Слайд 2

Russian kitchen is one of the most popular and widely spread

Russian kitchen is one of the most popular and widely spread in
in the world.
Разнообразие супов традиционно для России. Наиболее известными являются щи, борщ, уха, окрошка, рассольник. Супы всегда играли важную роль в русской кухне.

Слайд 3

Variety of soups is traditional for Russia. The most known are

Variety of soups is traditional for Russia. The most known are schi,
schi, borsch, ukha, okroshka, rassolnik. Soups have always
played an important
role in the Russian

Слайд 4

Pelmeni is one more famous Russian dish. Small balls from minced meat

Pelmeni is one more famous Russian dish. Small balls from minced meat
are wrapped into dough made of flour and eggs and then boiled in salted water

Слайд 5

The most popular Russian national salads are vinegret and “dressed herring”.

The most popular Russian national salads are vinegret and “dressed herring”.

Слайд 6

Pancakes is a traditional Russian dish. Pancakes may be served with

Pancakes is a traditional Russian dish. Pancakes may be served with sweet
sweet or savory filling or with butter, sour cream, caviar, fresh fruit.

Слайд 7

A well-known Russian national beverage is kvass. Traditionally it used to be

A well-known Russian national beverage is kvass. Traditionally it used to be
made of malt, rye bread and fresh water.
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