торжественное обращение; внимательное отношение
red herring – отвлекающий маневр, намеренно вводить в заблуждение; сбивать с толку
red-letter day – праздничный, счастливый день
see red – обезуметь; прийти в бешенство/ярость

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Purple & Pink Idioms

see pink elephants – напиться “до чертиков”
tickled pink –

Purple & Pink Idioms see pink elephants – напиться “до чертиков” tickled
быть в восторге
be in the pink – иметь отличное здоровье
pink of perfection – верх совершенства
purple with rage – багровый от ярости
purple patch – очень счастливое время в жизни человека

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Blue Idioms

blue in the face – возбужденный, раздухарившийся
blue study – мрачные/тяжелые мысли

Blue Idioms blue in the face – возбужденный, раздухарившийся blue study –
the air blue – ругаться
be in the blues/ get the blues/ have the blues – быть в плохом настроении, хандрить
true-blue - преданный, лояльный

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Green Idioms

to be green with envy - испытывать чёрную зависть;
the green-eyed monster

Green Idioms to be green with envy - испытывать чёрную зависть; the
– ревность;
to look green about the gills – выглядеть бледно и болезненно;
to be green as grass – быть совсем неопытным;
to have green fingers – быть умелым садоводом.

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Black Idioms

back to black – вернуться к привычному образу жизни
black dog –

Black Idioms back to black – вернуться к привычному образу жизни black
тоска зеленая, уныние
black as hell – тьма кромешная
a black sheep (to be the black sheep of the family) – «паршивая овца» (быть белой вороной в семье)
black jokes – чёрный юмор
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