Слайд 2

Classification of Plants

Artificial classification
A. Based on whether or not they can manufacture

Classification of Plants Artificial classification A. Based on whether or not they
food out of inorganic nutrients.
Autotrophic / independent plant- can produce their own food through photosynthesis.
- all green plants
Heterotrophic or dependent plant – cannot manufacture their own food
i. parasite – nutritionally dependent on other living organism
ii. Saprophytes – nutritionally dependent on dead organic matters

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B. Based on environmental location
Aquatic plants - live on water
Terrestrial plants

B. Based on environmental location Aquatic plants - live on water Terrestrial
- live on land
Epiphytes – found above the grounds & attached to plants
C. Based on water requirements
Xerophytes – live in dry places
Mesophytes – require moderate supply of water
Hydrophytes – lives in watery or moist places & require abundant supply of water

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D. Based on lifespan
Annuals – a plant that complete its life cycle

D. Based on lifespan Annuals – a plant that complete its life
during a single growing season & then dies.
Biennials – typically herbaceous plants, requires 2 growing seasons. Produce flower & seeds in the 2nd season.
Perennials – a plant that grows for many years, woody or herbaceous.
E. Based on appearance or habit
Tree – woody w/ single main stem, about 10 ft high
Shrub – woody w/ a relatively short main stem w/c gives rise to many branches
Herb – soft stemmed w/c is relatively short; short-lived
Vine – either creeping along the ground or climb upright.

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annual plants

biennial plants

perennial plants

annual plants biennial perennial biennial plants biennial perennial perennial plants biennial perennial

Слайд 9

Natural classification
- based on morphological & structural relationships.
A. Non-vascular plants –lack conducting

Natural classification - based on morphological & structural relationships. A. Non-vascular plants
tissues (phloem & xylem)
a. thallophytes- simplest forms of plants
thallus – is their body composed of undifferentiated roots, stem, leaves. Ex: algae, fungi, lichens (alga & fungi)
b. bryophytes – mosses, liverworts, & hornworts.
- usually found in moist places, rocks, & trees.

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B. Vascular plants – have conducting tissues
a. Pteridophytes – produces spores
- ex:

B. Vascular plants – have conducting tissues a. Pteridophytes – produces spores
b. Gymnosperms – seed bearing plants w/c do not produce flowers.
- ex: cycads (pitogo), pine trees, & spruces
c. Angiosperms – flowering plants that produce seeds
- ex: gumamela, santan, etc.

Слайд 11


Monocotyledonae (Monocot)
- has one seed leaf or cotyledon
Dicotyledonae (Dicot)
- contains two seed

Angiosperms Monocotyledonae (Monocot) - has one seed leaf or cotyledon Dicotyledonae (Dicot)
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