- 3. How Can We Get to Australia? The total distance from Moscow, Russia to Sydney, Australia is
- 4. Your travel direction from Moscow to Sydney is East (93 degrees from North). Travel Time: 18
- 5. Time difference When you are in Sydney, subtract: ■ 1 hour to find local time in
- 6. During your flight to Sydney you will stop at Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong or Bangkok
- 7. GEOGRAPHY Australia is considered to be the smallest of seven continents and the sixth biggest state.
- 8. Australia is extremely close to other island nations. To the north are: Papa New Guinea, Indonesia
- 9. National parks Australia has over 500 national parks. Over 28 million hectares of land is designated
- 10. Australia is the flattest and (after Antarctica) the driest of conti-nents. Huge areas of land are
- 11. Mountain ranges run from north to south along the east coast, reaching their highest point in
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