Concept of International Law

Слайд 2

Importance of International Law

International law:
Defines the very existence of “states”;
Governs international agreements;

Importance of International Law International law: Defines the very existence of “states”;
rules for the establishment and operation of international organizations;
Provides the framework for diplomatic and consular relations;
Sets forth rules of the international dispute settlement;
Governs individual human rights;
Governs the law of armed conflict;
Regulates the use of the air, land, sea and other global resources, as well as the protection of the global environment; and
Sets forth rules for the operation of international trade.

Слайд 3

Major Sources of International Law

International Treaties;
International Custom;
The general principles of law recognized

Major Sources of International Law International Treaties; International Custom; The general principles
by civilized nations.
Имя файла: Concept-of-International-Law-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 230
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