Слайд 2Financial results of economic activity (revenue and profit)
Effectiveness and Financial diagnostics

Results and effectiveness
of economic activity
Слайд 3to read
in Ukrainian
Економіка підприємства./ За заг. ред. С.Ф. Покропивного – К.: КНЕУ,

2001. – 528 с.
Економіка підприємства./ За ред. Шегди А.В. – К.: Знання, 2006. – 614 с.
Accounting standard # 3 “Financial results”
in English
Слайд 4Financial results of economic activity.
Part 1 Revenue
is the amount

of money a company receives in exchange for its goods and services.
is usually listed on the first line of the income statement as revenue, sales, net sales or net revenue.
"Other Revenue" is money a company receives for activities that are not related to its original business.
For example, if a clothing store sells some of its merchandise, that amount is listed under revenue. However, if the store rents a building or leases some machinery, the money received is filed under "other revenue."
Слайд 5Part 2. Profit
is that money that your business retains after

all expenses have been paid and accounts have been settled.
is financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity.
Calculated as:
Слайд 7Profit formation (Ukrainian Accounting Standards)
- Excise duty

Net revenue
- Production costs
= Gross profit
Слайд 8Profit formation (Ukrainian Accounting Standards)
Gross profit
+ other operating revenues
- administrative

- selling expenses
- other operating expenses
= Financial results of operation activity
Слайд 9Profit formation (Ukrainian Accounting Standards)
Financial results of operation activity
+ yield on

+ other financial incomes
+ other incomes
- financial losses
- capital losses
- other losses
= Financial results of main activity before taxation
Слайд 10Profit formation (Ukrainian Accounting Standards)
Financial results of main activity before taxation
- income

= Financial results of main activity
+/- extraordinary incomes or losses
- taxation of extraordinary incomes
= Net profit / losses
Слайд 11Gross profit equals sales revenue minus costs of good sold (COGS).
Earnings Before

Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) equals sales revenue minus cost of goods sold and all expenses except for interest, amortization, depreciation and taxes.
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) or Operating profit equals sales revenue minus cost of goods sold and all expenses except for interest and taxes. It is also known as Operating Profit Before Interest and Taxes (OPBIT) or simply Profit Before Interest and Taxes (PBIT).
Слайд 12Earnings Before Tax (EBT) or Net Profit Before Tax equals sales revenue

minus cost of goods sold and all expenses except for taxes. It is also known as pre-tax book income (PTBI), net operating income before taxes or simply pre-tax Income.
Earnings After Tax or Net Profit After Tax or Net Income equals sales revenue after deducting all expenses, including taxes.
Income before extraordinary expenses represents the same but before adjusting for extraordinary items.
Earnings After Tax (or Net Profit After Tax) minus payable dividends becomes Retained Earnings.
Слайд 13Functions of profit
Evaluation – characterizes effect of economic activity

– distribution of income between company and budget
Promotional – a source for promotion
Reproductive – a source for extended reproduction of capital and circulating assets
Слайд 14What influences profit?
Changes in
structure of assortment
prices of goods

of raw materials
level of inputs of material and labour resources
Слайд 152. Financial diagnostics
Economic diagnostics – analysis and evaluation of results of activity

of the enterprise based on study of individual results and incomplete information with the purpose of exploration of possible perspectives of development and consequences of current management decisions
Слайд 16Effective economic activity
Enterprise utilizes existing assets effectively
Enterprise pays off its

debts in time
Enterprise is profitable
Слайд 17Financial diagnostics (1)
Full-scale financial analysis of results of economic activity of the

Horizontal – by years
Vertical – internal structure
Financial ratios
Слайд 18Forms of financial statements
balance sheet
income (financial results) statement
cash flow

equity capital statement
notes on annual financial accounts
Слайд 19Financial ratios
Operational analysis
Analysis of operational expenses
Analysis of assets management

Liquidity analysis
Analysis of long-term solvency
Profitability analysis
Слайд 20Profitability ratios
Gross Profit Margin=
Return on Sales =
Net Profit Margin =

Слайд 21Profitability ratios
Return on equity (ROE) =
Return on assets (ROA) =
Return on capital
