Слайд 2

Point 1. The internet structure

The main stages of Internet development:
ARPANET (Advanced Research

Point 1. The internet structure The main stages of Internet development: ARPANET
Projects Agency net)
NFSNET (National Fond for Science net)
Internet is a global net.

Слайд 3

Point 1. The internet structure

Internet consists of local nets.
There are 3 categories

Point 1. The internet structure Structure: Internet consists of local nets. There
of computers:
Hosts (nodes) handle the client access.
Servers provide information.
Clients use information.

Слайд 4

Point 1. The internet structure

Every host or host group of Internet is

Point 1. The internet structure Every host or host group of Internet
served by some organization (provider).
WEB (World Wide Web)- for work with WWW
Mail – for receiving and transmitting the mail
FTP (file transfer protocol) – for file storage which are used for client download
NNTP (network news transfer protocol) – for teleconferencing- and news service
DNS (domain name system) – for converting the letter (domain) addresses into IP-addresses

Слайд 5

Point 2. The main principles of network

No rules and limits to presentation

Point 2. The main principles of network No rules and limits to
of information
Information interchange between all the computers
No limits to computer type and OS
No hierarchy between PC connected to the Internet

Слайд 6

Point 2. The main principles of network

Every computer connected has its IP-address.

Point 2. The main principles of network IP-addressing Every computer connected has
is a group of numbers (dotted decimal or octat). A dotted decimal is 1 byte of 32-bits address and cannot be more then 255.
The 32-bits address has 2 parts: net number and host number.

Слайд 7

Point 2. The main principles of network
Dynamic address is an IP-address given

Point 2. The main principles of network Dynamic address is an IP-address
automatic and used during limited time period.
For example,

Слайд 8

Point 2. The main principles of network

Domain addressing
Domain address (URL – uniform

Point 2. The main principles of network Domain addressing Domain address (URL
resource locater) is a symbol (letter) group of domains with points.
There is a hierarchy. The 1.st level domain is the last one. It is an organization type or country. The 2.nd level domain is often an organization activity character. The 3.d level domain is a computer name (gov, mil, edu, com, org, net)
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